Godzilla laughs at his pain.
These photos make LA look comfy as fuck
>Amount of blacks dying in Chicago over the summer is triple that of the shooting
>Cry over dead wypipo
Is Jimmy one of us?
So, some dude put up three placards and you celebrate it like the second coming of Christ?
when I saw jimmy kimmel crying over the shooting (and it didn't look fake), I felt there was something wrong with me
do most people really feel moved to the point of tears over this?
my bet is that these reddit mods will delete this thread
>some dude
obviously OP
he is a propaganda agent
It's just "look at what a decent person I am, I am moved by suffering"
empathy is a meme made up by the liberal jew elite to jew us out of our countries and replace us with nigger cuck cuck jew
Sabo at it again
While crying on national tv just like that is pretty gay, I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics trumpfags would do if for whatever reason he cried over some shit
Going to bet 100% this is astroturfing payed for by Kochs or something.
Despite the memes, this is unironically true.
Nah, he forgot the part about how jews also created emotions as a weakness crutch for the white man so jewnigger nigger nigger nigger jew nigger could reign supreme niggernigger
Kimmel is going to run for office. Mark my words. And the liberals will eat his shit all the way there.
59 people died in senseless violence that possibly could have been prevented. It's normal to feel empathy and grief over the immense loss of life.
Of course, the popular thing here to do is pretend like we're above it all, so yeah, you're a faggot if you feel bad about people dying I guess.
What's wrong with crying?
I read comments like yours and I start thinking that maybe there's something to be said for eugenics. Which is precisely what you want. Gotta give Sup Forumstards some credit.
>empathy is a synonym for tears
how's american public education treating you
I don't think it's that. This is just the way the world is, but we don't have a TV show where we either have to be funny or try and show we're still human. Which he isn't, Jew shill
Apparently they do. I don't understand it personally. No one I know was involved in that shooting or even within a hundred miles of Las Vegas when it happened so the amount of sadness I'm able to feel about it is limited.
I feel nothing
lol I didn't even know 49 people died in that gay bar last year. Seems people forgot about it quick. They will only remember this latest one for longer because Trump was POTUS when it happened.
Kimmel cried over Cecil the Lion, kind of undercuts crying about a shooting
Looks like a normal city in any 1st world country
Doesn't seem like much of a political statement when all you're doing is making fun of a guy for being overly sensitive.
but seriously all he does is cry now
I can't remember anything specific, but I feel like every time I hear about Kimmel it's because he cried about something.
> immense loss of life
nothing immense about 59 people
>tears are always insincere because I'm incapable of a full range of emotion
>that possibly could have been prevented
How? The guy was rich, had no criminal record or record of mental illness, and he had a mixture of legal and illegal firearms.
w w what if he wore a dress.... drupf btfo
ban all guns and it would've been prevented xD
Maybe we should just cry constantly every day because people are dying all the time.
also he would have just rented a truck and killed people like in Nice, France
Like he's any different than any of the other non-threatening "males" hosting a late night talk show. He's just one of the modern castrati being used to shill their SJW bullshit.
Fuck that dude.
The best prevention is getting rid of, or making people aware of the elite who use broken individuals like kimmel to push their soul-sucking authoritarian and collectivist hive mind idea of a nation
Honestly, weak sauce.
kys turkroach
I couldn't care less. 50 people die in Chicago every weekend and you hear nothing about it, but 50 white people die and the liberal mouthpieces are in tears. That tells me all I need to know about how much "human" life is valued by the msm.
MAGAts are the kings of mental gymnastics.
>white people aren't human
kys cuck
Yo, what if Dagobert Blompf... He peed his pants. Like wouldn't that be embarrassing? Think about it...
I literally said the opposite. These liberal fags cry and bawl their eyes out when whites die and make grand pronouncements about the value of human life but literally do not care when blacks die. They're racist hypocrites
>fake tears
>2 mins later he pushes his anti blumpf and NRA agenda
Liberals are absolutely disgusting
Crying about things you have no control over is a symptom of having ovaries or enough extra estrogen to mimic having them.
>racism is bad
like I said, kill yourself
>haha you are a little girly man
That's all these are, they have no real bite to them
t. butthurt gungrabber
>it's ok to politicize it because I cried
lol 'Murica
Be quiet Jimmy
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Kimmel saw the partial negative reaction to crying he is getting and put these up himself so that he could rebuke himself and look even more righteous than his detractors
Those right wing street artists really roasted Kimmel. Crying like a fucking wussy.
I actually hated the right on this case and the whole NFL kneeling players should be fired one.
But he was a Muslim after all so they were right?
jesus fucking christ, you suck
why would anyone roast a guy that ridicules himself for a living?
I'm pretty sure it's that Sabo guy
This. Being shot to death by a stranger is part and parcel of living in the US of A.
A complete lack of empathy is a symptom of sociopathy or autism. Either way it would probably be best for society if you were interned at a camp somewhere.
>actually paying a print shop for this just because the tv comedy man told obama to come back into office and grab muh guns
You are all missing the point here. Jimmy's crying is going to take him all the way to the top. He is using his platform for political reasons and he will crush it thanks to America being filled with raging cucks.
>a bunch of (allegedly) grown men pulling this teenage "FEELINGS R FOR GURLZ" shit
yes, keep riding that wave of repression and bitterness all the way to the happy and meaningful life you'll surely build for yourself
t. women
Yeah, fucking yeah dude!
Only fucking pussy fucking chicks cry about stuff or show weakness when they're upset
Fucking chicks
when did kimmel get so preachy?
>youre a fucking nerd virgin for calling out my baseless appeal to emotion arguments for gun control!
>Muh son
>reddit spacing
>white knighting
way to break the stereotype
>doesn't know what white knighting is
>shitposts anyway
lurk moar faggot
this is even weaker than the colbert posts. You guys are reaching so hard for a BTFO right now.
He's not political. He's a puppet.
He's reading of a teleprompter. He's rehearsed his speech all morning.
(((Chuck Schumer))) wrote it for him.
>look it up
>youre a fucking nerd virgin
i actually just called you a teenager, but i guess that's where your mind went for no reason whatsoever, right?
just wait til you get out of high school, men will eventually settle down and stop policing each other's emotions and just be normal adult people
t. person in high school
>sticks up for women
>not white knighting
You're in over your head bra
No it doesn't. Kimmel realizes man's propensity for violence suggests we lack the capacity to rise above our animal origins. He weeps because we are damned from birth.
You can have emotions without being a whiney pussy like Kimmel
he weeps because he is a pussy faggot promoting a faggot agenda.
today he is promoting their agenda of taking away guns
>these retarded posters actually triggered people on Sup Forums
No, he weeps for the attention on his NATIONWIDE TV show
>that reading comprehension
I know you kids think it's cool to pretend to be retarded on the chan, but you're overplaying your hand here
haha, yeah, bro reddit fucking sucks too!
we get each other
>Oh fuck, didn't Alex Jones very recently warn of an impending false flag??
I kek'd
They actually were, but somehow forgot anyone can be part of ISIS.
if you don't want to be called out for being a white night beta bitch, just don't do it
everyone loses, my neck hurts from excessive cringing
Remember, no matter how much you white knight and champion womens rights on the internet, she will not sleep with you.
t. person who only knows stupid emotionally stunted adults
samefagging wont help you