Italy bros,
I have spent several years in your country. I have witnessed gangs, child pick pockets (I ended up punching a kid in the face for the first time in my life), shitty cab drivers(every fucking one had a "broken" meter), and lots of trash everywhere. What's going on in Italy?!
Bonus points: should italy stay united? Where is the new border? Burn Sicily?
Italy bros
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>I have witnessed gangs, child pick pockets (I ended up punching a kid in the face for the first time in my life), shitty cab drivers(every fucking one had a "broken" meter), and lots of trash everywhere.
You just described Rome/Napoli.
Where did you live? btw sicily is bad but Naples is worse.
That sounds like N*poli alright. I feel bad for you, for you seem to have experienced only the absolute worst our country had to offer.
>punching a kid face
Was he a gypsy? Good job
u should exterminate them
Probabily a gypsy kid. Murrican user risked his life though. Try hitting a gypsy and 5 minutes later you will have on you all his extended family armed with knives.
I live in Romagna and never had any of those issues.
You picked the wrong place to stay burger bro, try to avoid huge cities unless for turism or few exceptions (Torino, Trieste, Trento, and some other northern cities)
Puts Torino in the same bask of Trieste and Trento. Torino is a hellhole full of terroni and immigrants, with awful weather and polluted. The only good thing is its traffic is not so bad.
Heh we still get less crime in a year than Chicago in a weekend so...
formia area.
No, I spent time elsewhere. But a lot of the locals in more obscure locations wouldn't seat me at restaurants because of the language barrier(they were older). I mean. I guess I would say that non-cities were nice. But to exclude every city in the south half of your country is... idk.
>inb4 mentioning americas south.
I'm from Texas. Our cities are awesome if you can ignore the liberal propaganda.
If I were to go back where would you say to travel too?
He looked like an Italian version of a nigger. Like how some Mexicans have much more native than Spaniard.
much more native than Spaniard *in them*
Formia... those are Neapolitans basically. LOL poor user... also that is the area where Camorra they buries in the fields all kind of toxic wastes. Good luck with you health.
Depends entirely on what you want. If you like beaches there's Sardinia, which doesn't have nearly as much crime as the rest of the south. If you like art there's Tuscany.
i am a white terrone living in a small ass town , the people are so hostile and it's full of darkies who aren't even immigrants
i swear if i get a gun in my hands im gonna genocide this city
Out of huge towns it's the best you can get
how did you end up in Italy?
>He looked like an Italian version of a nigger.
I'm positively sure he was a """"""""""romanian"""""""""" .
>northerners think they are masterrace
>keep giving free shit to southerners for nothing in return like a bunch of slaves
A childhood friend left for Italy, Naples in 2005, he was 13.
He was kind, good and funny, dressed like a normal human being, did some bad stuff with the rest of us but nothing to out of place.
I have found him on Facebook couple of months ago.
He is all buffed up, full of tatoos, having a plastic bimbo GF and some really shady friends, who looked like mafia goons.
He dressed mostly with jerseys, and had huge sunglasses even inside.
Is this what Naples does to people?
It's because you look funny and you literally ask people to rip you off that's why.
Tuo nonno era di bergamo alta o di bergamo bassa?
All that matters is kek
It was a smelly gypsy, good job
Valle d'Aosta...Sud Tyrol...literally the richest regions of Italy taking more money than what they pay...fuck muh ethnic minorities
I'm pretty sure Romanians look and behave the same
>Is this what Naples does to people?
Why are romanians such niggers? They go around with gaudy modified cars listening to trashy eurobeat.
>Valle d'Aosta
Che terroni di merda
Nothing against Italians specifically but I love the meme of "Wow sounds like X city" or "Stay away from this region"
As if you admitting it sucks and staying away from it somehow doesn't make it part of your country
People admitting that big cities (which hold a disproportionate amount of the population) are bad but then talk about how great their country is
I see Americans doing the same. Oh just stay out of California, New York, the South, etc. when they're holding like half of the population
And as if their little meth town in the middle of nowhere is so great
>chiama altre persone terroni
>othing against Italians specifically but I love the meme of "Wow sounds like X city" or "Stay away from this region"
>As if you admitting it sucks and staying away from it somehow doesn't make it part of your country
>People admitting that big cities (which hold a disproportionate amount of the population) are bad but then talk about how great their country is
>I see Americans doing the same. Oh just stay out of California, New York, the South, etc. when they're holding like half of the population
>And as if their little meth town in the middle of nowhere is so great
Poor user thinks the things about Naples are just a meme, meh :D
Romagna is literally the best place in Italy to be honest
But you see, for us italians is normal to say that. We know how it works and we know how to stay out of trouble.
Foreigners, especially americans, seem not to take precautions when going abroad.
It's like when you are going to the bad part of town and you get robbed by niggers. We know where our niggers and don't go there.
I know it's hard to understand for you, since you have no history, but our regions had different cultures and development.
You can't say that Neaples is a reppresentative experience of italy, since we have a shitload of different things to offer, just like any other country in the world.
It like if i said:
Wow, America is a shithole, 80% of people are black, economy is shit, crime is unbereable and everything looks like Haiti after the earthquake.
Without mentioning i was in Detroit.
No, what I'm saying is that disregarding the area doesn't make it disappear. If Naples/Sicily/Southern Italy sucks, you (meaning Italians in general) can't talk about how great your country is when half of it blows. Same applies to every other nationality.
I got on the raft like everyone else in your country.
>can't talk about how great your country is when half of it blows.
Sounds like the US
Italy sucks, it's full of corruption, without terronia it could be a good country though, what a pity.
Italian education at its finest. America is way more diverse than Italy.
Your post makes no sense anyways since I would concede America sucks IF I was one of the people who made sweeping generalizations about huge parts of the country
But I know not all of California sucks, not all of the South, NYC, etc
Your region may be great, but if you admit that half the country sucks, that means the place as a whole isn't great
Yes, to some. You must have missed the last sentence of that post.
>merica is way more diverse than Italy.
>Your post makes no sense anyways since I would concede America sucks IF I was one of the people who made sweeping generalizations about huge parts of the country
>But I know not all of California sucks, not all of the South, NYC, etc
T. terronian diaspora
Could you argue that a unified Italy is not natural? That this is why some parts of Italy are poop?
>Your region may be great, but if you admit that half the country sucks, that means the place as a whole isn't great
Why, unless i live there the fact that a region of my country is shit doesn't make my life any worse other than paying a bit more taxes to pay for their corruption
i'm not making generalizations, of course there are good and bad people everywhere, and every place has something that is worth to be seen.
By going into certain places you have simply high chances to have a shit time, like walking into a ghetto wearing a KKK costume, or being a turist in southern Italy.
>Could you argue that a unified Italy is not natural?
Italy is still a bunch of tribes who hate each other.
> That this is why some parts of Italy are poop?
Terronia is mostly poop, big cities are poop, industrial areas can be poop, smaller /medium cities in the north are your best bet.
"Italy is a geographical expression"
I like the way it is, we have to some extend common language and common culture, we should just learn how to appreciate our differences and stop attacking each other over dumb shit.
>we should just learn how to appreciate our differences and stop attacking each other over dumb shit.
Calabrians are niggers though
I don't even know what Terronian is but obviously you're trying to say I'm Italian, I'm not.
>Could you argue that a unified Italy is not natural
Fuck no.
>Doesn't know what terroni are
>writes on an Italian thread
It is said that the Brutii people were the serfs of Lucani. They were literally the Lucania's niggers.
who the fuck are you to judge, kid?
just fucking stay in your filthy murica and never come in europe again.
Südtirol ist Deutsche!
How hard is it for an American goy to move to Veneto, probably Verona? All I know of the language is what I picked up from classical singing.
those welfare leeches will never leave Italy unfortunately, they take too much money cause "muh minorities"
go eat some shit braindead murifat
HAHAHAHA good one user.
>How hard is it for an American goy to move to Veneto, probably Verona?
You'd fit right in with the locals alcoholics.
Just remember Verona is in Veneto. Veneti are the terroni of the north.
does austria even give a fuck about them ?
Verdict on Milan or Sardinia-Piedmont in general? Wanted to go see AC play at some point but not sure if it's been compromised.
I lived in it for 24 years, the last 5 of which in Turin, and never witnessed any of that with the exception of some small trash issues. You must have lived in some seriously shit areas.
>America is way more diverse than Italy.
thanks for the laugh
No it's not natural or no you won't argue that.
>gets attacked, mugged, and ripped off.
>complains about it.
>time passes. realize that it was the location.
>Muslim frog tells me to fuck off.
What... I- What? lol
American education....
Also wtf is AC? Milan? Milan belongs to China now sadly.
>No it's not natural or no you won't argue that.
The concept of Italia and it's unity go back to ancient Rome, when the peninsula was unified for 500 years or so under Rome, and it would've stayed so if it wasn't for the v*tican. There's a reason why throughout the middle ages the concept was kept alive until in modernity during the Risorgimento it was pushed for it.
It was a thing even before Rome
They were culturally enriched by gypsies.
>American education
Yeah, I learned about your golden age HRE past, nigger. Sue me.
And AC Milan is a football team
I'm thinking it was my consistent buisness trips to Napoli that put a bad taste in my mouth. I was disproportionately south bound for the majority of my stay. I have no idea why south Italy is underperforming financially. Is it the gangs? I've been told many time by Italians that the mafia runs the show never fully knowing which ones were saying it jokingly.
What are you talking about? We have the most diversity. All loaded in different calibers and grain.
>"come to Italia, see oura ancient historical culture-a"
>every instance of observable, tangible Roman artefacture is infested with gypsies selling roses, kids selling cans of Coke for€5 a pop, bastard Itaslian selling tshirt and postcards and snowglobes
Excpet for Ostia, because it's shit
Fuck Italy
I'd say there's a few factors, namely geography (lack of good markets in proximity to it) and history (feudal economy based on agriculture, repressive state halting any possible change for ~700 years). As someone else already said, the South was fucked by pope.
Mafia is a big problem, of course, but even in places with no mafia in the south the economy isn't good.
it's a combination of things that go back to issues of unification, the mafia after all really starts as a sort of shadow government as s. Italians found themselves pretty much alone after the conquerors removed their historical rulers
as the cancer didn't get chemo early on, it spread and it became harder and harder to attack with time, and since the central state really never made a huge effort to remove it(with the possible exception of Fascist Italy), it's so ingrained in the people it has its effects, one of which is that the south was never fully industrialized while the north has been hugely industrial
Pretty much rome constantly but even in formia I would see plenty of those walking into bars to sell roses. just piss off.
I'm spending my Italy money I just robbed in Romania.
Can I be a disgusting gypsy here as well user? :^/
south italy is eastern-europe tier
I just love being a disgusting gypsy, I put my hand in your pocket and I get all the money I need, I fuck your wife and you raise my child cause i don't use protection cause I'm stupid.
Why does Italy have money in Romania?
Nigeria have the same issue, they export street prostitutes basically.
punctuation is bad
>I just robbed, in Romania
Yea we pimp romanian girls and they are living better than the factory workers back home being exploited at 12h/day including Saturday with 200euro salary
We are the neets but with money and hot pussy and you sjw are so buttmad, it's so funny!
I haven't seen this much Italian representation on a thread since Italy sank migrants. I swear you guys hide in the wood works till something relevant to Italy then shows up.
Are you proud of that?
It's gold we left when we conquered Italy under the Roman Empire.
Been to Milan recently. It was great but you guys charge a lot for museums and stuff.
Btw, is it true that you get best pizza and espresso in Napoli?
thats Aosta
Pizza is the same everywhere in the South. I'm not a fucking foodie so I can't tell if there are slight differences.