A literal meme on an obscure Japanese image board has made it on international television.

>What a fucking time to be alive

Praise Kek.

Other urls found in this thread:

How can anyone take CNN seriously

You mean this isn't the Mongolian fly-fishing appreciation forum?

praise kek

next they'll be explaining what praise kek means.

Braise kek xDDD look he got repeating digits wtf kek is real ;dDDDD

Fucking kill yourself retarded reddit niggers.

Can't wait until Drumpf loses so all of you can fuck off back where you came from.

Your trips laugh at you, cuck.

That's actually sad. I don't even know what alt right is.

>t. Reddit

You'll apologize to kek if you know what's good for ya

Nice trips bro. Thanks kek

Anything to move on from the Hillary collapse


an indy bookstore


Why do i always get repeating digits when i am trying to debunk this kek myth?

Fuck off kek, you are not real.

Your fault. You bombed them to cuckdom.

praise kek

Praise Pepe!

KEK noticed you and is making fun of you, PRAISE KEK.

NBC did it too

Hate to burst your bubble but Sup Forums has been in the news for years. Mainly for hacking. I dunno if this is the first time a specific meme got mentioned.

You didn't build that.

t. Obongo


Dammit wrong board, where's ROAR/pol/
Link please

u dun it nao arry porrer

POOLS CLOSED, lulz (a corruption of el-oh-el), lolcats, and others have been on the news.

kek, it's almost like he's trying to tell you something


lol kek



praise kek

Rolling for KEK

Kek fires a warning shot

Next time you blaspheme Kek the power of the trips will come after you and your family.

I've reviewed this tape dozens of times and it reveals some very disconcerting issues. First it appears that Ms. Clinton was suffering an anoxic event (low blood oxygen affecting the brain) which could have been due to pneumonia, an embolism, or other cause. Alternatively, this could have been a centrally mediated neurologic issue unrelated to anoxia such as a seizure, hydrocephalus (excess fluid on the brain - which can develop after a blood clot). Could dehydration led to a seizure or further embolic event? Certainly. But what was more concerning was that she was taken to Chelsea's apartment rather than a hospital suggesting that this is a recurrent condition rather than an acute episode. Clearly, she is unwell and there is more to the story.

kek is coming for you, CTR shill


too bad nobody will see us

This is what you get for mocking Kek

>How can anyone take CNN seriously

because Ted Turner muh guidestones

wait till they find out who Pepe really is!

You think this is KEK's way of going mainstream? What is the MADGOD up to?

Kek wills it otherwise


I guess we got pepe back, boys.
When will TV talk about a popular pagan cult in the alt-right and cite Kek with the whole world to see?

How was a site full of neets and autistic people influenced the america election this badly lmao? Is this just some big prank like what


>taking a Cambodian videogame blog seriously


Paypay, as in the tumblr frog?

it's the power of Kek. He has chosen us, the time-rich and dedicated, to be his army

>mfw niggers Twitter tards and celebs get butthurt they cant use Pepe anymore because it's associated with white nationalism

Truly today is a great day

I don't know how anyone can be all "internet is affecting real life zomg" at this point like it's some extraordinary thing at this point in time. To say that online goingson affect elections has been true for a long ass time. This is the site that made Rick Astley relevant or made Tay Zonday a household name. How can you think it's amazing that pepe is on the mainstream news at this point.

Sorry, no.

And the real conspiracy leaders hang out over in /po/ anyway; they just get the media to blame Sup Forums.

>they still don't know Pepe is the avatar of Kek

that can't be real.

wtf i hate donald jr and racist frogs now

Sup Forums is not automatically alt right

you cannot be alt right without being
A) an ethno-nationalist
B) aware of the JQ

We need to go futher Sup Forums. The mainstream is catching up.

Checked. Kek is on your side.

Why would the noble Kek lower himself to the level of a mortal? You think Kek expects an apology? conceited is what you are, mortal


Sorry my low IQ neo-nazi friend. Alt right goes beyond you fringe idiots.

>trump loses
you cant lose when your opponent is dead.

It's been almost exactly 10 years since Fox covered the evils of memes and Sup Forums

Coincidentally it's been 9 years and 10 months since I started coming to this hell hole.

I'm sure OP is just happy to see how relevant we've been this year since it's been downhill since 08.


Is kek real?

I need a youtube video of this.

>praises Kek for the lulz
>Kek answers

Of course kek is real

He is with us.



praise kek!

Yes Kek is very real. Hence why he gave you those numbers


Yes he is

I just cracked up a few minutes ago watching CNN. They were talking about the Trump campaign having used a "racist mascot" LOL! They were talking about the alt right blah blah. Man do they ever look stupid when they try talking about the internet and things like that which people under 70 years old do.

I guess there's a difference between "and finally..." news and presidential election pundits seriously talking about a racist cartoon frog.

This is fucking awesome.

>"And no one knows why the masters keep them around"
This 1995 card game is talking about those who collect pepe images



Why didn't you make a post again right away quoting yourself and saying this? You Serbs are this close to having an amusing meme attached to your flag.

Clinton News Network is pulling out all the stops today, TO COVER UP THE BITCH AND HER MEDICAL (((EPISODE))) YESTERDAY

same old vulture media bullshit.

literally making up things are not true and reporting them as facts, THE LEFT ladies and gentlemen at there finest

pepe a white nationalist symbol??? ARE YOU SMOKING BBC? its not even close to a white nationalist symbol you fucking retards.



Please let Trump beat all the others


dies anyone?

For the past couple years it's been a term used around various political and cultural commentary blogs for rejectionist right-wingers. Basically anyone who walked away from the official cucksevative line completely but still was a right winger of some stripe. Since that was the only common point it was a pretty eclectic group.

Now, with the rallying point of Donald Trump on the national scene and liberal's openly naming them, the alt right is condensing from a catch-all term to being a brand unto itself. Not sure exactly what it's gonna turn into yet though.




For fuck's sake, there is no alt right movement. It's a meme created by the media. We aren't even remotely organized, have no specific goals, and just spend our time shitposting on the Internet. If we count as a movement, then so does I Can Haz Cheesburger and the Charlie Bit My Finger video. Milo is a fucking coat tail rider trying to milk as much shekels out of our imagined existence as possible. Also, posting on Twitter our Sup Forums shit is degenerate and playing into the hands of the media so that way they can make us into a bogey man.

>kek confirmed

So does this mean that all those celebrities who stole pepe are now considered white nationalists?

stop denying it, faggot

Now is not the to let up. We must hit critical mass.

Kek, you rekt yourself faggot

>tfw no awoo on CNN

>For fuck's sake, there is no alt right movement. It's a meme created by the media.

No it was created by liberals on the internet to describe anyone who disagrees with them.

They can not argue their points and had no idea how to deal with us so they created a term for us so they could label and marginalize us and paint with the same tired old broad brush anyone else they disagree with as "alt-right" and therefore a Nazi

It is the old LABEL AND LIBEL tactic they have been using for decades

Is OP's image shopped? There's no way an industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year in lucrative advertising revenue is staying up at night over a cartoon frog that most Americans don't even know exists.

Who gives a fuck what people on the electric Jew say. Television is going the way of the radio. A relic.