How do you decide what is right and what is wrong?
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By checking these digits
You fucking think about and u chose the path that fits ur subjective morals which are whatever u seem will cause the least harm to others or basically just the most efficient way
Rationality. Conversation with others to get perspectives. Not hard user.
I use my brain and see how people react when I do something. My parents educated me properly so I have a basic moral code that I built upon based on others reactions
Its just a feeling and nothing else. Right or wrong doesnt exist.
the terms "right" and "wrong" are a social construct
>I need an imaginary being to tell me how to live my life
Morality is whatever you can get away with.
Why cause least harm? What if your subjective morality is to maximize suffering.
There is no absolute right or wrong, only objective truths. I don't need a sky fairy to tell me what to do and not do, I'm not that weak like you.
Why do you need a made up sky fag to tell you what's right and wrong?
Your parents are sociopaths
>I need imagernary laws to tell me how to live
You see how retarded you are?
How does rationality tell you what's right and wrong unless you have some sort of axiom about what's good and bad.
Kek, that's a possibility given his description.
>i need to strawman people to feel better about myself.
"Debt" is a social construct too, but that doesn't mean your country can just choose to ignore it.
Oh, wait..
>There is no absolute right or wrong, only objective truths.
wtf. What's the difference between absolute and objective.
>I don't need a sky fairy to tell me what to do and not do, I'm not that weak like you.
You listen to shlomo so by proxy you are.
It comes from my parents teaching me right from wrong and the knowledge that doing bad things to others will result in bad things happening to me. If your only moral compass is some incorrectly translated ancient book with a million atrocities contained within, I think you better find a new "Gotcha!".
Since whites suffer from pathological altruism they are capable of differentiating between good and bad using the collective effect on the surrounding population.
You must be non-white or this would be fucking obvious, return to the church pls
He meant legal laws not natural laws.
The will of the kube
>checks id
makes sense.
Objective truths?!??!
Check out the psychologist big shot...
Go live in a cut off african cannablistic tribe who are fine with fucking 9 year olds in season because its objectively fine by them...
God is only one bolster for moral insecurity, like any other.
Right and Wrong was built by Christianity in the west. Atheists think they are so smart that they don't need religion to have morals and virtues, but they only think that because they are piggybacking off of thousands of years of Religion.
I was an atheist in the dark, but Kek opened my eyes!
Yet you probably fap to "2dpd" and trannies. I can smell an /r9k/ fag from a mile away.
>wtf. What's the difference between absolute and objective*?*
I suggest you go back to high school kid. If you genuinely don't know then this sort of debate is beyond you.
>You listen to shlomo so by proxy you are
Are you even trying anymore?
At least know what you're addressing and try to refrain from fallacious statements.
Legal laws you dumb fuck
It's obvious here atheists just copy their morals from others, as multiple answers here have said. So if they weren't copying Christians they would literally copy whatever moral code was there, be it Islam or cannibalism or whatnot. Atheists confirmed for culture less cucks
they don't, atheists are either liberal extremists "hurrr everything is ok, don't bully!" or conservative extremists "hurr its ok to kill your own population and use slave labor, we are god now!"
There are really no exceptions. The reason atheists side with Islam is because their views are overall agreeable. Islam could help usher in their ideal society.
Atheism is entirely disagreeable with Christian morality. And you will never find an atheist who shares a common outlook.
They will either
>be a purple haired obese faggot who disagrees because "morality is oppressive dude!"
>be a communist who disagrees because "lel sky daddies are dumb, its beneficial to exercise population control, lies/manipulation/removal of free will, and slaves"
I look at what the dubs say.
Do whatever, try to live by the golden rule, do no harm, never censor myself or others. Has gotten me pretty far desu senpai
>Objective truths?!??!
Yes, do you need a safe soace? What's wrong with the fact of objective truths? Any real counter?
>Check out the psychologist big shot...
I don't know who "the" psychologist is but there are many different ones whom believe different things. Your point?
>Go live in a cut off african cannablistic tribe who are fine with fucking 9 year olds in season because its objectively fine by them...
Doesn't sound too different from the UK where Muslims rape lil girls because it's objectively fine by them, the parents, and the government.
Any real argument that uses logos?
Good goy
They aren't imaginary you dumb fuck
when i do/ am about to do something wrong my conscience lets me know
Are all atheists this dense and autustic?
People aren't rational. Look at the prisoner's dilemma, for example.
>laws about female consent
>not imaginary
>implying right and wrong exist
If you break the law you suffer the consequences. The laws are made by people and governed by those the people elect.
Then there's this old book by Jews and Arabs talking about virgin born childs and talking snakes that is filled with error and hypocrisy that tells me how to live my life.
Are all religious people this childish and ill tempered?
Atheists are such fucking pussies
If I didn't believe in God i would have already blown Hillary's face off with a slug round
If the law is made and enforced it isn't imaginary. But an autist can't get that, eh?
>If I didn't have a imaginary sky fairy I'd murder someone
There you go folks.
pay denbts
Are you the same user who said he doesn't need other people telling him how to live? Fuck you are dense
>the only reason I have morals is fear
And you have the nerve to call someone else a pussy.
I don't need an imaginary being. The fact that you and everyone arguing your point is so baffled and unable to actually debate in a non sjw fashion is proof of your density.
They use their feels
>atheists will try to defend this
I check digits.
Also, I follow basic moral logics. I try to treat people the way I want to be treated. I avoid avoidable decisions that might hurt people. I try to see everyone's perspective on things. I make my own priorities clear to myself. I try to be polite irl.... Etc. I just think and choose the path that best fits my moral values. I don't really need a book to tell myself what those are, although they do help.
No right no wrong."Usefull to me" and "accurate at least"
>Atheism is the best haha
Then you're mentally ill since human beings are naturally inclined to minimise suffering of the species.
I don't need an imaginary friend or an ancient jew book to teach me how to not be a piece of shit.
If you do then you're a waste of flesh.
Why are religious people on this board so insecure about their belief that they have to make this thread every day and lose every discussion?
That's not an atheist problem, that's a libtard problem
>cherry picking
Haha, you sure showed them user.
Last I checked religious nations (Especially Catholic) were also ultra-cucked.
Crisis of faith perhaps?
>I don't need an imaginary being telling me how to live but Peter down the street says I have to let him fuck my wife so I'll let him cause it's the law!
You are autustic
Only thing you are showing here is a correlation between poverty and religiosity these days.
Also, Bulgaria is most definitely not 85% orthadox. About 10% are muslims, and probably about 30% are atheists. I dont know where you got your number from, maybe it measured people who celebrate christian holidays, but thats more tradition and culture, and less faith.
Because you wouldn't want to be casually walking in the street and get stabbed, so why would you do it to somebody else?
Right can't exist without wrong, good can't exist without bad. They're the same thing, God is indifferent between the two. Do what thou wilt.
>implying the two are unrelated
ha ha HA
Try not to strawman or ad hom and actually form a coherent argument kiddo. I'll be waiting.
Not being a sociopath
This pretty much sums it up
Define bad and good.
>Good is everything that makes us stronger, and bad everything that weakens us.
Inb4 edglerd.
I used to be an atheist. Since I saw what happened to Hillary I have become a devote follower of of Kek and his Meme Magic!
>atheists are too stupid to realize mass subjective morality leads to widespread degeneracy
Thanks for destroying western civilization by being the useful idiots
pure ideology
>God exists
>right and wrong is imperatively objective
>God is illusory
>right and wrong is subjective at best
Ask wheather it serves your nation and people
>implying Jews aren't actively trying to sabotage YOU
>Let's ignore leftism and religions such as Islam and Judaism and focus on a minority with no significant impact whilst the last Christ cuck regions willing give up their countries because they're lil bitches.
Lol okay.
Just because I'm an atheist doesn't mean I don't value culture. But project harder.
If you need a centuries old book to tell you how to live your life, you're not ready for independent thought
Subjective morality =/= morality is irrelevant.
When people are taught well, raised well and shown that "good" actions are in their best interest, then you don't need a sky fairy to tell you what is wrong and right.
The latter. Until the former has evidence of existing I will not choose it over logic. Also "right and wrong" are better determined by objectivity rather than subjectivity.
>What?! Your parents didn't indoctrinate you into believing fairy tales? How do you even live?
Religion's only value was making white men kill non-white men and now that's gone.
Right and wrong are morality spooks.
If we had Crusades going I'd join as a doubting Thomas.
44 praise kek
>Last I checked religious nations (Especially Catholic) were also ultra-cucked.
Except they arent, because the last ultra religious Christian nations were the uncucked versions of your currently "liberated" dying nations. Catholics and Christians kept the Muslims out for hundreds of years and now the ultra religious Muslims are taking it from you, we also kept the woman in the kitchen, the societies free from invaders, and you are undoing it all.
>not seeing how atheist women are literally a societal cancer
>not understanding how matrimony and traditional values are held up by religion
>destroying this society by encouraging the "do whatever you want" philosophy
>mfw drugs are widespread thanks to you
>mfw all this shit started in the 60s from degenerate atheists
>mfw on the day of the rope you will be hanged by any religion in control because of your destructive and parasitic influences on western society
Kill yourself if you don't think this existence has any value
I laugh my ass off when atheist parents continue divorcing and being degenerate while all the Christians and Catholics have the most productive kids with stable homes.
Science changes every generation.
Religion is eternal.
I'd prefer the fairytale story, if not for my scientific indoctrination already.
nice memes, my meme-minded friends
So you will break the law and not let Pete fuck your wife?
BTW you are completely retarded if you don't know that there have been laws saying certain men are legally allowed to fuck other people's wives
>Religion is eternal.
Your "religion" has so many fucking doctrines and interpretations that I lost count of them, science is much more lasting than your fairy tales.
>Mexican intellectuals having their land owned by cultist drug dealers
Kek, people so get away with whatever they can unless they think a "sky fairy" is watching them
Utilitarian or Kantian ethics
You don't.
Kek and dubs do. My repeating digits confirm.
They use their surroundings and environment.
They're stupid and don't realize their surroundings are from a Christianity-based civilization.
stay pleb, paco