Why don't more politicians care about climate change?
This is Trump's weakest spot. Why does he ignore scientific facts that have been documented for decades (before "China" was even thinking of being a manufacturer)?
Why don't more politicians care about climate change?
This is Trump's weakest spot. Why does he ignore scientific facts that have been documented for decades (before "China" was even thinking of being a manufacturer)?
Other urls found in this thread:
>scientific facts
Good one user
Tbh the GOP's anti-science positions ruin it for me
Because those in (((power))) are fully informed that they can do fuck all about it. Species extinction is 500-1000 times the baseline. Agriculture is almost entirely fossil-fuel based. Each day bring even more human to the planet who want to live better than their forefathers.
>climate change
4/10 more subtle next time
But he's right.
You can have the strictest environmental laws in the world and it wouldn't change a damn thing because it's China and India who are the biggest polluters and they're not willing to risk their economic output.
Go do the math yourself if you don't believe it. All the information is out there
Anthropogenic climate change isn't based on science mate
Oh you bet, I'll just go take a look at those ((((Government)))) studies.
Meanwhile the polar ice sheets are at their highest point in 50 years
As if democrats aren't anti-science where it fits their political agenda, fucking please
try having any scientific discussion about homosexuality, race, iq, transgenderism, mental health in general. Let's not forget anti-vaccine is most common in vegan/hippie/liberal communities despite them wanting it to be a part of the "conspiracy theory right wing"
oh let's not forget the blatant lies they use for their global warming propaganda, literally last week they made a video claiming the ice was disappearing from the arctic when that has been disproved several times and dropped as an argument for you cooks already. Isn't that why it went from "new age ice incoming!" to "the earth is melting!" to "well something is changing just give me your money already!"?
They're throwing the baby out with the bathwater
Conservatives have thrown out the environment in their haste to oppose the Left, meanwhile Fascism effectively requires Environmentalism to succeed.
The blood and soil are linked and both must be preserved which makes it one of the greatest tragedies of our era that the Left has been able to claim ownership over the environment
The "fact" of global warming is naturally occurring.
The "concept" of global warming IS created and being fed to us by "experts", and it is this that he has directly denied in this very tweet. Logic wise he is challenging the people who speaks on global warming rather than the variables of global warming itself.
I am a scientist myself and I can tell you that "facts" and "concepts" are two very different thing, and to tangle the two together is a very grave error in the science community.
I rmemeber when I was in elementary and I learned the ice caps would be melted and there would be major flooding in all the big cities around the world and it would be the apocalypse, all by the year 2020.
We have four years to ramp up the temperatures, guys.
warm this shit up
Good goys. Keep breathing polluted air while (((they))) laugh at you for being their personal army.
Global emissions are a 3rd world problem and isn't going to be solved by 1st word countries crippling their economies
>Keep breathing polluted air
This coming from India
Global warming and climate change are two different things
record ice formation > try harder
Who's got the video of that climate change dindu getting BTFO by Ted fucking Cruz of all people?
He's appealing to the Republican base of science deniers. He knows about climate change. I doubt he would continue ignoring it in office.
He's right though.
99% of the people that speak about global warming are doing so for financial or political gain, and don't really give a shit about it.
Most of the global warming causes aren't even IN the US, and yet the US is the main place that legislation is being pushed for it. Do you think China or India are going to cripple their manufacturing to protect the environment?
Trump woke AF on this, go suck a kiwi, Frodo.
>Why don't more politicians care about climate change?
Politicians vote for what makes them money, not what makes sense.
after travelling overseas, the US has a long way before it can become half of the energy conservationists of the rest of the world.
its a long term issue, that people seem to want to solve in the short term.
and they dont realize the more they jame it down peoples throats, they more perturbed they get at it.
>Posts a picture of Trump talking about man-made global warming
> Claims he doesn't believe in climate change at all
The global environment has far too many factors to definitively say that global warming is caused by man. A paper at my university recently stated that termite farts contribute significantly more to gas in the evironment than people ever will.
To properly prove global warming is caused by man using science, you would need a controlled Earth without humans, and then an actual Earth. This will never happen and any other determination made by "scientists" or results-driven research-grant-fueled paper pushers is purely speculation. There is no scientific method to be applied.
Because it panders to the literal retards who plan on voting for him
Termites aren't a new factor though
Only man is a new factor and the current trend coincides perfectly with the industrial revolution
You should look into the growth of the termite population then. You really think humans are the only thing thats changed on the planet over the past few thousand years? That's ignorant as fuck. And regardless, your reply doesn't refute my main point in anyway.
I'm entirely for reducing pollution on the planet, but to say that we are single handedly ruining the entire billion-year-old planet over the past 200 years since the industrial revolution? How does that not seem farfetched to you?
Look up this paper if you actually care to make an argument. Sorry can't link on mobile.
Same. Fits the stereotype of illiterate inbred hicks they're pandering to.
When the GPS loses its anti-intellectual and anti-scientific edge, the Democrats will be in trouble.
Where's the math that shows climate change is actually going to be a major negative impact across society?
You faggots never seem to remember that Trump has always said he's flexible and adapts.
Perhaps he won't budge because the cries of FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP would be heard from space.
You treat him as if he's already president. Let that sink in for a while.
>go do the math
1 Carbon = 1 Temperature
1 People = 1 Carbon
8000000000 Peoples = 8000000000 Carbons = 8000000000 Temperatures
Shiiiieet we'll be lucky to see the year 2020 if the world doesn't become a giant ocean by then!
wtf is happening in northern quebec
Correlation =/= causation
No data proving man made climate chanhe exists. Temperature rise predates CO2 rise by 800 years. Its a natural cycle. Plus the earth has been much hotter than it is now while humans were on it. In the 70s there was an attempt at a global cooling panic.
Lawn care scientist who lives in his mothers basement
>climate change
Biggest shilling meme yet.
>replace your fixtures and appliances ($$$)
>taxed for driving a different car ($$$)
Like it or not shitlords, man made climate change is real and will destroy us all if we don't nuke ourselves.
Go ahead throw the whole muh 97% myth.
Sure, that's a statistic misreported and used without context by political stooges who want nothing more than to push their own energy agendas.
That doesn't change the fact that most climate scientists believe climate change is a problem.
>but muh special interests
Of course scientists who work with climate want to have more money and have relevant jobs. But guess what, they could say everything is fine and dandy and still have a job, hell, they'd probably make more money.
You want to talk about special interests? How about the fucking Koch brothers? Big oil has way more money to throw around than climate scientists. So who should I trust? The scientists whose job it is to tell us when we are fucking up, and clearly not as corrupt as their opponents? Or am I going to trust the guys who have waged wars in the middle east for over half of a century?
Which to pick which to pick, I'll go with the industry that literally profits from human greed and misery.
>muh solar cycles
No shitlords, again. The sun has way more power over the climate that we do, but when we promote warming while the sun is also in the process of heating, it's going to get a lot worse. The temperature rise we are experiencing is 8x faster than normal.
If fucking beavers can change the environment, we cant?
Are you fucking autistic?
Research the rate of global heating.
Research the effects of fossil fuel fertilizers and their use in excess (oceanic acidification).
Research the effects of human land use.
Research the current rate of extinction.
Research fucking fukushima.
Fucking carbon
Methane, and water vapor are the true culprits.
No there isn't some grand study linking all of these effects together.
No I won't provide sources, buy an ecology text book.
If you can't use your critical thinking skills to see how we are fucking our planet, KYS man.
Climate change isn't the only form of science out there.
Anyone notice how it's only Americans
Like we know that the big car manufacturers have you by the balls but goddamn it son, let them work for it. Why do you become their tools so easily
Have you ever asked yourself why that little graph only goes back a hundred years and not thousands or millions? Have you ever looked at historical climate data?
Have you ever noticed that historical data charts have far greater intervals per degree changes, while this happend under two centuries?
Have you noticed that civilization is based on cereal agriculture, that has a very specific heat optimum and climate stability requirements to allow the whole thing actually worth doing?
Are you able to grasp the fact that only because high EROEI energy sources global civilization exist?
Let's pretend you're right. How do you know that CO2's impact on climate is linear?
this is the same thing that happened back in the 70s. the ppl making money denied the science.
it was about cfcs and the ozone
the sceince was correct and now millions or even billions will get skin cancers and the damage could last 2000 years
Actually it was the opposite - it was create BY US and FOR the Chinese to be able to impose economic/trade and monetery restrictions on the emerging industrial nations under pretense of protecting ecology and Earth.
Basically, to prevent fast industrialization. Thankfully, China didnt give a fuck so instead they mostly damage Japan, Germany and the likes - which are smaller US rivals.
Why would it be linear? And even better: most natural phenomenon follow S curves - until certain conditions met, growth is linear. After that, exponential. CO2 wise the conditions are likely to be related to carbon sinks (wetlands, arboreal forests and grasses and ocean ecosystems, etc) - and those are being heavily degraded by human usage.
Life - as all adaptive complexity - is a function of entropy (the degradation of low entropy energy forms to high entropy energy forms).
Nah, most natural phenomenon follow a logarithmic curve.
How do you know that as more CO2 enters the atmosphere, the more it's counteracted by other forces? There used to be much, much more in the air than there is now.
Anyway, here's some spoonfeeding: youtube.com
You're welcome.
CO2 energy absorption follows a limit curve.
For example if 200ppm absorbs 95% then 400ppm absorbs 96% and 1600ppm absorbs 97%
Doubling the CO will cause less than 1% more heating.
Thanks, downloaded and watch when have time.
Be safe.
"The environmental crisis is the cornerstone of the new world order."
Mikhail Gorbachev, speaking at a World Government planning session held at the State of the World Forum at the Presidio, in San Francisco hinting that that Globalists would use the so-called environmental crisis as a platform to argue in favour of a world government, which they claim is essential to solve the crisis. Environmentalism and its associated false science of "greenhouse effect," "global warming" "climate change" etc are used to confuse and delude people into believing a catastrophic event lies in the near future because of rampaging humanity and uncontrolled use of natural resources. This is great lie. Environmentalism is part of the socialist move for World Empire and is thus a mechanism of control and regulation …. It is all about control … control of everyone everywhere from the cradle to the grave
>Why don't more politicians care about climate change?
uhh trump does care about it. That's why he mentioned it.
Climate change is real but if we go after the culprits we become racist and imperialist for stopping developing nations from developing.
The bugger problem on our plate is overpopulation. We're over crowded as it is. How many people actually know their neighbors?