Why most of the youtube stars are die hard liberals?
Why most of the youtube stars are die hard liberals?
Is Boogie2988 a liberal? He said that he had a preference in the upcoming election but would not tell us.
Because that's the dominant belief system now society, particularly among the young. Youtube is primarily popular with young people. Hence the most popular you tubers are liberals.
none of them have real jobs
reputation, popularity, etc.
>guys guys this youtuber is cool! he supports LGBT and hates trump!
>wanna be popular and get attention
>appeal to lowest common denominator
Because if they were conservative they would limit their audience drastically and the new guidelines would punish them greatly.
is that a real woman? she's kinda cute, who is it??
Because they're retards that produce entertainment for retards.
>why are NEETs liberals senpai?
Do you really need to ask?
>you will never be a youtube star
>have a qt swedish girl fall in love with you over the internet
>bone her the first day you meet her
>move in with you the next week
There are plenty of alt-right youtube channels, too.
Maybe the common "fun" youtuber tends to be a liberal because it is socially more acceptable than being conservative or alt-right nowadays. But the political orientated channels are quite often alt-right ot at least anti-liberal from what I've seen.
>dat tranny wife
His wife fucks black men.
Boogie is the embodiement of a reddit cuck.
I also have more problems than him yet lost his weight in only two years. When I saw him years ago I had high hopes for him, now I see him as a cuck.
Reminder that underage people cannot vote.
I don't know. I only ever watch Stefan Molyneux, Black Pigeon Speaks, Dave Rubin, and sometimes Sargon of Akkad and Blair White, so my perception is probably screwed.
they literally make money from popularity and their user base tends to be young, they'll say what they have to say to keep living from their videos. And now youtube kills income from 'controversial' videos so they have even more incentive to be good goys
They're on welfare
His wife. And she is not just with him for the money, shitlord. Yeah they live with a male roommate, so what it's 2016? Yeah she went on holiday with a male friend? Ummm men and women can't be friends? They're in love, deal with it.
I wouldn't call Boogie a die-hard liberal, although he is left-leaning.
He just seems kind of dumb and pathetic. His wife probably told him what to think and he just goes along with it.
Because like most of the semi rich people they live in a bubble.
They got a nice house in 90% white neighbourhood never had to do anything with people of other races, then come out and say things like "I never had any trouble with black folks"
Well no fucking shit you didn't because the only black person you ever knew was the tolken black in your school.
his wife
she's a she, she used to be fatter. Boogie has shit tons of money, she's like the gold digger of the fatty world.
I know boogie irl. He's from fayetteville, AR. Has always been a fatass. Gets government checks for being disabled. Before his fame on the Internet he tried starting a porn company but couldn't make enough money to stay afloat. Basically he's a typical drain on society piece of shit
But yet they still make more than you do.
Because (((youtube))) chooses whos allowed to be popular dummy. If you're popular and express right wing views they will fuck your shit up. These faggots are in it for the money.
95% of them are millennials who don't understand the free market.
Their fondest memory is 8 years of progressivism with obama.
Contrast that with the 8 years of bush, and they easily start to believe that progressivism is the answer to all the world's problems.
i hate this man
>so fat that you physically can no longer have sex with your wife
>have a male "roommate" live with you, aka the guy fucking your wife, eating your food, living rent free, etc.
>die of a heart attack at age 42 having accomplished nothing of any value except for having entertained some 12 year olds
Is that his wife? How tf did he get that qt?
Entertainers tend to be liberal, look at hollywood. It makes sense that youtube celebs would be similar.
Look at their faces. Ofc they are liberals! They have loooooots of sex.
They will be able to one day
Eh, I agree, but at least Boogie doesn't really talk too much about his political beliefs, at least not anymore. I really watch him now just because I've been watching his vids since 08.
>Before his fame on the Internet he tried starting a porn company but couldn't make enough money to stay afloat.
>man who physically doesn't know how to have sex starting a porn production company which failed
Thats their roommate? ???
Hahahhahahahahaha holy shit he is a literal cuck
>His wife fucks black men.
This is a Sup Forums meme. The only indication of that is one picture (). And that dude looks gay to me.
>boogie will die within the next 10 years
Don't tell me you're not sad about this
I'm sure he's queer, he posted twerking shit on his twitter.
Because only liberals would accept a disgusting creature like Poopie2988
>he got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly waddled away
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal
I'm sad. Sad its going to take so long.
I have no idea who that lardass or his tranny friend are... and I don't care.
Did.. did this actually happen?
Considering how fat he is and how he can't fuck her you can bet your ass that she's getting dick somewhere
Maybe it's from the negro, maybe it's someone else
It could even be a fucking machine, who knows, but she's definitely not being celibate for years for her fatass of a husband
I couldn't even fault her
>those "I'll fucking stab you while you're sleeping" eyes
I'm sad. I've been watching this fuck for the last 8 years, daily. Or at least whenever he uploaded.
No, I don't think so. Maybe it did. I'm not sure.
Because liberals are hyper emotional and stupid, there are most stupid and emotional people on the internet than intelligent and logical people, and it is easier to appeal to stupid and emotional people thn it is to appeal to intelligent and logical people.
>Fucking her ass while having one hand on harambe and one hand on trump
Yeah actually he's gay as fuck lmao
How did he meet his qt wife?
>be popular youtuber
>say something that doesn't conform with left wing political idealogies
>entire comment section becomes full of death threats
>get doxx'd
>lose all sponsorships
>have hundreds of other youtubers make videos about how terrible i am
You tell me
"Maybe" you are right. But these are just assumptions after all.
Boogie does not take shits every 20 minutes. His twitch streams are sometimes 4+ hours long and boogie makes zero breaks in between.
I really like boogie, but
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
Man, I laughed heartily at that one.
he's gay tbqh
Check your facts fucking Nazi cuck
just get rich
being rich AND popular is a boost but unneeded
How can a man be ok with this? How can you stay in a situation in which your wife is seeing others, fucking others, with a roommate like that and be in some sort of fake acceptance because it's trendy.
Fucking hell, I have never in my life even imagined anything else beside monogamy. It shreds my insides and my soul only thinking about the fact that "you do not know a person after you spend your whole life with them", that everyday could be that filthy degenerate cheating day.
And here I am seeing in the last 2-3 years the idea of cuck and nu male betas acting like it's natural, it's normal. Where's the fucking pride, the honor, the love, the dedication, the intimacy, those moments that people ask about when you hit your 60s and you stand in your garden telling them the most beautiful stories. Where are the standards about yourself, the commitment, the true marriage? How the fuck, can you, as a normal functioning human being, be able to lie yourself that cuck/polygamy/open relationships and all the other degenerate practices, are normal and the way to go. I get angry to a boiling point just thinking, let alone experience this kind of shit. Good Lord, what is wrong with the world!?
stealth rare
You're right. I forgot about his twitch streams. I really don't watch them. I really like Boogie. I've been a big fan for going on 8 years now.
He doesn´t have to take a break with a colostomy bag installed. He had it installed years ago.
Watched one vid of this guy, noticed how disgusting he was. Never again, dude is click bait
That dude is gay (see above).
That nig is gay mate.
Because it's lazy work and liberals are lazy.
now I'm horny
This sort of thing makes me pretty angry.
I am attending language course in Korea at the moment and I met this beautiful swedish woman, so we were speaking, I asked her why she was there.
"Oh my boyfriend lives here now, I used to live between Tokyo and New York, but now we're based in Seoul"
Like 23 years old, completely fucking retarded too, literally flown around the world living a life of luxury just because of her physical exterior.
It really made me think, then it made me kinda sad.
>you will never ever be a beautiful woman.
Is his "wife" a trap? She looks really fucking manly
This has got to be it
Boogie is a huge liberal the fat fuck uses this red neck character he made up to project his political views.
Definite proof Tyrone is gay
I still bet she is salivating over him, the fact that he is gay enrages her even more. If that "wife" is faithful to him and they have a normal marriage, then I am an Archangel. Along this, rest of the points are still standing. Poor bastard.
And she's a man
How sensitive are you?
This could be self-deprecating humour for all we know.
She literally went on holiday with a male ""friend"", she's not faithful
That may be, but she's not fucking him at least. Even if she's cucking him, it would be far worse if he was housing and feeding his wife's fucktoy.
Well in hollywood they are predominantly jews.
The jewish intellectual rubber band that keeps dragging them back to the left even when muslim immigrants are literally trying every day to kill them is just bizarre.
I guess they hate white people more than they love themselves. Muh 6 gorrillion and whatnot.
I'd tap that.
most people period are classic liberals. sjws & stormfags are a fringe but loud minority
Lol @ the people thinking his roommate's gay.Yeah sure.
Come on man, you and I both know that life as a woman in the civilized world is life on easy mode. We've pandered to them so far that society now believes they deserve every last bit of princess treatment we give them. Didn't South Korea even coin the term "Princess Sickness" or am I thinking of someplace else?
Anyway point being, if you actually talk to and get to know some women on an interpersonal, not trying to fuck them level, you can find out some pretty terrifying things about the female psyche. For example most women literally always want something better, regardless of what they have at the moment, and will take the idea of not being able to have the exact man they want right now at the same level of the constant grind that is a man trying to get a woman.
It's frightening to see how self involved and shallow their points of view are.
Wow, who are you?
>this equates being straight in pooinlooland
>she's a she, she used to be fatter. Boogie has shit tons of money, she's like the gold digger of the fatty world.
How is he rich? HOw did he get rich?
>most people period are classic liberals
Most people are squishy non-ideological things that have no real values system other than "Don't be mean."
he's bi
>Every women is as degenerate as the whores I fap to
Nice meme lad.
what's his name again?
What's this guy's name again?
>claim he is wrong
>then back up his claim
Believe what you want disregard my opinion because of my flag his a fat fuck who wants a socialist state where he doesn't have to work and other people have to support his eating habits.
aka classic liberals. who dont care about sex, race or any of the other things sjws and Sup Forums obsesses about
they dont live in the real world, they learn everything from Reddit & other liberals, they live in a bubble with one opinion pretty much.
He made video where he faked being mentally challenged.
Perturbed Pedro
also nice hivemind
>Being this mad enough to commit stupid grammar mistakes
Nigga just stop. I can hear your heavy breathes
No seriously? He doesn't have any other income besides youtube?