Dude raped some aspiring young actresses
Dude raped some aspiring young actresses
Other urls found in this thread:
>claim he harrassed you
>take money instead of going to police
>he is allowed to sexually harrass for three decades
we can blame him
and his "victims"
Which country will grant him asylym
reminder Sup Forums is just mad that weinstein got all the starlets to fuck him in any way he wanted while Sup Forums was fapping to fully clothed low res pics in their waifu threads.
Does this really surprise anyone? At all? Welcome to Hollywood for the past 100 plus years. Suck that cock, or get out.
Go to bed, Harvey.
Enjoy the shitposts, Harvey. Federal prison doesn't have internet access.
You're saying that someone in a position of financial exclusivity in the entertainment industry performed lurid and scandalous shit on people while simultaneously spouting about morals and politics? Color me fucking surprised!
strap yourselves in lads
we are about to see which group is more powerful in hollywood
(((them))) or feminism
i think harvey is fucked, he's pissed off too many people. it's one thing to do what he's done and be good behind the scenes, but by all accounts he's a huge dick to begin with, the sharks will throw their lot in and help out the ladies anonymously because they all hate his smug ass.
that being said, harvey IS a piece of shit and his actions will bring too much attention, he's dead weight, and bad for business. he'll drop off the radar for a few years then resurface around 2020 when he can fund raise for neolib shills again, where his actions will be forgotten
Can we get an image with all the starlets he porked?
>jews are responsible for feminism
>good goy, women are better than men
>why are you so sexist?
>it ends up leading to their downfall
pure kino
Yeah, like Joss Whedon was totally done.
The most powerful force in hollywood, for me, is podcasts
>only gets out when he loses his power
Our beloved monsters -- enjoy yourselves.
clothed pics is the thinking man's fetish
>the NRA will pay for my crimes
holy shit he's suing New York Times
Th-that's how they did it in the 60s!
Roman Polanski
>In a statement, attorney Charles Harder said that the Times story “is saturated with false and defamatory statements about Harvey Weinstein.”
>“It relies on mostly hearsay accounts and a faulty report, apparently stolen from an employee personnel file, which has been debunked by 9 different eyewitnesses,” the Harder Mirell & Abrams lawyer added. “We sent the Times the facts and evidence, but they ignored it and rushed to publish. We are preparing the lawsuit now. All proceeds will be donated to women’s organizations.”
I don't see it happening. They rarely throw one of their own under the bus.
thats why she has dead eyes since then
Just doing this to save face. He knows he won't win this case because the NYT aren't stupid enough to have not already ran it through dozens of retained lawyers.
Hahaha most people just support feminism or whatever flavour of the day because it's pushed by media. If media stopped hen within half a year people would move on. Jews win.
>All proceeds will be donated to women’s organizations
Trying to silence the beast they created huh
Bullshit (((they))) are very quick to let a stray be shot
What about the time Gawker lost $140 million to Hulk Hogan and closed down after that?
>They rarely throw one of their own under the bus.
Sup Forums really is brainlet-tier when it comes to business, jews have always competed against each other which is why they're such a wealthy collective.
So you're unironcally comparing Gawker to the NYT?
Just joking I'll assume.
Explains why actresses are such odious, bitter and extreme. They've all been molested and agreed to sell their bodies for fame, so they try and take it out on other people to cover up who they are.
Lecture people on sexual politics when you let a fat jew lie on top of you and push his penis in every night.
Gawker was just a famous blog, not a credible newspaper
>Comparing Gawker to NYT
kill yourself my dude
And here I thought Sup Forums only defended rapists when they're not jewish or muslim.
Even then Gawker didn't lie or publish false things. They just didn't have the right to publish the tape.
>Credible newspaper in 2017
They are inordinately nepotistic. Once the playing field is 100% kosher they will start fighting with each other but so long as there in a gentile present no crime will put the jew at the bottom of the pile. I have a family member who is a banker and he's a blue pilled as they come, but he himself said that to me.
>closed down
I wish too, they only got bought out to sponge the bill and had to shed very little weight in personnel
the rosary of gawker blogs is still there, and shitty as ever
power abuse isn't rape though, they just whored themselves
>credible newspaper
>implying any man wouldn't do that in his place
They're like the Sith. Working together until one of them can get the upper hand over another.
Stereotypes exist for a reason
Not everybody is a fucking degenerate.
It is a credible newspaper though. Credible ≠ partisan. It isn't, it has a bias, but it is very credible.
Good thing when you're waifu is pure and has principles.
Fuck off with this fake shit, shill.
Pretty much
It's probably just the tripfag getting assblasted because he thought he had a valid point comparing it to Gawker
Who dat
Don't really care but fuck him anyway for stopping Saving Private Ryan from getting the accolades it deserved.
Whedon basically casting couched a bunch of meme TV actresses
He's a hypocrite but it's nothing compared to what Harvey did
>Not everybody is a fucking degenerate.
It's easy to say when you're some loser with no options. Lets see you a multi-millionaire getting offers for sex from 10/10s qts
Paz de la Huerta, something fucked her up.
isn't whedon a gigantic numale cuck?
We need nicknames for him like dan "the man" schneider
Harvey "_________" Weinstein
hope jewwood crashes and burns
>weinstein movies tend to feature over-the-top yet impactless violence, demonizes religion, mocks family structure and devalues life while promoting sex and violence and a general air of degenerate pseudo-nihilism
>the executive leader of this company turned out to be a cruel valueless degenerate
>not a single celebrity is mentioning this story besides meme ones like lena dunham or amber tamblyn
They really are just like sheep
Yeah and they become hardcore feminists and say fuck patriarchy but they won't admit they fucked to get famous. So they hate on the average man and suck the dick of the evil ones.
I always wondered why she looks so sad in all her pics. She was abused and that's also why she's so skinny.
Gawker ignored a court order to take the tape down, going so far as to say "hahaha we are ignoring the judge's order arent we edgy hahahaha"
>putting out on twitter that you willingly sold your holes to a disgusting fat hairy jew in order to get famous
I’d be bunkering down too
*puts you in a chokehold*
thought you were being clever huh?
That was published after the 2016 Oscars, so he called her that
Sue them. Sure everyone.
The jews will outlive this scandal with blinding ease, it's just a chance for them to clean shop with all the journalists and actors who were willing to speak out. If you've already taken the kosher cock then you might as well lay low.
What interests me is how many male actors temporarily batted a different way with a jewish producer. My money is brad pitt took it hard.
>getting offers for sex from 10/10s qts
He wasn't getting offers, he was pressuring them because he looks like a nazi sterotype of a shekelstein
DiCaprio will never have a sex scandal like this because women want to fuck him, and he doesn't have to be a creep to get it
>anons think weinstein is the only producer or director who does these things
and my personal favorite:
>anons think this only happens in the movie industry
It's time
nobody thinks that
Don't get me wrong, I like me some Shersh, but calling her A-list is a complete reach. My normie sister probably couldn't recognize her in a line up.
that explains why Taytay is a Sup Forumstard
with ---- you lose
The thread has already mentioned other jews and other industries. What was the point of your post given that?
Who thinks this? Now watch everyone he won't respond.
Yeah, sure, he was "pressuring" them and they are all totally lady virgins who wouldn't eat elephant semen through swine colons to get rich and famous.
>New York Jews eat their own
Man, who did he piss off?
lol what is that going to do? cat's out of the bag
>only revealed decades later when the actresses cant get work anymore
this song and dance again
Completely indicative of the sick patriarchal structures of our society.
Fucking sick men raping and abusing women who, despite being extremely talented, are forced to degrade themselves sexually to get ahead. And then Sup Forums tards wonder why people march in the streets.
Very early in his career Brad Pitt used to work at the home of a gay Hollywood producer. I forget the guy's name.
hope nobody falls for this bait
I wonder what fucked up shit he did to Emma Watson?
please just execute him
>“From the outside, it seemed golden — the Oscars, the success, the remarkable cultural impact,” said Mark Gill, former president of Miramax Los Angeles, which was then owned by Disney. “But behind the scenes, it was a mess, and this was the biggest mess of all,” he added, referring to Mr. Weinstein’s treatment of women.
This is ""News""?
If we still had proper national patriarchy, these filthy Jew subhumans would be lining the streets with their hanging bodies
It's a good point; 'pressuring' is literally meaningless if it's used to invalidate a decision - you considered what he was offering and judged it was worth having sex with him for it. Just because you felt bad for the decision doesn't mean you didn't make it.
Unless it comes out that any of these girls were under age or he actually forced girls into acts then i hope he continues to do so. Everyone in hollywood deserves to suffer.
don't put the idea in my head please
How long before he rants how rape is a serious issue in (((white))) communities?
He literally admitted that everything was true in the statement he made, feminism will definitely win
Obviously that is bait but name an actually good female actress.
It would make much more sense if his name was Harder and his lawyer's was Weinstein.