Impying pro-trump on Sup Forums are not russian's payed shills

>impying pro-trump on Sup Forums are not russian's payed shills

Russian internet trolls were being hired to pose as pro-Trump Americans

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh no! We are unmasked!

Holy fuck that's some desperate reaching.

Funny how this Trump=Russia conspiracy theory gets so much attention from the MSM.

This post will quickly wash off!

we don't have the best trolls anymore. :(

Why does it matter to Putin?

He obviously has access to both candidates bio, he knows they're both Rothschild puppets.

MSM loves to spin Trump/putin crap because it's hard to disprove (can't prove a negative) and sows doubts in voters.

>the "anyone who disagrees with me is a 'troll'" meme

The Leftist media LITERALLY thinks the American public wants conflict with Russia.

How do they do that I wonder. How do they find these people? I'm sure lots and lots of people would love to do some trolling on the side to support Trump AND get paid for it. There's nothing about it in classified ads, I checked. Do I have to be KGB? Do I have to know Putin personally to land this dream job?

Now that I think about it, you don't have to actually import Russian trolls, can just pay domestic trolls, which should be numerous enough. Fess up, burgers, any of you a Putin's troll?

>actually wasting time printing garbage like this

They don't care what people want, they just want the left thinking Russia is evil so they can get on board faster when war DOES start.


Damn, they caught us!
Putin, fire up the jets, time to stop living behind this mcdonalds for the free wifi

Cyka blyat shut it down!

>implying America cannot work with Russia


Man I wish I truly understood politics and the interests behind every figure.

>be afraid of Putin, goyim!
>he's like, homophobic or whatever!


Well, TECHNICALLY since i subscribed to Trump's twitter, so every time Trump implies that all of his followers on social media are Americans, he is wrong and i TECHNICALLY played some role in the American election, but very very minimal role. And of curse no one payed me for that, damn.

If Trump and Putin are such good buddys, why would Trump start WW3 with Russia? Do leftists even think about the shit they spew or does it just flow out?


People get paid to shitpost for Trump? Fuck and I'm doing it for free......

Thanks based Russian trolls, you are doing God's work.

>thinking that Americans are against forming a Holy Alliance with Russia to modernize Islam for all time
>thinking Putin's public letter to Obama isn't the true way forward
>thinking we can't make the entire world great again

In reality nobody cares about the opinions posted on this shitty image board.

its kind funny, a little sad, watching the media try to write a matrix to contain containment boards


But l do it for free

You just send an email to your local Russian embassy sempaifam

Half of trump general posters have foreign flags. You know its the truth.



Cyka Blyat davai davai

"Internet trolls" is a classic label designed to lower opponent's opinion. Mainstream media flow is saturated with fake umbrella terms, semantic distortions, emotional abberations and lexical tricks like this, aimed to affect reader's perception and manufacture the narrative where everyone with alternative viewpoint must be paid shill. The stronger his arguments - the more professional and well paid one he should be.


Its not reaching, every morning around 3am pst something anti hillary will be trending on twitter. Of course you fucking spergs ignore and dismiss because its in your interest.

Much like an adult tricking a kid into eating their vegetables, putin is using the same tactic on these "simple" Americans.

Yes I am Russian to my core!!!!!111!!

Yeah, and most are shitposting pro-Clinton shit you fucking European spic.

You have the serb CTR memester
The Finnish cuck
The two Romanian gypsy brothers

Going to try this

I don't mind getting paid to shitpost memes for Trump

Capitalism is the new mother, comrade

Uncle Vlad they're on to me! What do?

Prove it

That's because your on Sup Forums during European posting hours you fucking retard.

Being paid to shitpost

I do it for free

This is like when a kid tells another kid that they smell and they retort with "n-n-no you smell!", it's fucking pathetic.

Hillary has to pay people to support her on the internet.
>"n-n-no Putin is paying people to support Trump!"

The vast majority of mainstream media is backing, or even colluding, with Hillary.
>"n-n-no muh right wing media conspiracy!"

Hillary is ill.
>"n-n-no she is the picture of health, Trump is ill!"

The ((MSM)) call anyone who doesn't want nuclear war with Russia a pro-Putin agent, dictator supporter.

Stop falling for their Jewish tricks.

where's my cheque Putin you cunt

Ok, you got me.

My name is actually Alexei, I am in secret USSR bunker plotting the downfall of the clinton campaign.

screencap this for the reveal.

Russia > Saudi+Israel

Could confirm: this is lies.

>I have lived long enough to see the term "troll" used in public media in a legitimate way

Internet 2.0 when
I'm tired of being main stream



Hey now, even the Russians
>Do it for free
Don't bring them down to hillshill levels.

American can work with Russia while Russia works on America. Sure.

You give Canadian shitposting a bad name

I see this on here.
They mix pro-Russia and Jewtin posts with Trump posts.

>internet 2.0
Only a few more weeks

This. Not wanting World War 3 doesn't make you a Putin dick-rider.

Nasdrave comerads, we be rus now

KEK! McKekkenheimer!

Hey they did this here too in the comment fields that is the one libtard you find daring to stick his head out on our newspapers. RUSSIANS! Then some of them started to put on russian avatars and do this shit

worst of it all
>it were just fucking normies fucking

ah.. nah in these days we at least the normies too I mean got the keks on these papers comment sections, as it's the only reason they come to throw shit banter and actually red pills...... This is incredible... waking up

Fucking retarded shit.... I support Trump too, but I don't go and tell burgers here what to vote, that is for them to decide. But for Gods sake we are talking about the fucking God Emperor here! So yes I hope for him and fucking look up to him.

Fucking libtards is funny, nah all this shit is cracking

That's not news. The fags who share my flag, jerk it to Putiny are unbearable. They'd literally suck him off. But there are some based Rooskies who come and drop some redpill about him, like how the infrastructures of russia rotting, and how he's not really "the savior of the white race" etc...

Damn look at all the Russian operatives in this photo

We're BTFO lads

but when Obama is caught spending (stealing) millions of tax dollars trying to influence Israeli elections our media could care less.

I've lost count how many times ive been called a ruski troll.

The "tu quoque" fallacy.

Leftist debate tactics consist of shouting an opponent down with tu quoque, ad hominem and ad lapidem fallacies, while broadcasting strawman, weak man fallacies and outright lies far and wide. All while dismissing even moderate dissent as right-wing extremism and therefore worthy of forceful censorship, by authorities if possible, by abuse and assault if necessary.

I've seen other tactics used, but they're rare and never consist of reasoning based on reliable facts.

Might be Jewtin shills with US proxies. Everytime I see one I cringe. I always ask them to post pics of their passports but they never do.

this is not true


fuckin hell, I never even got a penny for supporting Trump here...

>Not having russian propaganda dept on speed dial

where are my shekels?
kek also see watson on this(eating) you find it fast it's new.

same shit there he was apparantly KGB or some stupid shit....

>Record Status : CORRECTED

Jesus Christ, Hillary LITERALLY does this openly with millennials and spics.

dont lie to us, enjoy your 0.2 rubles with your comrades.

>millennials and spics.
I am both of those.

Fuck that bitch.


so donald trump is going to make american trolls great again? so they can compete with the russian trolls

That's because literally the entire world hates Hillary.

Yes you are. But we always knew anyway because you are that fucking obvious.

That being said given enough time Russia will just nuke itself again. Monkeys and keyboards.

wow that's some tinfoil shit

based russia isn't getting run over with nignogs demanding free shit, i don't see the problem here, they are helping their best ally against sandnogs and china

Don't forget the leafs lad.

and all of clitons are from canadcuks so.....

Of course people will talk about Hillary. She's a presidential candidate.

Yes because everyone who doesn't lick muhrica's warmongering ass is russian pro-Putin/Trump (shortened Pump) troll.

Now, which scenario is more likely? Russia attacking us after they let us go because ot was pointless to reign over us, or gen. Wesley Clark drone striking my country to oblivion, yelling "There is no place for ethically pure states in Europe in 21. century!" because I looked wrong at some ''''''refugee'''''''''

yeah a potato would know how to rot a country out wouttinya

Holy Shit! I'm Russian? Putin owes me money now!!!!

>he does it for free

No one is being paid to shill for trump. It's a democrat funded lie.

Post your shitposting attire.

typic french pizda rhetoric
russians are to smart to get involved in weak american campaign
we americans dont even drink superior russiya vodka
baka familam, mu'dak

You know a funny thing about this Ivar, I try to do the same as you. as stated I support trump I don't hide it, but I don't want to interfer it's for the burgers, regardless of what they choose, it's their choice.

But... then there is this thing here... while this bitching which we know to be untrue, there are prolly some bots here and there, we've all seen them..

Well THEY are doing it OPENLY ACTIVELY RIGHT NOW HERE! Censoring internal domestic political discussions in this hour. So you still not understand what's going on here now.

But this is Norway telling Goldman, Kikenberg and the rest of these shits to fuck off. This is an act of hostile agent activity against a friendly ally.

some sauces they are mad as fuck and norse, so this is a ball starting to roll, this guy will go to fuckerbergs house if he doesn't answer him in a properly civilian and academic way.

Frontpage. It's on, there is a lot under this that it's to long for me to shitpost.


Putin and the Russian forigen affairs people specifically hate her a lot though.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is true.

Fake as fuck

I bet this shitty article has 0 sources and 0 research conducted. 100% libel

Can I send Putin a bill for my services?

>thinking this isn't a trick by the jews to get the rest of us to destroy their enemy, the muslims

Pravda? Nyet.

Make America Great Again.

You're telling me I've been doing all this shilling for free? Pay up, Putin

I did it for free. Can somebody pay me my check?


Reality is stranger than fiction on this one. Imagine they hear about how an international website exists dedicated to protecting nationalist interests while worshipping a picture of a cartoon frog..

No wonder Hillary didnt talk about the "Alt-Right" more