Anyone who makes under 150k and doesn't have at least a bachelors from a Top 30 Uni should be banned from this board

Anyone who makes under 150k and doesn't have at least a bachelors from a Top 30 Uni should be banned from this board

Bye bye drumpfkins :)

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

I make more than that without a degree you liberal faggot

>smarmy liberal
Is this the most cancerous combination ever?

Why are Drumpfkins so insecure?

How's that woman studies working out for ya

>owns own business, make more than that in profit
>no college degree
>didnt have to give the university jews $60k+
>implying that anybody in any major worth taking is a Hillary supporter and not some faggot community activist making $15 an hour


>smarmy liberal

$70k with an AA. I think I'll stay here.

Enjoy living in flyover country

60-80K a year with an unfinished trade associates. I'm content with my life and will plan for my next move soon.

enjoy getting mugged by dindus

why do liberals keep trying use drumpfkin as an insult.

>not political

Manhattan Beach has no dindus ;)

But im still in highschool so...

Dude I've been asking the same question.


And the worst insult ever award goes to the liberal, like usual.

I make over 3 million a year from my Asbestos testing and removal company can I stay?

Where the fuck are you still finding asbestos in the us?

Why do Drumpfkins always lie about owning businesses?

>mfw I am a 7' 13" Wendy's fry cook with a 12" dick making $250k a second

Almost every older building still has it. Asbestos is only removed if it is contaminating the air.

American liberals are such hypocrites.

Poor Trump supporters, probably don't even realise how stupid they really are.

Chemical plants,refineries,old building. You would be surprised

You should be hung from a lamp post by the masses elitist faggot.

why are liberals always faggot numales that have to project their emotions onto everything and pretend they dont hate themselves?

I live in the city on the beach. I am actually planning to move to a flyover soon to get away from fags like you.

>Manhattan Beach
>in los angeles
>no dindus


If people like me didn't exist you'd still be living in caves fucking your close relatives

I'd prefer living in a flyover state tbqh.

For the same reason I live out in the countryside here; to get the fuck away from city left wing lunatic dwellers.–Kruger_effect

>a bachelors

That is about as low as you can go.

I would actually consider someone with a a BA in sociology or something like gender studies, media studies, communication studies etc borderline retarded.

Any fool can get a BA anyway and does. They are not worth wiping your ass on now.

Talk to me when you have an M.Eng, Msc or Phd.

Wow OP, you just told a whole lot of Blacks and Mexicans to stop posting here. Racist much?

Appeal to authority fallacy

This is something they forget to teach you at your "education"

You and 99.9% of this board couldn't do the first problem out of my grad E&M book (Jackson) but unfortunately we can't cull everyone


That simultaneously takes care of the nigger and wetback problems.

>only 150k for an entire year
>top 30 uni in America
my fucking sides.

Is Minnesota considered "flyover country"? Because that's my dream state for when/if I ever manage to immigrate.

I'm just about finished with my Msc, it's been a fucking trip.

>"You can't implement voter I.D. DAS RAYCIS!!!"
>"Felons and illegal aliens (aka undocumented visitors) should be allowed to vote, it's a fundamental human right :^))))"

>"Haha if you didn't go to a top 5 liberal institution and also aren't rich and don't live in a gated community you should not be able to vote haha silly Drumpf voters :^)"

>"It's totally just a coincidence that the people I'd exclude are almost entirely conservative and would vote against me and my socialist degenerate global government :^)))"

I know it's bait but neck yourself either way.

No Euro uni could break top 50 in America friend :)

>top 30 uni
Worst bait
These "top lists" are not only rigged by circlejerk, but only refer to the scientific quotes a.k.a. only research is affected. You can have a uni with professors making good research, but the education system itself could be the biggest pile of crap

enjoy your muslims lol

>wanting to live in New Sweden

It's that bad?

What states do you niggers actually like?

>[the current year]

I was born in Duluth, and a lot of my family still remains in Minneapolis.

If you are Mudslime or Somalian, stay the FUCK out of Minnesota and stop ruining my home state. When the Mall of America finally gets bombed by Islamist Terrorists that's when I'll lose it.

Mine, but I don't want to tell you because I want it to remain literally where with less people in the whole state than a suburb of a major city

I'm white English/Irish, senpai. Chill. If I were a Mudslime or a Somali I wouldn't be having this much trouble immigrating.

You fucking racist, diversity is our strength! If you don't have AT Least 50% blacks and Hispanics living in your community you're a SHIT Ally and you need to fucking educate yourself. Didn't you know having a vibrant African American community INCREASES your home value? It's like you enjoy being poor and not enjoying the benefits of having non whites around.

Remeber racist, Sup Forums is a board of peace

wyoming montana desu

east oregon is pretty nice the only lefties and minorities in the state are along the i-5 strip cities

>community college grad detected

Drumpfkins are so cute with their insecurity

No one makes 150k straight out of school with a bachelors, STEM meme and all.

iBanking will start you 80-90k.
Consulting will start you 70-80k.
Silicon Valley will start you 90-110k.

A diploma doesn't make a person faggot, try harder
T. Laws

Minnesota is the Sweden of the united states. They are all Swedes who surprisingly import thousands of somalians and voted for Marco fucking Rubio. Go to Utah with your own kind Anglo friend.

Didn't you know everyone here is on 200K per month in the best STEM jobs there are?

This place is full of educational marvels m8.

That's good. Don't listen to shitheads that complain about flyover states, they are the only good ones left.

I dream about the day I can live peacefully in Montana, but for now I have to live in leftist Portland.

Your numbers are way off

I had buddies offered 130k+ at MS and Google right outta UG

Besides nowhere in the OP do I mention right outta school

>thinks pajeet can't take his job
>thinks doing the kikes busy work and getting a 'true goy' certificate makes him intelligent
>can't invest in property because he owes the Jews

I have several rentals if u need a place near your next temp job user

How about Trinity, Oxford, Cambridge or the Sorbonne you moron.

I'm sure your homosexual hookup app is all the rage in your startup commune but it's not feeling starving 3rd world children is it?

>he thinks 150k a year is alot
lmao have fun playing with your toys kiddo

>good for and respecting the working class
pick one

don't fucking tell this Anglo fiend or anyone else about Wyoming or Montana you dumbass both states are great partially because no one talks about them. You'll fucking turn them into the next Colorado.

That being said, the suburbs of Portland are actually not as bad as people think. More shitskins from California are moving in but there are still a lot of conservative/independent whities here.

Whatever happened to hard work for yourself rather than earning money for some Jew above you.

If you don't break a sweat at work and don't come home with filthy hands then you haven't actually worked.

Don't talk to me or my son ever again.

Makes me realise how many people on this board are super autistic

I did a year at Cambridge and the quality was way worse than my actual UG (Stanford)

i have a GED and my own roll off container business. saved up $1400 and bought a container. rented it out for $150 a day until i bought a container truck. borrowed money on the truck to buy 3 more roll off containers, charged $200 a day on 3 containers.

10 years later i have 3 houses, a boat, any car im willing to buy, and all of my kids have a investment account. Who is the bitch now, wageslave?


You have no clue, I'm a phd, I bet you don't even have a h index.
Anyway what movie are you going to watch tonight? Oh, sure, you can check your top 10 2016 movie list first, it surely is easier when others choose for you.

I mean it's possible, but that is very rare. The highest I've seen for google starting out is 125k.

Keep in mind the average salary for junior to mid level engineer is 127k according to glass door. So if you are starting ou you are likely below that number.

Of course that doesn't factor in equity and other benefits, but most junior engineers in the valley make little more than six figs.

>using a symbol of white nationalists
I think you need some reeducation comrade. Suck 3 black cocks then report to your nearest FEMA camp.

My h-index is higher, and my erdos number is lower

Hey retard, BS in EE from Georgia Tech, MBA from UPenn here

Huge trump fan

All my friends are huge trump fans

Your fantasy pseudo intellectual circlejerk board would still be full of us


When did leftists become such elitists? Whatever happened to standing up for the plight of the worker?

>having any money or even a job

Nice role playing, loser

Wharton MBA acceptance is like 20%

not impressive

Since the time of the Civil War

Back to the topic, how would you "rank" universities based on the quality of education?
It's the other way around, rich people (elitists) were always pro left, since their system allows them to stay rich.

i do have all that yet i'd vote for trump if i lived in usa

hey kim wheres kanye?

me too thanks

>Sucessfull people browsing Sup Forums.

Nice meme. Most of us are either teenagers, collegefags without money or losers.

>Anyone who makes under 150k

bye bye liberals

You retards always move the goalposts on your definition of educated

I wonder why that is

OP here

Just made 50k this morning as I shitpost from home- pic related - my Bloomberg

>worth anything at all
>not going into business for yourself
>not investing in property
>not learning to play the stock market
>not making large amounts of dosh

Unis are filled with low IQ morons who will go on to deliver my pizza.

Nice projection poorfag. I work in the finance technology industry and I live in a downtown area and make 70k a year.

>has a meme degree
>6 figure passive income
>play vidya all day in my NY apartment
>bang ladies
>feel guilty and worthless

try 25K per year
and that's considered a cheaper uni
(including living costs ofc)

Patrick Bateman?

oh fuck, I'm gonna kill somebody soon aren't I, user?

I did but I'm in finance.

How did you find customers initially?

>he thinks that sweden is bad place to live
Sweden has one of the highest standards of life anyone would literally won the life's lottery if they are born in sweden