Jesus Christ


Shaping up to be Reddit: The Capeshit

I can dig it.

Well, you don't have taste, soooooo

>the Ragnarok font
Is this vaporwave?

Guardians was good, though.

It was excellent if you don't value tension in your films

We don't know yet, all we know about the tone of the movie is that it's supposed to be like a "space roadtrip", how that ties into the plot threads from Dark World and Doctor Strange I don't know.

What, Far Cry BLOOD DRAGON isn't a better direction for the series than The Dark World?

No Beta Ray Bill
Dont care

i've wondered about this.
if they are gonna use parts of planet hulk, will silver surfer show up? or bill or someone different.
can they even use silver surfer or beta bill?

People who keep crying for him to show up are fucking retarded. You seen how they characterized thor and all of asgard, you really want to see them fuck up bill too?

why the fuck does is have to be a buddy comedy, why can't it be a straight-faced space opera with the hullk in it?

god damn why does thor movie need comedy.

Sure, galactus and the fantastic four are said to have a cameo.

Surfer is still owned by FOX so no
Well everyones a fucking alien so why not?

>why the fuck does is have to be a buddy comedy, why can't it be a straight-faced space opera with the hullk in it?
Because it's MCU thor. The actor is incapable of it. Also, a more serious take would be too drastic a change from what they already established.

This movie is legitimately the best chance we have for him to show up. And hey, we got one of the stone men in the previous film, so...

Because Thor 2 was godawful and making Thor 3 into a GotG film makes good financial sense?

>making Thor 3 into a GotG film makes good financial sense?

Thor 2 was awful because half the movie was a shitty Rom-com with Asgard shit taking the back seat.

>Posted on Tuesday, November 24th, 2015
Holy fuck why are you fags discussing news from one year ago? I know Sup Forums is slow like that, but get it together.

well no boring portman this time (sadly no kat dennings tits either)
and also no romance between thor and valkyrie. so more action hopefully

>This movie is legitimately the best chance we have for him to show up.
....And after seeing how they brutally mishandled thor and his entire mythos, you really want to see them butcher bill as well?

>subtitle your movie Ragnarok
>make it a comedy
Thanks Feige

Thor 2 didn't suck from a lack of sucked because of:

-awful costume design
-a very very weak screenplay
-having everything revolve around Jane Foster & Earth
-Wasting Walt Simonson's Thor run
-Making Malakith a super generic bad guy
-No Beta Ray Bill

I have little to no faith in the next one...especially if fucking Ruffalo is going to be a focal point. Fuck that guy.