What the actual fuck happened in season 4...

What the actual fuck happened in season 4? Did they unironically hire more female writers or give them more control of the show?

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haven't noticed much feminism/sjw bullshit aside from the clickbait feminist blog diane was writing but w/e

Would that explain the constant and on point jokes at the expense of women and feminism?

Yes it would. I guess it's not interesting subject matter.

I watched all four seasons in like a week and barely noticed any difference. If anything season 4 had less "im so edgy and self loathing" shit in it. Are you just mad because the dad in the 50s had his wife lobotomized and Bojack got shit for not knowing who he got pregnant?

>did they unironically hire
Quit talking like a faggot

anyone else think he was justified in how awful he treated his mother?

Fuck no, he never gave her a chance.

Still better than this season of rick and morty. There was a lot more development for the characters and closure than we got since the season began.

holy fuck this show is boring

At least the character arcs made sense and they still behaved like themselves even if their behavior is infuriating and annoying, unlike Reddit and Morty where characterization was thrown out the window and the nu-writers simply wrote them as smart or as stupid as necessary to make their cheap jokes work.

It was all over the place for sure, but that's because Bojack wasn't the focus for the first time, and he usually drives the other characters' arcs forward. The sudden exit of Hollyhock right at the end really stopped things dead, though, and the ending didn't hit as hard as it was intended, at least for me.

The drama in season 4 was great, the humor on the other hand was terrible.

I really hope they kill or write off Todd next season.

100%. Bojack was the care-giver in a switch of dynamics and was a lot less harsh than his mother was to him as a child.

I expected him to be a lot worse.

i felt like the whole Todd is asexual plot point was cringey and forced and probably came from some woman who didnt like sex and then transposed that viewpoint onto a male character to create an ideal male companion

t. virgin

well asexuals do exist
none of that pan/poli/whatever shit is real, but asexuals are a thing

The PC focused episode was the best one. S4 overall was very good too. Probably my favourite show right now.

>Asexuals are a thing
Not really

the problem is that this show's fan base is people who actually think deeply and rationally,
Liberalism is something the show has to push because Netflix is paying.
So they have to do a bunch of vague weird things that don't really take a stand out right to not alienate the audience but still clearly has a leftist message that you can excuse because it wasn't so in the nose.
Just normalizing centrism and pushing the narrative towards the left

>surely these people are giving up sex because they can't get it rather than genuinely not wanting it
This is you.

most of them still jerk off though

Asexual is not a thing in humans you absolute fucking retard. A lack of sexuality? Of course that exists but that is not what asexual means. Asexual means you can reproduce by yourself, and it has for as long as science has known about it. You don't get to just change the meaning of existing words to feel special. No one is asexual, no one has ever been asexual, and no one will ever be asexual you fucking mongoloid.

You're confusing asexual reproduction with asexual orientation.
> A lack of sexuality? Of course that exists but that is not what asexual means.
That's exactly what asexual means when you're referring to sexual orientation, you fucking mongoloid.

How can you be this hostile while being this wrong?

>OP talks about the obvious and gigantic decline of quality of the show
>Faggots start saying "s-still better than R&M!" out of the blue
What did you retards mean by this?

Asexual means asexual. The same thing it's meant for hundreds of years you fucking idiot. Do all the mental gymnastics you want it just makes you more of a fucking retard, you don't get to just change the meaning of words because you want to feel special.

You've given me a disturbing thought: do any other words mean two things? did any other words mean something else before they meant what they mean now?

If it almost happened to asexual it could happen to any word!

This. I think it's a sign of his growing as a character. He broke the cycle of abuse and mistreatment when the Bojack from earlier would've only perpetuated it. It's genuinely great character development.

>Muh female writes boohoo

Diane was always into that stuff, since season 1

Language evolves, dicknuts. See, I used dicknuts and you understood my meaning even though dicknuts isn't even a real word.

I feel the same way, but Todd's voiced by Aaron Paul, who also happens to be the executive producer? Unfortunately I really doubt he'd be written off ever.

only the thoughts and prayers episode was bad (which evidently had more female staff), all the rest were okay-great.

>3: not involving, involved with, or relating to sex :devoid of sexuality an asexual relationship

you are both fucking morons
just say words have contextual meanings and be done with it, for fucks sake

Yes this. The jokes were lazy and not super subtle. Not as good as the previous seasons but that's a really hard streak to maintain. Courtney portnoy jokes made me laugh though.