So why exactly are women hating this movie?

So why exactly are women hating this movie?

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they don't understand it

i read through the article you're trying to use to justify liking this dishonest movie. her point was basically that there are a lot of scenes with women and fembots being brutally killed. The title is sort of click-baity because I expected it was about to be this long feminist tirade, but no, she just doesn't like it because it's too graphic.

article in question:

Women loved it though

maybe not enough cock
>thats why they hate me

They are?

I haven't seen any hating on it

If I had to think of a reason I'd say It's probably lots of female characters get killed

Which is a trite reason to dislike something. They'd probably just complain If there wasn't enough female characters, but no there's quite a lot, just that It's a violent movie so most die.

It's got Goose and Ford. Women should enjoy it.


>too long
This is hardly ever a valid criticism

>women hating on Ryan Gosling

Wwhy do you think they cast Ryan Gosling? Because he's a great actor?

He's there to attract the female audience.

it takes too long, she needs to post selfies in her snapchat and instagram and twitter that she just watched it and loved it and write the review for the site already

Lets think about why

>Goose literally fucks 2 women at the same time, no woman can compete with that
>cortana girlfriend is better then irl skinjob gf
>female villain gets absolutely necked, literally in all sense of the word
>female villain so they were going to hate no matter what because god forbid a villain gets rekt
>female shown in massive power role at top of lapd and gets literally shanked

women will never ever understand this film, i thought it was a fucking masterpiece



They wanted equality they got it. Women can be decapitated too.

was it equality? or mysogyny? i prefer mysogeny all the women were in rape roles, even the replicant leto borns he shanks eher straight away, made no sense whatsover

You're a good joe

Funny enough two women just left the theatre I was at and asked what was all that about?

they're jelly of Ana

They're not. Its just more SJW/alt right bullshit where they pretend their opinion represents the majority, not just their sad little spheres. One SJW writes about it, then 5 alt right faggots get triggered then it snowballs. Every. Time.

They saw Ana and got triggered because they can't compete. Also reminded them that sex bots will replace them

They don't can you make this for not into a meme for once? This movie is out of the fucking sjw debate. But to whom am i talking to. Fuck off to Sup Forums and take your forced agendas with you

>3 way sex scene
>Woman gets cucked
>Killed mercilessly
>Sex bots taken to the nth degree


Wow nice. One article
Also that retarded article is fucking sexist and should be regarded as trash

>that box office


who cares lol

A guy behind me said it was one of the best films he’d ever seen, and asked his gf about it and she said she slept through most of it because it was shit, he sounded so deflated after that.

>yfw it makes more than IT

>Remake of a movie where the protagonist rapes a woman.
>why the fuck do all women hate this movie?

Would Sup Forums have a Replicant Wife?


No way it's even gonna get close. Opening weekend is tracking less than half of what IT made

You've done a man's job sir.

Shame she wont live but then again who does.

if it isn't filled with anything then it is valid

>taking itself seriously is bad
so we're really entering an age of quips and self aware 'parody' garbage aren't we

problem is women hate themselves and have an inferiority complex towards men. They want to be men but without the bad stuff

>170 million budget
holy fuck where did it all go to? I'm betting leto's oscar winning ass but none of the other actor could've cost even close

Uh, the sets and visuals?

I was intending to watch this movie in a double feature with the original. The double feature isn't going to happen and I'll miss the original. Will this movie spoil the original for me?

only the very ending

What are you on about?

The very ending of the original is spoiled in the new one or there's a spoiler of the original in the very ending of this new one?

Ending of the new one spoils (kinda) the ending of the old one

Thank you very much user.

Becuase they know they will never be as perfect as Joi

Can I just take a moment to bask in the fact that Blade Runner is kino to this fucking day?


This fucking vocal minority.
>muh deckard isn't in it enough
>women HATE it!
>I didn't like the first one, therefore it sucks
>it's a sequel, therefore it sucks
>It's visually appealing, the performances were great, and the script was amazing, but it just isn't good
>it's too long (lol)

My favorite one is the chick from Eclipse Magazine who said it was everything wrong with sequels while giving Kingsman 2 and Sharknado fucking 3 good reviews.

It's weird, I loved this film, but I've never seen so many people walk out of a theatre halfway through before.

>I've never seen so many people walk out of a theatre halfway through before.
Really? Is a 2.5 hour movie that much of an effort these days? Or was it not "timely" enough?

You sound like the exact type of plebeian that would praise kingsman 1 and john wick

I mean I've got no idea, I didn't interview them as they left.

Dunno how insulting shit critics would bring you to that conclusion.

Deckard was in it too much
Ford's performance was pretty terrible

>So why exactly are women hating this movie?
webm related

>those scanlines

in the future everyone gets a waifu
2040s best decade of my life desu

This hits my most autistic fetishes all at once.

Blame capeshit and women.

The self depricating quips are to preemptively defuse any ridicule (women love to ridicule things) and laughter by beating them to it.
So a superhero will make a quip how his costume looks silly before someone in the audience points it out and laughs.
It's insecure filmmaking resulting from nearly 10 years of nonstop capeshit with adults dressing up in romper suits and quipping while fighting big phallic blue beams from the sky.

The post ironic age truely is cancer.

Say whatever you want about what a hackjob Kingsman was, because you're right, but you can fuck off dissing Wick.

Those LA fucks were probably mad at the protagonist being a white male.

They do. Feminists are mad that Idris Elba or Melissa McCarthy wasn't Officer K.

I understand why they prefer it, but why shun anything that's even a little serious? why do they want the whole world to be a dreamland of comedy and lightheartedness.
Maybe it's a genre thing. You don't see them complaining about oscar bait dramas because well, they are DRAMAS and it's written all over it, and it's what it is.
I think they need to be told how to react to something. They're people who'll laugh at dramatic moments in comedy and be poker faced in comedic moments in drama. They're murdering any creativity left in this corpse industry

Not for this film. Could've dropped an hour and nothing of value would have been lost.

Just type in "explained" on Youtube.
It's a fucking nightmare how many people need the simplest shit put in 1000 small words or less.

They're not. Fuck off with your culture war trash.

>woresu kopu
>wallace corp
took me too long to figure out what that meant

Good detail.

Holo waifus when?

is that the joi I'm thinking about? I thought it would become obsolete in the future

Made me wonder with all the japanese in the film. Wouldn't English just take over the world?

Why Japanese and not Chinese?
Why don't any of the machines have a language function, instead the DNA machine insisted on Japanese.
Why is it seemingly random what language signs are in, English and Chinese one minute English and Hindi the next, then Japanese only.

This movie fucking blew

because this is based on a movie from the early 80s when China was an irrelevant backwater and Japan was the next superoiwer
also a part of the original aesthetic was the mix of languages, Gaff (Admiral Adama) even speaks in some made up language largely based on Hungarian

Well the botnet version of babel fish was announced today
and sexbot ethics keep coming up

maybe 10 more years for a prototype

It's supposed to symbolize a cultural melting pot that LA became since people started leaving Earth, and it's been a staple of Blade Runner since the first movie.
Cityspeak was the biggest example of this (and was better explained in the theatrical cut, which aside from Deckard's epilogue, I actually really liked). Cityspeak was a mishmash of Spanish, French, German, Hungarian, Chinese, and Japanese.

Probably not accurate, but it fits the aesthetic that Scott and by extension Villeneuve were going for.

speaking of Hungarian, all the gaffers and assistant whatevers in the credits had hungarian names.

>a horse made of wood is valuable because its real wood
>deckard lives in a building full of wooden furnature

That entire area looked abandoned and even seemed dangerous just to be around.
And even if it's neither, this is a universe that built fake animals. Wood would be that much easier to fabricate. Hell, fake wood is current technology.

Just like your mother

So deckards daughter was putting her own memories onto the replicants right? And that's why K had her memories

You will never have a giant pink holographic waifu stuff you into her warm vagina and cover you in her grool before licking it off you like you were a little popsicle man

Why even live.

The original film was made in the 80s when ameriburgers thought that japan was going to take over because their economy was growing really fast, then they inflated a massive asset bubble in the 90s that burst in the 00s and their economy hasn't really grown much since.

Japan was basically the china of the 80s.

Considering you don't even know how to spell misogyny we don't have to take your opinion seriously.

>little popsicle man

Because they don't like it when men no longer need real women.

yeah it is though. you have to have more intelligence to tell something compelling in shorter time

"Like a little popsicle man"

Jfc user

>the theatrical cut, which aside from Deckard's epilogue, I actually really liked
I agree with this. Before I learned that Ford was trying to perform badly I just saw it as the narration of a ex Blade Runner still bitter about his divorce and it didn't hurt the tone at all. Only bad part of it was his interpretation of Roy's last words.

>i didnt like it but since the collective opinion is that i should like it i will

What did a woman mean by this?

I'm sure Ford asks for a shitload whenever Hollywood is desperate to do a sequel to one of his old movies.

Sets, actors like Ford (who has a nomination for Best Actor for Witness), Gosling, and as you say, Leto's Oscar winning ass, visual effects, the screenwriters, Villeneuve himself, crew, etc.
Of course that's the posted budget. No telling if they went under that budget.

But I thought gender didn't exist anymore according to these feminists?

>main villain (who’s a badass by the way) is a woman
>otherwise the important females are sex objects or manifestations of the past

I see it, but I don’t buy it.

Also, combo Mackenzie Davis and Ana De Armas is literally my dream girl and the effects on that were astounding.

Yeah, it's basically a clickbait title. The article is fairly positive and says that it's about as good as the original in most aspects, except that it lacks some of it's strangeness, and says that the violence against women isn't great. Probably is a 7/10 if I wanted to give it a number.

they all jelly

>white male director
>white male writers
>white male cinematographer
>white male leads

If you like this movie you're basically an alt-right Nazi.

Was it good?


this movie is amazing.
all the naked women are modern symbolism for feminity and fertility. major themes of the movie. some idiots need to educate themselves, damn.

k had her memories to better fake being the special child.

also, she probably isnt immuno suppressed. its something they told her to keep her locked up and safe.