Weinstein Company holding emergency meeting to determine whether or not to fire Harvey Weinstein.
Its over for Harvey, the other jews decided to sacrifice him in order to protect themselves of a deeper investigation within the industry unethical ways.
>being jewed out of your own company
I wonder who he pissed off
There are bigger players at hand than Weinstein
>tfw the global elite finally are starting to feel the pressure
>tfw the global elite finally are starting to feel the pressure
Aren't you being a little premature, Mulder?
I'm imagining a room with a circular marble table, where twenty or so very sweaty caricatures are all nervously eyeing the guy next to them and trying to work out if they've got more dirt on the others than the others have on them.
They are scared shitless because whereas Harvey only liked to fuck and get sucked by young but legal bitches, most kiekepig judenschweine in Hollywood are real pedofucks.
I expect him to die by "suicide" in the not so distant future to prevent him to drop the fucking bomb on all of them.
So what you're saying is that Chuck lost his store because it was found out he was running a prostitution operation for the Hollywood elite?
Probably accidentally fucked the daughter of some mega jew.
>I expect him to die by "suicide" in the not so distant future to prevent him to drop the fucking bomb on all of them.
If he knows this is coming won't he just drag them all down with him anyways?
>company owner gets fired
Of Chuck's Suck and Fuck Pictures, a Media Corporation.
Formerly chucks
He's been on a lot of shitlists for a while
He must have stopped making enough money to get away with it
His own company?
>spoiled jewish princess from super wealthy jewish financial dynasty wants to get into acting because she had moderate fame on instagram
>becomes a socialite
>weinstein fucks her without knowing who he's fucking
>super rich kike shits his pants in anger that weinstein defiled his precious daughter
>moves heaven and earth to wipe him off the face of earth
Things happen
He's definitely the fall guy even if he does get away with it somehow
He has children and presumably other loved ones.
>neo-nazis in full damage control because one of their "elites" is proven to be liable to the system
fucking hilarious
> Reminding everyone that you are a Jew and that you hate Trump and the NRA in your statement in the hope of winning support from your fellow tribe members in the media
And this is why I torrent
> "I listen to Jay Z goys! I empower women, and I love to fuck shiks- I mean, care deeply about women! Look at me getting the Wiesenthal award the other month!"
This entire event is like a Sup Forums meme come to life. The only thing left is for him to blame anti-semites for outing him
Did you really spin this fan fiction just to get out of admitting you were wrong about Hollywood producers being powerful/above consequences?
Whats her name? didn't anyone told her 'how' holywood works?
Or did she actually thought jeniffer lawrence can act?
i dont know why with all of 4chans autistic strength, we cant investigate people like him and expose how sick they are. but we'll try to find a stupid flag and troll shia? waste
All of the virtue signaling celeb actresses on twitter have all been defiled by this sleazeball jew, hahaha
These posts are confusing me, can someone tell me what is going on?
one guy says he is a nazi and is getting fucked, the other says he is a liberal kike who thought he was immortal.
but how the fuck would harvey not know who she was? she would've surely tried to use her name to get ahead in the first place?
Can anyone actually say they didn't see this coming
At this rate the next big "revelation" will be about Joe Biden
but Sup Forums told me that jews control everything and that they would never let this happen
We already did you retard, many posters here are insiders, when they say kikes run this shit they aren't joking.
What exactly is the point of this post? Do you feel super smart now?
Have you ever been a dan schneider thread you fucking newfag?
>we r lejun lol leet hackers XDXD
we're not allowed to talk about our masters, goy
Because that conspiracy theorist didn't really think his idea through that far.
>they would never let this happen
Wonder what has changed?
>tfw the fappening pics were all leaked from weinsteins phone
Neo-nazi SJW peabrains are dividing by zero in situations like this. Two of their main agendas for mindless shilling -- all people accused of rape are innocent, anyone Jewish accused of a crime is guilty -- are at odds with each other. This is why irrational, extremist, emotionally-driven world views are unsustainable. Eventually you face circumstances which prove just how stupid you are.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Guys I feel like some sort of damage control has been enacted here.
>He employed Malia Obama, the oldest daughter of former President Barack Obama, as an intern this year
Hmmm. Maybe he couldn't resist some young dark chocolate.
>this one guy in this thread desperately samefagging to shit on "muh Nazis"
Please not this, as much as i hate obama he is a good father and shoudn't have to endure this.
Are you retarded? I'm asking if you literally just made up a fake story so you could maintain your deranged world view.
Jews are like vampires, they are above the law unless it's a jew fucking over other jews (like Bernie Madoff did).
Yeah i don't get him honestly, isan't this guy a jew being hunted by a larger jew?
The neo-nazis are in full damage control because the supposed boogeyman, e.g., the Jews, is being crucified by everyone, including other Jews. This goes against the notion that they believe all Jews are in cahoots with one another and they're all against the world.
Like everything else in life, it isn't that black and white, not that simple. This is a Jew (Judd) accusing another, highly influential Jew (Weinstein) of a criminal act, abusing power and harassing women. This doesn't fit the narrative that all Jews have some telepathic link with one another and their sole purpose is to fuck other non-Jews.
Other Hollywood insiders and liberal Jews are coming out in stern condemnation and calling out his blatant hypocrisy, his veiled attempts to name drop and his "muh DRUMPF, muh NRA" pleas. Like the other poster said, his letter is a Sup Forums meme come to life.
>implying that was me
>implying your angry samefagging isn't entirely transparent
Imagine the kind of stuff Jennifer Lawrence did with him. I bet those photos were taken by Weinstein, too.
>Neo-nazi SJW
I would just to brag about it.
>This doesn't fit the narrative that all Jews have some telepathic link with one another and their sole purpose is to fuck other non-Jews.
Jews will throw other jews under the bus to fulfill their goal of world dominance. look at that kid jazz who is trying to become a girl, their family is jewish and only serves as cannon foderr so that they can further push and normalize lgbt issues (all of which jewish people espeically on the left are supporitve of)
who knows, user, sometimes things happen against all odds. remember that porn girl mayli, who did rough porn even though her father was a goldman sachs exec? same scenario basically could happen, instead of porn it's 'come to papa harvey suck his cock and he'll reward you with juicy role' and instead of goldman sachs exec it's some powerful GigaJew 9000
The best timeline would be If he tried to expose them out of revenge.
Case in point
Paragraphs of furious gibbering, what's the point?
The amount of mental gymnastics in this thread is astounding. Black and white is all there is after all.
>what is a sacrificial lamb
Kill yourself.
An SJW is someone who uses only feelings and zero logical arguments to push their social agenda. Sometimes they argue using facts, but this is only ever incidental. So yeah, neo-nazis are the very definition of "SJW," on the equal and opposite side of the spectrum from liberal SJWs.
>Emma's dead eyes stare begun after that event
also pic related. Harvery "Bueno" Weinstein
>Yfw the Secret Service is behind this at Obama's behest after Malia came crying to him about Weinstein offering to give her a role in the biopic about her dad in exchange for a cheeky "Lewinsky" in his office
Well they got a lot of things right though, i am finding hard to not believe these conspiracies everyday i spend here, there are too many coincidences, its getting hard to ignore, i am finding some on my own that i can't unsee.
>So yeah, neo-nazis are the very definition of "SJW,"
>social justice warriors
Everyone is already aware that pol inbreds are the creationists of politics, meaning you'll use "god placed the dinosaur bones to test our faith" type arguments. Your responses are completely predictable and don't make you seem any less retarded. Your cognitive dissonance is through the roof, it's hilarious how flustered you are at being exposed in such a definitive way for the emotional, low IQ sheep that you are.
it takes way more cognitive dissonance and repression to not realize the influence of jewish elite figures
This. Naming all names and "accidentally" leaking all the documents, pictures and videos he has.
The only one that is clearly flustered is you, tl;dr crying post after post.
Are we being "raided" or is this just one butthurt samefag?
Sheeeit could it be that? Could it be?
Imagine being such a Jew that you can't find a quote from the New Testament about redemption, you have to quote a fucking Jay Z song. lol.
sjws defend minorities, sjnazis defend whiteys
Thanks Sargon.
your screwing with definitions here man. i dont like neo nazis. i really dont. but they are very much opposed to the concept of "social justice"
I'm not furious, I was just explaining something to the poster. Please read what I wrote. I'm detached from this situation.
Sure, sure. Until the next and the next and the next.
These excuses are getting tiresome, even for the likes of you.
Not all Jews support that shit, even left leaning ones. But there seems to be a disproportionate amount, I can agree with you on that.
All I'm saying is that the truth is oftentimes stranger than fiction. There's no uniform narrative that fits SJWs or Neo Nazi philosophy perfectly and it's laughable when they encounter events like this.
For the record, Weinstein harassed non Jews and Jews alike afaik.
>he doesn't know actresess must fuck jewish producers to gain roles
>he thinks jennifer lawrence got her job by acting.
Oh friend ... i see passion on your words, but you cannot keep punching the tip of the knives.
How many facts are you willing to brush off as coincidence ? every day theres more and more, you think i like believing this? i don't, but it is what it is.
I'd say both groups are more defined by who they attack rather than who they defend.
>Neo-nazi SJW
I seriously wondering about this.
>After she arrived, he offered to help her career while boasting about a series of famous actresses he claimed to have slept with
How many really famous actresses have sucked that smelly jew cock and took it in the butt, and considered this absolutely normal and acceptable investment, and then had a career being hailed as respected professionals while being nothing more than a glorified escort all this time?
You aren't convincing anyone fag boy.
Sounds like he pissed off the wrong person.
No way someone with this much Hollywood connections would be randomly kicked out or have all these accusations come at once
Isn't is his company? Why can't he decide which girls to hire based on who sucks his dick better?
t. pic related
the concept of a fall guy is not a difficult idea, shlomo
Seems like it.
Can someone explain, in detail, why do liberals project all the time?
>he's spamming leftie pics now
Oh Jesus boys we've done it now. Will these fags ever stop embarrassing themselves?
t. cumskin
What did happened/did he do?
why are they threatning other races? isnt that racist? libtards are so hypocritical
>random unrelated pic about BLURMPF
If it wasn't for the filename I'd actually think you're a paid shill, so I'm gonna assume you're just a butthurt leftist jew
Sorry, but that's a clear woman's modus oprenadi broski.
>one group destroys public monuments and private property, attacks people physically, demand immigration of dangerous groups, demands censorship and believes the media.
>the other just spergs peacefully and hurt people feelings
And you want me to believe they are the same somehow?
>ywn be Harvey Weinstein
You're literally witnessing "god placed the dinosaur bones to test our faith" ad hoc "arguments" from neo-nazis in this thread. They can't deal with the dinosaur bones (Weinstein getting fucked by the system) disproving their entire belief system, so they invent an ad hoc story about god placing them to test their faith (Weinstein is a sacrificial lamb, blah blah).
For you to say that's projection when you're witnessing it in this thread proves you don't even understand what projection is. pol is the lowest intelligence internet forum in the history of internet forums.
JIDF push the meme that the "alt-right" and "muh neo nazis" actually believe that all jews are telepathically linked and are all involved in a massive conspiracy when they really believe that the Jews are just another group looking to pursue their evolutionary group interests in a zero-sum game of resources and power.
In this case, it seems that a small handful of celebrities are condemning him, and the remainder are serving judgement for the time being (until they can either virtue single by admonishing him or by ignoring the incident). If you want to read about an older example of this (where they got away with it) check out this brief piece on Marilyn Monroe's tragic life:
it was an april fools prank, but can't expect cuckservatives to understand comedy
>April 1
come on
you just KNOW