South Park Season Premiere Taking on BLM


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>it's just going to be "deep social commentary" on par with "the democrats are the real racists"
how can you watch this jew shit

Yeah we'll see. I've been wondering about the new season recently.

The always play both sides. They just target sensationalism.

Took them a long time.

this they always just play both sides and give no opinions they just make fun of everything calssical jew shit

When the fuck is the first episode of the 20th season?
Can't find it

Hating on SP for being silly and topical is about as shekel as it gets.

Always airs on Wednesdays at 10:00pm EST

New season starts this week.

Stop, I wanna enjoy this show even if it's a marxist propaganda, and degenerate to do so.

South Park is about as far from Marxist propaganda as you can get.

>why don't they agree with meeee reeeeeee

Last season was pretty shit, apart from the gentrification episode. They've started raping the boys.

are you retarded?
One of the creators is a jew and they make fun of jews every goddamn time.
Basically nothign is sacred for them, they attack both the left and ride side.
But they hate the left more.


Just like the end of last season they'll play the "everyone is silly" card

Disgusting neutral trash

>another season with little to zero creativity, imagination and original content
>another season with episodes nothing but "did you see this thing on the news? we also made notice!"
>another season where episodes have no humorous content but assholes praise it to the heavens because "SJW BTFO"
can't wait... sigh...

Oh thank you kind burgerbro, I'll give you some of my fisk

I grew up with South Park
The only time I was offended was when they attacked atheism
>inb4 le edgy teen

I was a faggot then and couldn't handle the bantz
They can't be straight-up propaganda, but they do the best they can

That's intelligent though. Its let's them be edgy while also somewhat toeing the line.

>Its a pol is pissed because South Park doesn't follow their agenda episode

Cartman is Sup Forums personified. You should be happy with that.

>this they always just play both sides and give no opinions they just make fun of everything calssical jew shit
The goal is not to prove a point - the goal is to see which side is weaker and resorts to name losing their temper the fastest.

Ever seen that scene from The Great Gatzby where they are taking shots at each other, and when Gatzby loses his cool everyone realizes he was the beta male the whole time? It's like that.

I thought Fisk was Danish

You really got that feel from my post? Damn Belgium, you sure are quick to react.

It is smart. Like I said, they target sensationalism. That's a good thing.

I just wish they would tone down the shitting/vomiting and the obscene sex jokes. I'm no prude (otherwise I wouldn't be here) but it just makes it look like more kike degeneracy.

>watching cartoons for middle schoolers with autism

What the fuck are you even trying to say? Its a cartoon you fucking sperg.

>making jews appear like they are warm hearted, innocent, silly and cuddly and anyone who hates them are retarded autistic fat insane racist assholes with daddy issues is not propaganda

Come on now, anons...

There was an informatic meme posted here a while ago about making jews appear friendly and cute in the media, and how it makes the goyim relaxed and unsuspecting around them, but I can't find it.

Disgusting. Praise Kek.

>>>making jews appear like they are warm hearted, innocent, silly and cuddly and anyone who hates them are retarded autistic fat insane racist assholes with daddy issues is not propaganda

we watching the same show, m8?

last season was already meh tier. All of my friends loved it but I felt like they couldve squeezed much better shit out of the >current year

>ebil trump
>weak isis reference (ninjas???)

Their hit on the PC culture simply wasn`t hard enough. Making fun of bruce Jenner isnt that brave as well since he is a controverse person already.

What I'm trying to say is that South Park doesn't need to be biased and choose a side. It's not a news network.
Instead, South Park shits on both sides of nearly every relevant political event that's occurring, and every single time one of the parties, in real life, has a bad reaction to it.
We, the spectators of both the show and the real life reactions, figure out who the weaker of the two parties involved are based on who loses their temper the quickest and resorts to acting like a baby.
It's really not that difficult to understand, you fucking sperg.


>Whole season is about social justice bullshit corrupting everything
>Shows that they're just useful idiots for the Je- ads

>Reeeeeeee they didn't make fun of the lefties enough!!!

This is why your friends loved it and you did not. They watch the show to have fun not how much they asspained LE SJWS

>making fun of Bruce Jenner wasn't brave

You don't live in America, so I'll give you a pass--but making fun of trannies, especially Bruce, can be a death sentence over here. South Park only got away with it because they're South Park. If someone at the ESPYs had criticized him when he gave his speech there, their career would have been over in an instant.

Asking the you same, bruh.

>reverse image search
>search text is in spanish
What the fuck Google? What the fuck OP?

Yes, we all know the Tribe controls the media.

But ask yourself this:

Do the young kids who watch South Park try to emulate Kyle or Cartman?

Don't know about Hungary, but Cartman is the one the kids latch onto over here.

Meh, I don't like the way they did not shit all over PC principal last season and I am still butthurt that they called zimmerman a racist murderer.

there are episodes where they shit on jews and on Kyle especially too, due to his smartass personality.
The best part of that Cartman is the most obnoxious yet still one the most popular character.

Also at least they always make fun of canadians always, can't wait for Trudeau to appear.

this so much, its like that ps4 vs xbox1 episode all over.

It's a screencap from the South Park website. There isn't a jpg out there.

Normies would be allot more receptive to that chart that only mentions the Jews, anyone got that?

yeah the last season was pretty shit. I was surprised so many people thought it was good and liked the continuity/lorde thing... it was a really unfunny "joke" stretched over a whole season

Too bad the SJW were never blown out.

Lorde was two seasons ago. They've been doing the continuity thing for 2 seasons now

That was a single episode, the greentext is 100% correct.

That was two seasons ago
18 sucked
19 was bretty goood

It's funny because the pic user just posted literally names the jews in the media

>"The jewsiaks who run all of the galexys media!"

Wasnt exactly subtle.

South park is kike tier entertainment


It's saying the Jews run the fucking galaxy and they're degenerate fucks

The funny thing is that even though Cartman is obnoxious, he also turns out to be 100% correct a lot of the time.

What the fuck are you on, they depict jews as walking stereotypes.

>posting about it on an imageboard with autism


>they depict jews as walking stereotypes.

Yes they depict them as above average, intelligent, caring moral people.

South Park is tame shit, unless they go full HBD redpills and bring up IQ, the MAOA gene and orgy of black violence and criminality then there is no point watching. The most "red pilled" they will go is some weak sauce Paul Joseph Watson shit about BLM being the "real racists" and not standing up for true equality enough. It's horseshit. Trey and Matt are old and have lost it. Watch MDE's World Peace instead.

Making intelligent Ads their big story line was simply boring.
Even though the season started great ( pc principal) and had great moments ( fat shaming, the gun control controversy) it just had too many weak episodes and imo not the best main story line.

Thought the media dropped Bruce Jenner very quickly after he revealed his support for Trump.

The fuck? They have internet over there?

don't forget Earth is a television show, so the jews are actually in control of Earth

I'm not doing this right.

That was satire.

Noone wants to emulate Kyle, not even liberals.
I don't see kyles family trying to kill off the whites behind the scenes. Or doing usury or anything like that.
The closest was the aliens in Cancelled controlling the media, but even that was satire.

>Trey and Matt are old and have lost it

Fuck your mentality that if they were young that would change anything.

That's true. They make chinks, Mexicans, and even niggers look ridiculous, but they never go hard on the jews in a cartoonish way.

They took a huge piss out of sjws thanks to the last season. If anything, this show makes alot of people aware of political bullshit that they usually don't pay attention to.

Just because you are being satirical doesnt mean there isn't any truth to it.

Obviously it does. Their lack of sheer imagination has been showing for a long time now. Grown-ups are dull. I doubt they're having as much fun doing the show as, like, 10 years ago which also affects the quality.

That came out after the season started.

But you're still not allowed to criticize trannies. You still aren't allowed to say that he's anything other than "beautiful"

>Noone wants to emulate Kyle, not even liberals
So you proved my point. You were saying SP makes Jews all cuddly (Kyle) and their aggressors are mean-spirited Nazi (Cartman).

But everyone loves Cartman and everybody hates Kyle.

That's good and dandy, friend, but put yourself into the mindset of a normie for me for this.
This is what the bluepill normie think when he picks up on that:
>Hahaha, go South Park! They totally made fun of those conservative racist antisemite bigot conspiracy theory nuts who claim that the media is ran by the jews XDDDDDDD
No matter the intent if the end result is harmful.

Yeah, I suppose so, can't argue with that.

Kyle is cuddly, just annoying. Jews aren't annoying, they are dangerous, to goyim and to even the non globalist jews.

Can someone post that pic I was talking about earlier and the media attempting to make the jews look all sweet and innocent and the effects of it on bluepills please?

You are just wrong.

>starts with cartman taking advantage of angry black people
> ends with kyle saying how blacks really are victims being taken advantage of and police and everyone else needs to lighten up
There saved you 20 minutes

How in the fuck was last season, almost exclusively dedicated to exposing and ridiculing hyper political correctness, Jewish propaganda

How can anyone actually enjoy this show? So they take some really stupid, "random" and unfunny scenarios and plotlines, and somehow they're supposed to represent some hidden political message or something, it's cringeworthy and tries way too hard

Kyle's mom is a reoccurring antagonist in a lot of episodes and even the movie. Kyle's dad is a money grubbing jew in the episode "sexual harassment panda". To say they never put jews in a bad light is just wrong.

you know in our countries shitting on trannies is fucking nothing but for americans is a damn huge deal.
Not even Jenner but when Cartman claimed himself into a tranny so he can have his own toilet.
It has a meaning too, that how stupid as fuck these systems are and its very easy to abuse them.

You know those who watch South park in general just want to laugh, the creators just ride the current events mostly. I still like this show because it has the balls to do what it does, and its a fucking miracle in these days that its allowed to air.

Also, what said.

Why would Cartman wear this shirt?
Hmm I wanna find out!

If you watch the trailers for their new games they're only making fun of niggers and SJW famalam

So? Would you rather only one side was targeted. This is always the case.

The media pushes one thing, South Park goes the other way.

It's not.
>I don't like it, therefore Jews

You people are all fucking retards.

Southpark is the only show to take on SJWS, jews, other races, and anything remotely controversial, including hillary clinton.

All of you faggots that are screaming liberal prop are just faggots that hate everything.

Show is based, music is based, and content is based. Do you guys have to be fucking downers for everything? Jesus christ you guys pathetic.

I remember rechecking the show a few years ago.
The comedy is incredibly unfunny and most importantly repetitive, I was actually shocked back then on how I found that shit to be funny in middle school.

THAT BEING SAID, watch fucking South Park and all the other edgy shit as much as you can if you enjoy it, you'll regret not watching it, since you'll realize how crappy it was and would be unable to watch it in a few years.
In a sense I'm jealous of those that find it funny.

>Southpark is the only show to take on SJWS, jews, other races, and anything remotely controversial, including hillary clinton.

That is the point, the show did not really take them on at all.

I WANT THAT SHIRT! How much? Where?!?!

I will wear a shirt that makes fun of BLM. I don't care who looks at me

You mean Sup Forums is Cartman personified.

Way too much social commentary and parody of the news in the past couple of seasons. It's gotten really stale.

>South Park premiered in 1997
>Sup Forums went online in 1986

you can't even call yourself an oldfag if you don't remember the Lewinski threads back in the 90s. Man, those were some good bantz

yeah, that t-shirt is so cash

I really love it when they used to have episodes that focused on almost all the kids in the school. The List was probably the last episode to do that

Protip Sup Forums, while lots of degenerate shit and initiatives to corrupt the West have a disproportionate amount of Jews in their ranks or are headed by them, doesn't mean that literally every Jew is some foreskin eating lizardperson.
Call (((them))) out by all means, but when you complain that every single portrayal of Jews doesn't shot them as evil Kikes you come of as obsessive loons, not unlike Blacks that blame every single thing wrong with their lives on Whites.

Most show pass a point where they've climaxed and become shit because they went on too long. I don't blame Matt and Trey for wanting to make more money, but they're on season 20

>It's a Matt and Trey create two poorly-researched, exaggerated strawmen of both sides of a hot button issue so they can look like reasonable centrists without actually understanding what's going on episode
>it's a Matt and Trey backpedal on an earlier stance so as not to offend their cultural marxist masters episode
>it's a Trey churns out a "relevent" episode so he can pay to feed his wife's son episode
>It's a Matt and Trey try to stay relevant by writing about month-old memes episode

>showing everyone in public that you watch cartoons and find their propaganda messages to be true
>Those that understand the message would be second hand embarassed for you, while you would think you showed em sjws!
Well, if you're underage and your friends like the show then get a custom print, there are like a million websites that do them. It's not cringe if you're like 14 or something.

>I don't see kyles family trying to kill off the whites behind the scenes.
sure but Kyle's mom is a fat litteraly redhair bitch who is always triggered and reminds many times how Kyle should proud being jewish (I think Matt Stone has mommy issues),and Kyle's Dad is a lawyer who is ready to indict everyone for false rape accusations for MONEY,Kyle is a moralfag who blames Cartman for every his problems just because he is an "wait for it" antisemite.
They're are not full 14/88 (evident since Stone is jewish) but they make some PJW-tier redpill and are just some teenegers who likes joking on everything.

I love South Park and find it genuinely funny but I already know how this episode will go down

>Something happens and Token gets suspended from school for a week
>Cartman finds out that since Token got suspended he doesn't have to take that math test on Friday
>Starts a "Token's Life Matters" movement and starts doing disruptive shit (he browbeats Butters into going along with it)
>Instead of getting in trouble he starts getting support from other students and staff
>Kyle or maybe Kenny since it'd be a little more meaningful is busy studying hard for the test on Friday but soon starts to get harrassed by Token's Life Matters protestors

I'm gonna enjoy it anyway, it may end up being predictable as fuck but I still think it's a funny show.

>It's a Sup Forums tries to convince themselves that a (((Comedy Central))) cartoon made by a Jew and a low-information cuck that said Trump was racist is really redpilled episode.

stopped watching when they moved to hulu

I miss old South Park when they created the talking points instead of making episodes on already stale talking points.

did you miss the part where Kyle was forced to be PC in the last season?

(((They))) don't have a great master plan like most of Sup Forums believes, (((they))) are just smart and powerful which is the reason they are overrepresented everywhere.

A good example would be the current US elections. Just look at Hillary that follows (((their))) orders, or how every single grandchild of Trump is (((half them))) and (((Bernie))) is a good example as well.

They have radically different positions, but all of them are jew cucks, people over here fucking hate to accept that Trump is (((their))) cuck as well.

It's just for fun man. I enjoy wearing a graphic or custom print tee once in a while. Besides I got my choices of clothing, I wanna have a little fun and it's on a college campus. Everything is cringe here, let me mess with some overly sensitive college babies for a laugh

Holy shit a leaf faggot is right for once?

Jesus christ what is the world coming to?

I don't think you understood the book/movie senpai

Fisk is similar for fish in many Scandinavian countries.

you should play stick of truth, it's just like that, just focused on the kids really, and it's fucking hilarious, like a 12 hour episode of SP