British Prime Minister appeals to muslims

>And as you share in that spirit of togetherness, I think proudly of the many ways people in this country connect with each other and enrich our nation’s life.

>I see this in the charity and compassion of our Muslim communities, whose members give so generously to those less fortunate.

>I am proud of the contribution British Muslims make to this country, and proud that Britain is home to people from vibrant and diverse backgrounds.

Can we get some dislikes on the go? The PM always makes special little videos for muslims, David Cameron did too.

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Of fucking course. Cowards

in b4 50 replies of cuck

she literally has to do this

every pm does

its a pr thing

>she literally has to do this

According to who?

disliked and reported for terrorism

Once in a lifetime

No she doesn't

please bring more Muslim enrichment to my town, Ms. May. we don't even have a mosque. I would hate to think that my children would grow up without their daily rodgering from Ahmed Bassar Ali-Bin Kebab

if she doesn't she'll get front page of the news for being a vile racist

she's a devout christian who wanted to bomb the pakis in syria

Get in here boys. Get those thumbs down going.



Nothing wrong with this.

>Muslim communities
naturaly they donate more to charitys then other religions do.
To bad they're not intergrating, they aleinate everyone who isn't a muslim

I wish we would just deport all Muslims into the Atlantic and then nuke them all.

Theresa May is really Phillip Hammond made-up to look like a woman.

I have suspected this for some time.

the religion or the people.
im fed up with "hala" whats wrong with calling it cosuer

also: bump


>according to who?

>laugh at burkini in france
>muslim mayor for capital
>muslim pm

>if she doesn't she'll get front page of the news for being a vile racist
Bullshit. Muslims don't even vote conservative anyway so I don't know who that bitch is trying to pander to.
Fucking Tories are the scum of politics. At least Labour is upfront about their retardation and leftism.

What this guy said.

muslim pm? since when, come back once you've sorted out calais

sorry, no western european nation gets to laugh about another's muslim enrichment, you least of all

It is mildly amusing.

They actually donate to "charities" that assist terrorists, such as Islamic Relief.


sick of all the "hurrr your more cucked than us" as if its some sort of competition

>single minded
i guess you should kill the other half of the electorate after every vote for being a traitor

literally never heard of "edil al adha" until today lol

what an embarassment.

Christ it looks like post earthquake Haiti.

Lefties are worse than religious zealots. If you are super nice to Muslims they won't attack you. If they do attack you, it's because you weren't nice enough to them.

You see the problem is moslems shouldn't even be a significant part of the electorate to begin with.

No fuck off, enough is enough. Even after the wave of terrorism in the west, Muslims provoke, and provoke, and provoke. Enough of their shit. They deserve to be ignored, not pandered to.

prove it.
personaly i think foriegn aid is a stupid idea.
charity starts at home


Does this mean snooper's charter 2.0 is about to be released?

Nice one may; you know while you're at it let's band Christmas because it's offensive; can we get anymore cucked.
and disliked
good job

Says the person with a Muslim President.

>Lefties are worse than religious zealots.

Dude, lefties are religious zealots.

kek, probably charity as in "supplying ISIS with weapons" or "spreading the word of allah in the West"

how have you been provoked, i think its time you left Sup Forums, you've been croupt'd.
the religion or the people?

>tfw you will never sit there with warm tea looking out as its snow storming talking about how to ruin the west


its called a balanced electorate, muslims are balanced out by orthdox from poland and romania. the goverment like to be able to predict the furture, the pendulum must swing

Yep. People just mock eachother rather than show some sort of pan-European/white unity. Constant mocking really demoralises people than anything.

I saw this shit coming a mile away. May has no kids, so she's going to 'adopt' the shitskins. With three spinsters atop the Western World, we're fucked.

>orthdox from poland

>how have you been provoked
Ever spoken a Muslim? They're perpetually angry and offended, issuing digs at "the west" and "white people" left and right.

Nothing amusing about that you take that back!

its all semitic desu, and charitys do not supply weapons, goverments do.
just needs to be de-zoinised

I can't fucking imagine.

Never mind weapons.

everyone do this

remeber the first generate will never fully intergrate, focus needs to be on schooling (god bless return of grammar schools) I've worked in a call centre, most common name, mohammod hussain. muslims are no more offensive then jews. there both semtics who look down there nose at others.


Yea and I'm a nigger Scotsman
Yea and I'm a Spanish African
Yea and I'm an alien from planet earth
Yea and I'm a Saudi Arabian Christian
Yea and I'm an American who doesn't believe in gun rights.

You see, I just listed out equalized paradoxes of false truth. I cannot be any of these things without compromising the integrity of heritage and culture of these places.

Muslims are not British, in as much as a no guns hating faggot is American (even if he's born on American soil he's not American.)

Why are the wests leaders all pussies. Except based australia of course.

flag it for child abuse

remember the 1400

3rd gens are the worst integrated of all. They're the ones joining ISIS.

what the fuck were these sand monkeys trying to do?

The content of the video doesn't bother me so much as the tone of voice and obvious fakeness.

She's just saying it because she feels like she has to.

If theres an Isreal, why isnt there an IS.
i qustion how much money actualy gets there if i only put pennys in there.
The americans funded the IRA, i dont see how this is much diffrent.

They need to be gassed.

>I cannot be any of these things without compromising the integrity of heritage and culture of these places.
>Muslims are not British
Britain isn't christian ethier, we had a monarch who made there own religion up, we are secular.
The people will do what they do, my the best man win in a fair fight, last time i check, they won't the police.

>literally an Islamic State sympathizer
gas yourself mohammed

No idea.

they joined ISIS and LEFT THE COUNTRY, because they want'd there own nation to practice what they want, they respected the fact this isn't an islamic country, and never will be. Law > religion

Calls norwegians cuck for a week straight after the norwegian king says something similar.


Imagine living in the house on the bottom right...I bet they get culturally enriched daily by Tyrone and the boys.

they joined ISIS and LEFT THE COUNTRY, because they want'd there own nation to practice what they want, they respected the fact this isn't an islamic country, and never will be, muslims are decucking there self from britain. Law > religion

Why is she so twitchy? She constantly looks like she's on edge

T. Abdul dirkaburka

think how much the PM knows about the extent of muslim atrocities in this country

let us conveniently ignore that IS is aiming for a global caliphate

let us also ignore that IS commits terrorist attacks in the west, and would have done so already if not for counter-terrorism efforts

*done so in Britain

i believe in repesentation on a state level not an imam level. where do we deport muslims too?
Give them there state and a goverment, and close there boarders until they achieve unite and evolve

Well, Cameron pandered to them the same way. And Soros literally is male and has five children. So that argument doesn't really live up to its meme force.

when are we going to get rid of these blairite cunts

wtf, i hate dumb bitches now.

progression of the feminine:

>"i must gather and produce, so my child is strong.
>I live a life as in eden. taking the born fruits of the trees, and living socially with the close tribe.
The men protect us so we might live our lives in peace and stability.if the competing tribes ever ruled, then we would become their property. A fate not deserved or desired.
>our devotion to each other, and to our cause will bring forth the strongest and greatest peoples of time."
fast forward 10,000 years
>"waaaah waahah gibs me dat politics and economy. i know how to do it with luuurrve."
>" gibs me dat boipussy."
>" i want cute brown ones like tv u racist whitey."
>"wew i hate these white racist so offensive to my lifestyle and african culture"

and another 100:
>"yes husband i will tell my sister wive not to whine, allahuakbar"
>"god is great"


>where do we deport muslims too?
wherever their lineage is from
or a place of their choosing
or yemen, should neither be clear


>global caliphate
sounds like they want a nation, for global repesentation.

holy fuck, that's some scary shit, looks like a vortex of chaotic evil.

what are the smoking you bellend

-the +you

what about converts to islam.
look into the forming of southern ireland, if we dont give them an Islamic state, we would only have to give them some of are land.


Dislike this shit Sup Forums. Let the mussies know what you think of them

it's incredible that they claim this isn't idolatry

That's why they want to subjugate all nations and peoples to Islam, which literally means submission. Yeah, totally. Dey wuz tryna only have dey own culture n be themselves n shite. Dey were goin to mosque every week and tryna be upstandin citizens n shite.

Nice try, MIDF.

they stay

they should fuck off and go fight for a homeland and be shot as they leave the airport

says who

Actually they're the only group with reverse assimilation. Subsequent generations show higher rates of crimes, violence and idolence than immigrant generation. Problem lies behind closed doors in Muslim homes and mosques

What an ugly, gutless old whore.


but then we wouldn't have got rid of the muslims, If there was an IS we could deport them there.
do on to others as you would do on to your self.
I like forced con-formism. Education Education Education. the three R's reading wrighting and arithmetic

truth right here

but could be as simple as: the problem with Middle Easterners and Muslims lies with...Middle Easterners and Muslims.

>Problem lies behind closed doors in Muslim homes and mosques
needs moar police, and liberal mussys.

I doubt she really cares

The conservatives are always saying one thing and then doing the complete opposite

We've had really hot weather and she's still pale as fuck, I know she's diabetic but seriously? Sort that shit out you fucking demented moo moo cow.

No danger, no real protest.