Sup Forums, I fucked up

Sup Forums, I fucked up.

slowly I've tried dropping red pills here and there on my gf, over the last 4 months or so. redpilling on Islam, feminism, gun control, leftist indoctrination, suppression of free speech, black crime, etc. taught her how to shoot, taught her about our state's gun laws and proper use of force, things of that nature. explained to her why the uproar on michael brown and especially trayvon martin were completely unfounded.

well yesterday I was on my motorcycle and got merged into hardcore by this nigger. I was pretty angry about it, started talking to her, pretty much said that cunt somehow escaped from the zoo, how proud I am to know my ancestors used to own an entire plantation of these subhumans.. yea. I was pretty mad and now the cat's out of the bag.

i know she dated a black person back in college, but from what i could tell he wasn't full on bix nood nigger, so i let it go. but i think her hearing me use racial slurs has got me into some deep shit in her questioning my character and who i really am.

is there any way out of this? any recourse or am i fucked?

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>le red pill

Cringy as fuck. If you can't talk about specific issues and how you feel about them, if you feel the need to "hide your power level" (also cringy as fuck), you're hanging around with the wrong people.

pol isn't a blog site, fuck off.

my gf knows I don't like niggers jews or muslims

get with it user

>i know she dated a black person back in college
Why the fuck are you dating her? You must be completely worthless.

>i know she dated a black person back in college
Yeah, she's a lost cause.

I think my wife thinks I'm joking, but if you grow up around niggers it's hard to not see them for the savages that they are. It's even more obvious when you move and then come back to visit.

> dating niggers
> questions the character of a white man


Why don't you just expose your true power level at all times

Well op, there's nothing more for her to wonder in that scenario, you kind of just felt like your anger was justified because you thought it was your place to be a mad cunt and well lets face it that is the weaker man talking

>i know she dated a black person back in college

How does it feel knowing that Tyrone fucked her over and over and you're just licking up his leftovers?

>i know she dated a black person back in college,
>so i let it go

your problem, and you know the answer. hopefully your next gf will have more sense.

you a a pussy. if your girlfriend doesnt see the apes for what they are, then your relationship is a failure.

if you obviously both have such differing political views why do you try to save the relationship? you wont be happy long term. if she cant accept you for who you are then the relationship has no future. have a serious talk, but act civilized and dont use racial slurs. then you will find out

well, she goes to church a lot, and is very christian so i figured she was kind of ripe to hear some truth on things like Islam, feminism, and black crime having lived in a sketchy part of the city.

at first it was kinda jokingly, i would make snide, witty remarks, but yesterday it was all anger, so now she thinks i am this huge racist full of hate and anger.

>dated a black person back in college

Does the word red flag mean anything to you my friend?

>i know she dated a black person back in college,
Yeah you fucked up on a lot of things.

>worried about what she thinks of you
>not mad at her for committing bestiality

Kill yourself, cuck.

Tell her straight up:

"You want to be with me or a nig?"

Don't cry, just enforce her choice.

Also shut the fuck up with the racist rants, you sound pathetic when you do those.

>if you obviously both have such differing political views why do you try to save the relationship?
Last woman I was talking with, I eased into a political conversation, she asked who I was voting for, said Trump, she immediately calls Trump a racist, say he's like Hitler, and says she has some Mexican heritage. Ask her if she speaks Spanish, she says no, ask her how many generations of her family have lived in America, she says up to great grand parents, ask her if she identifies as Mexican-American or just American, she says just American. Ask her who she is going to vote for "I don't vote but if I did, I'd vote democrat".
Literally the last conversation I had with her.
She hit me up a week or two later trying to patch shit up but I bluntly told her that she and I have nothing in common and no business talking with one another, and blocked her number.
Sure, it was nice getting laid when I wanted to, but I can't trust some gibmedats bitch.

This. OP is a candyass roodypoo cuck.

well, obviously she wants to be with me, and yea, the racist rant is out of character for me, but the fucking bitch almost got me killed, and i was fuming pretty bad.

she had a somewhat affluent upbringing and never really had to deal with niggers in the flesh as much, so it's kinda irritating when she says oh ive lived around blacks when my high school was every other nigger and i had a nigger shove a gun in my face while i was in the military. i think i am going to break up with her, she won't see the problem with niggers until she is held down and raped by one at gun point.

>dated a black person in college

The picture seriously fucking triggered me. Its like saying we will prosecute you for not letting us idoctrinate your children.
And looking at the name of the locality where this habbened i can only conclude taht its in bongland.

You went a little too far that's all. Should've stopped at she escaped from the zoo. It's a little harder to make women realize how shitty blacks are because they will blame it on their low income neighbourhoods, lack of education ect, Islam red-pilling is ez mode though.

Just say you really didn't think things through and overreacted pretty badly. Buy her something nice and she won't question it, basically "Honey, I overreacted yesterday pretty badly, sorry if I might have offended you, I love you honey and I want you to know that, that's why I'm giving you xxx, to make up for overreacting." Now be more careful in the future and continue redpilling.

>how proud I am to know my ancestors used to own an entire plantation of these subhumans
>questioning my character

Well I think it's quite logical to question the morality of your character.

If she chooses you over nigs then your game is simple:

Take control and be the best man(husband/father) you can possibly be. That means no more retard racist rants. Just be calm and objective with maybe a "Fucking niggers" if they do something really niggy.

Get a CCW permit and put em in the ground if they try to kill you too.

Why are you dating a coalburner?

And if she doesn't agree with you politicallt then drop her ass and find yourself a hot white surpremey woman.

>acting like a different person infront of your girl just so you can get pussy
You're a literal kike.

This. You sound really autistic.
/r/TheRedPill is that way.

i've had a ccw permit for a few years now. that's kinda the reasoning why i am trying to teach her about blacks and Muslims so she's basically in condition yellow when she's around them and she's not caught off guard.

eventually i want to see her get a ccw permit so she can carry herself.

>taught her how to shoot
fell for the penis envy meme

immediately discard you tryhard faggot

> "District of Columbia Court of Appeals case that held that the police do not owe a specific duty to provide police services to citizens based on the public duty doctrine."

>he fell for the cops are there to protect us meme.

literally kill yourself.

>sloppy seconds for blacked coalburner.
I will pray to Kek for your forgiveness.

Done good soldier

Cats outta the bag, man.
Balls up, that's how you feel, own it. Don't be ashamed or sorry.

>Having to live at condition yellow every time you set foot our your door

How do you people live? No wonder mental illness is so rampant.

Your society has been subverted so you no longer even have the basic benefit of a society; banding together for physical safety.

Take back your civilization, god damn.

I would call a bomb threat into the school that day, and if that didn't work I'd find the organizers house and throw a molotov threw the window.