What did Hitler mean by this?
What did Hitler mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
No clue cause I don't speak angry guttural yelling
It says something about massive caves with light.
Says Global warming is made up jew BS
This is why everyone hates you leaf posters.
>posts a terrible quality picture
>in German
>with small font
>no explanation
It's a map to Agartha for submarine captains.
The earth is hollow and this map shows you how you get to the inside by diving through the ocean.
He meant there are underground caverns and portions of the continent that lie under the ice sheet which you can explore if you go under the ice sheet from the ocean.
There is a secret Nazi base there.
They didn't use that font. FAKE
piri reis map
He was big into hollow earth
I want to believe
Hitler knew the Earth is flat
explain, was hitler a ayylmao?
What if it isn't the earth is hollow..but a weird portal onto a new 'Earth"? One that did not have humans, originally..until the Nazi's went in and colonized it.
Can't tell if the German is trolling.
The Earth is actually a dyson sphere
Required viewing
Its instructions for submarines, to get into the center of the earth.
A map about how to pass the ocean.
Can you even read?
U-530 surrendered at Mar del Plata, Argentina, on July 10, 1945
U- 977 surrendered at Mar del Plata, Argentina, on August 17, 1945
U-465 was scuttled off the coast of Patagonia in August 1945
Another U-boat of unknown number surrendered to the Argentine Navy on June 10, 1945
When the U-530 and U-977 surrendered so late after the European War's end, Allied intelligence was more than a little concerned, and dispatched agents to interrogate the German officers.
They certainly did not believe that the German captains had taken their ships on a South Atlantic excursion of three to four months just to surrender to the Argentines, as Captain Schäffer of the U-977 and Captain Wermoutt of the U-530 actually, and apparently in all seriousness, stated.
In 1943, the Grand Admiral is reported to have stated that,
"the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress."
[Henry Stevens, The Last Battalion and German Arctic, Antarctic, and Andean Bases citing Col. Howard A. Buechner and Capt. Wilhelm Bernhardt, Hitler's Ashes.]
Strange language for an admiral well-known for cold calculation in military strategy and tactics, and not well-known to be inclined to mystical statements.
Then again, in 1944, the Grand Admiral doled out a little more information:
"The German Navy will have to accomplish a great task in the future. The German Navy knows all hiding places in the oceans and therefore it will be very easy to bring the Führer to a safe place should the necessity arise and in which he will have the opportunity to work out his final plans."
At Nuremberg he boasted of "an invulnerable fortress, a paradise-like oasis in the middle of eternal ice."
Whatever the Allies learned, there was a sudden, intense interest in Antarctica. This interest was so strong that in 1946, as Allied troop were returning home from the War and all thoughts were turned to peacetime pursuits, the United States Government, under President Harry Truman, found it absolutely imperative that a full military expedition be mounted against Antarctica.
This campaign was called Operation Highjump.
Commanded by America's premier polar explorer, Admiral Byrd, the flotilla included:
an aircraft escort carrier (the Philippines Sea)
two seaplane carriers (the Pine Island and Curritich)
two destroyers (the Brownsen and Henderson)
two escort ships (Yankee and Merrick)
two fueling ships (Canister and Capacan)
a submarine (the Sennet)
Additionally, four thousand troops equipped with helicopters, reliable fixed wing DC-3s, and a specially designed armored tracked vehicle were also at the Admiral's command.
This single event" throws the whole Highjump exercise into a curious light, for "it somehow changed the whole character of the Byrd expedition." Within 48 hours Admiral Byrd had given orders which canceled the expedition and made preparations to leave Antarctica. The mission had lasted closer to eight weeks than to eight months. No official reason was given for the sudden withdrawal.
Byrd was returned to Washington DC, debriefed, and his personal and operational logs from the mission were seized and remain classified to this day, fueling an endless stream of rumors and conspiracy theories.
Byrd in an interview with Lee van Atta:
Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. The admiral further stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds
I loved the secret weapons expansion.
There's a spot near Antarctica. You go there, and perform the maneuvers they describe inside of an underwater cavern. You come out in an alternate world.
It seems to me like Admiral Byrd is the one and only source for this Hollow Earth stuff
Hollow Earth.
Anyone have pg3?
Idiots it's a Map for Submarines
Map for Submarines
Supposedly Byrd's diaries for those interested
Bump I love this topic, makes me hopeful haha :)
Hope we can get some of those Google earth points again
Nice forgery.
Have to admit that this particular source reads like some teenager's fanfiction
Wait, 'pérame
>eats taco
Are tú saying
>marries fat woman to get greencard
Are tú saying that
>Jumps border
That éramos
>has +5 children
¿That éramos pinchis Aryans, güey?
Yea i'm reading it myself now, seems pretty fake. Shared it before reading
no one jpg should contain this much knowledge
That's the unfortunate trouble with this topic. If there's any truth, it's buried in a mountain of disinfo.