Do you like the leader choices? Is your country relevant enough to get in? As a reminder, Italy will never get in ever and Rome doesn't count.
Do you like the leader choices? Is your country relevant enough to get in? As a reminder...
>its ghandi again
i can't wait for all those epic nuke joke with him...
no rome or russia?
looks like shit tbhfam
Oy vey goyim those cost extra as part of our downloadable content.
Thx for the new reaction pic
Those diversity civs..
>catherine de medici
literally why of all people
it's like they're going out of their way to be edgy
Fuck no. Catherine de Medici came from an Italian family and yet she's the leader for France? If they want women/muh diversity they could've given it to Joan of Arc.
Plus Ghandi looks like that last pellet of shit that comes out when you pinch your ass shut.
Pretty good. The last time in history Noway was relevant.
Any chance they might add someone like Vlad the Impaler?
yeah they should have picked a more famous non-French person
like Napoleon
Bit weird that it is England...does anyone know why they did this? Maybe because of Celts
>civilisations from all around the world
>they are diverse
>"fucking sjw!"
Why do you spell civilisation the correct way and not the American way?
Napoleon was from an Italian family and Joan didn't never France, just an army. I'd rather they gave us the Sun King but I'd still take Catherine over Napoleon again.
So glad we missed Rome and Greece for this quality civ.
it makes more sense to me as a german
we don't have many "z" in our words
>Mfw Ireland has never been relevant and will never be in a civ game
Michael Collins for civ 7
They literally got rid of Mongolia for this Literally Who because muh women in history and because the mongols were meanies
Teddy was certainly the most interesting and badass president so I like that. I wish they'd find somebody new for India, do they literally not have anybody else that has been a great leader? ffs.
>not Caocao
wtf I hate firaxis now....
No, these leaders are shit.
This game got fucked by liberal/feminist ideas.
Even Catherine, aka the horsefucker, is more relevant than this shit.
Inb4 she wasn't Russian
Joan de Arc was a general, not a leader.
Noo I only want White blonde blue eyes white dragon civs noo!!!!
Why fucking Norway of all places. I'd rather see some more kangs than a literal who king.
>Vlad the Impaler
That would've been nice.
>no Alfred the Great
>no Charles de Gaulle
>no Charles V
They better add the Canadian Empire soon or hell will be unleashed.
Either John A. MacDonald, William Mackenzie King, or Pierre Trudeau.
They must choose soon or Canada will unleash it's nuclear arsenal upon continents in our outrage.
I hope they bring Karl der Große as an additional german dlc leader
Following this logic any country in the world could have one if we just pick presidents as leaders, I mean Pedro? Roosevelt?
>Rome doesn't count.
Does Venice?
literally who
Yes, it's either him or Getúlio Vargas, which would cause the Paulistas to chimpout and destroy all the ketchup in South America.
>Meanwhile, Gandhi was challenging that abstinence in his own way. He set up ashrams in which he began his first "experiments" with sex; boys and girls were to bathe and sleep together, chastely, but were punished for any sexual talk. Men and women were segregated, and Gandhi's advice was that husbands should not be alone with their wives, and, when they felt passion, should take a cold bath.
Stephen the Great would be a better choice. Vlad did a few cool things but Stephen built up a Kingdom and managed to do so through imense ammount of diplomatic, politic and military prowess .
Fighting 3 decisive victories against some of the most powerful nations in the world while all the while getting them to fight each other.
10 out of 14 leaders are men and Sup Forums is still trying to run with the muh reverse discrimination meme.
Face it, the boogeyman SJW Civ you secretly desire to exist to rage against will never happen. Literally all the units in the game will be men, too.
In hundreds of hours of game play you will only ever have to look at four women. I know that's more than you're used to, you permavirgin shrimpdicks, but I promise you'll survive.
>Tomirys is in
>Semi-legendary rulers are a-okay
>mfw we're never gonna get King Arthur, Romulus, Agamemnon or Narmer because of muh diversity
Surely Victoria is relevant for you...
It's because you can't diversify history
atleast Gilgamesh is getting in the game, that will be fun
Needs more mongols
From left to right
a woman
>England not Britain, also a woman
a fat fuck who worked for the kikes
rekt by a force less than a tenth their size
fictional character also a woman
street shitter, also they should have picked someone from vedic india the only time india was ever great.
a woman
a nigger
fucking terrible
Why is Cleopatra best girl?
you moron, we aren't upset about the fact that they're women, but that they're irrelevant women. Noone wants to play leaders with stub wikipedia articles.
I'm afraid you are incorrect, I acknowledge historical people regardless of sex, religion, etc.
I'm angered by the fact that they are pushing characters no one knows, Scythia
>we know nothing about her but...
France is a fucking joke, their greatest claim to fame is a Corsican man. Also +1 they should have used Napoleon.
So, Gandhi was an extreme Edging and Denial fetishist. Also, a bit of a cuckholding fetish, only instead of your wife having sex with another man, nobody has sex ever despite being horny all the time. This actually explains a lot.
>that flag
kys, Bruno
Norway? Wow, that's rare. Only games that I can recall being able to play as Norway is Medieval 2, Hearts of Iron (virtually impossible) and M&B Viking Conquest.
Not digging the more cartoony look of Civ VI, but at least Cleopatra isn't 'KANGZ'
>What is generational dialect development within sociolinguistics for 500
Societies that branch off from their parent culture tend to also change over time. It's how languages developed and split off overtime. Not to mention the isolation of many populations over the course of America's history including the influx of various nationalities from Europe during the 18th-20th century that settled in those areas.
oy vey
Im 100% sure they put england because they will be selling Scottish DLC in the future. Could still use GB though which is the exact name.
The Congo isn't even a nation state.
It's just a collection of random tribes.
No common culture or history.
>who is Charlemagne
Its ok, game makers didn't know the anwser either.
>not Netzahualcoyotl
I was expecting de Gaulle, a bit disapointed
Pick one
those are only the civs that are announced. they still have more to announce.
Last one had Rome and Venice
As a Venetian indipendentist I was happy
Sauce? Loved how he looked in civ4, very properly bloodthirsty
>wanting to be civilized
typical anglo
Venice was so boring though as you couldn't found cities. Couldn't win through technology or military.
What I said comes directly from the neon haired community manager. She said that they didn't want to include mongolia because they did bad things and that they included scythia solely because they had a woman leader (that probably never actually existed)
how does it feel to know you beautiful city on the lagoon is getting overrun by Chinese tourists looking to buy plastic shit and litter the canals?
Venetian separatists exist? Serene Republic when?
It was something different. You can win military, in the endgame you have so much money to buy everything you need
Best is obviously diplomatic victory
tiocfaidh ár lá
>Not wanting to enjoy civilisation
Are you a nig, or an arab?
Fucking weasel Medicis, not based Robespierre or Phillippe IV le bel.
>anyone who doesn't want to deal with kikes and sjws is an arab or a nig
k Nigel, stay profligate
only rich leftist lives there because it's very expensive, if they don't ruin monuments I don't give a fuck
When someone will need to destroy united Italy. Someone= Chinks/ russians or (((America)))
nice meme
It's really difficult as you can't gain settlers or annex cities after you capture them. It's awful
Lad kikes and sjw's aren't the basis of a civilisation. sjw's will eventually die out one way or another and the kikes were btfo by Rome and never really recovered
''Lad kikes and sjw's aren't the basis of a civilisation''
Never said they were, but these types show up in all civilizations.
>bringing up a dead civilization as an example of longevity
>Not black
I will not be buying this game.
>Pedro II
>Black Hair
Why is she white?
It's because we're the only relevent country within the UK
>Noo I only want black cocks civs noo!!!
>all around the world
>no Italy
>no Greece
>no Russia
>no Turkey
>no Portugal
>but fucking Congo and Brazil get in
>"I-its not SJWs g-guys!"
Why wouldn't she be
>A "dead" civilisation that survived in one form or another for 2,000 years
The Romans survived a lot of shit before they collapsed. Besides Sjw's and the like would exist in any state as an anarchist's meme dream would collapse into feudalism in microsecond
>Besides Sjw's and the like would exist in any state
Better balance when the civ are spreaded on all continents. Also, i enjoy some resistance in France, Spain or Britain colonisation scenarios.
>still no Hitler
>no return of Stalin
Shit choices.
To smash white supremacy?
Wow. I did not think i would live too see this day. Feels good.
>spreaded on all continents.
Then explain the lack of Russia and Australia and the presence of Scythia.
Until you realize the mogols are too "controversial" to be in the game