Michael Is Cute Edition
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Me and my friends have agreed to take turns signing up for the one week trial and cancelling just to watch the series together. we all hate the series so far. I wouldn't trust those numbers.
Am I allowed to like both?
LOL, so they have two subscribers instead of one before?
You have 15 friends?
I live in a dorm. I just turned 18 few months ago.
I never met anyone in dorms I didn't hate. Have fun though.
do you hate every hour?
Normies will never understand Star Trek
Here's a backstory that would have made more sense for Burnham:
Burnham grew up on earth, and was a really decent starfleet cadet. Once she was assigned to a ship she has quickly risen in rank and proven that she can handle near any situation and come up with clever solution for the problems she has to face (like opening the force field so the escaping air would throw her towards the door). but during the encounter with the klingons she lost her cool and attacked her captain, believing that letting the klingons live will resort in some sort of catastrophe. This rightfully ended with her in the brig.
There, Burnham fucking fixed and the show can go from there. Oh but also the whole Gabriel Lorca wants her shit can fuck off too.
>You're a loose cannon Burnham but damnit if you aren't the best! I need me... women like you on my team!
Is this a fucking cop movie? Does the Maverick need to be suspended first before being put on the brand new super mega team? And WHY the fuck is the "vulcan in mind but not in body" the god damn Maverick?
>Our sensors can't scan it captain
>"Imma just go out there and have look myself because I'm such a fucking maverick"
I tried to kill myself once when I was younger, so yeah, what do you think? Fuck off, you fucking asshole.
I think Seth Macfarlane might be a secret genius for so perfectly nailing what Trekkies wanted to see and timing it to come out against grimdark GoT-wannabe Trek. Even the fucking lighting in the Orville is perfect.
I was much happier once I got a place with some friends instead of random people.
shit tier bait
i was happier living alone over living with friends
That too, but it's expensive if you don't want to live in a shoebox.
So where do I watch it?
CBS All Access, Space, or Netflix.
Go ask one of the nurses at your assisted living facility.
>the expanse
Having read the books makes me hate so much about the show
>Belters grow up in low gravity and are thus quite a bit bigger than your average human, their body stretches out and they look lanky
>Naomi is somehow smaller than Holden
The Idea is that in a crowd you can pick out who is belter and who is earth from just a glance.
>Bobbie Draper is a shortstack cutie
In the books she's pretty much described as a 6'5 polynesian Brienne of Tarth with more muscles. To a point that only guys with an Amazon fetish want to fuck her.
But... good luck finding an actress like that in real life. Fucking hell.
>BSG a.k.a. emotional misery porn is high tier sci-fi
>The Expanse scores lower than Farscape
>Voyager and Orville registering on the same scale
>Crusade not satanic tier
Holy shit whoever made this should be euthanized or at the very least forbidden to breed.
But like, it's not there on Netflix when I search it up.
It's on Netflix everywhere other than America and Canada.
i dont know why no one adds that its not for the american netflix but other netflix countries for whatever reason. really makes one wonder that maybe its not Americans using Sup Forums
Oh what the fuck
Crusade is bad, but not the worst. I don't know if you've ever seen Galactica 1980, but that's on another level.
How old is she? Because I honestly can't see her as being older than 14-15. She's that awkward tier I wouldn't want to date in fear of being branded a pedophile.
haven't you seen the screenshots of pajeets snyderposting on facebook and twitter? this place is poo in loo central
Don't worry...everybody already knows you are a pedo
Galactica 1980 is the common cold. Crusader is the genetic virus they dropped on Earth they have 5 years to cure or everyone dies.
The characters in this show are utter cunts. I hope the Discovery blows up and only the special needs girl (and maybe Saru) survives.
Trials. Plus, gaining 3 subs in a day when you had only 12 the previous year isn't something to grow about even if it is a record.
Lorca is based, shut your face.
I don't understand special needs girl. She tells Michael to fuck off her bed, because they aren't the same, they look the same, but she has allergies against common bedding materials that result in snoring. Michael goes to the other bed, so special needs girl has her bed again, but she is still snoring when Michael collects her drool.
Wish all of Discovery would just fucking leak already. Waiting till Sunday sucks.
This better not have been the last time we see major fleet engagements.
The only characters I don't like are the chief security officer and the chief engineer.
yea. whenever anyone says they try to do thinngs to prevent snoring. literally nothing ever works. its all lies
Is everyone stupid?
You can bet your sweet ass they blew at least 35% of their entire budget on the pilots.
the chief security officer makes me think she is a naughty dirty girl
I just don't like her bitch face. I dislike the actor, not the character.
That was a shit tier big battle even by trek standards.
So after three episodes the pilot is finally over?
Or is this show just never going to slow down and be Star Trek?
You're a shit-tier battle even by Trek standards.
>slow down
You are 2 decades late for that kind of pacing in TV.
"Anything, anytime, captain."
I don't understand why they can't just hypospray away her allergies. Or why they'd give her a double room if she's not allowed a room mate.
Well she has a relationship with the captain and they're the two best characters.
Why does Michael all of a sudden talk and act urban? I thought she was raised on vulcan. She'll be ayo'ing and smackin' her teeth by the 5th episode at this rate.
A single bed room is a luxury reserved for officers. Plebs share a room with other plebs.
>I don't understand special needs girl.
She lies to get what she wants. Same with the console in engineering. She's just an autist that has to sleep in a certain bed only.
Although... the CSO could sleep with her fuckbuddy, the captain, and there would be a free single bed room available.
Makes complete sense, I haven't thought about that, great insight!
Why the fuck did they have to make her a black woman. Now i cant hate her because she's a black woman.
Do you think she made Micheal eat all the eggs?
>No tendies
those birthing hips
Rapidfire is pissing me off. By that time phaser beams should be the norm, and phaser blasts shouldn't be a thing until the Defiant in DS9. That's one of the reasons people say it's a shit battle scene.
>phaser blasts shouldn't be a thing until the Defiant in DS9
sure about that?
>Be fucking shit-tier enlisted on the Discovery
>It's 1300, time for Lunch after a hard day being a SciFi nobody
>Get into line at the Mess Hall
>Apparently the Chicken synthesizer is down
>Minutes later, some cadet starts screaming and throwing trays
>Security can't hold her down, she is screaming she wants her tendies and ketchup when security gets authorization to stun her
>They have to stun her multiple times in order to knock her out
>In the Lower Decks, her new name is Cadet Tendies
>STD fanbase isn't made up of Orville hate-
That's not what I'm talking about. Those are continuous beams switched rapidly in your gif. The Discovery battle scene however has pulse fire beam projectiles.
>That's one of the reasons people say it's a shit battle scene.
That's a stupid reason to call it a shit battle scene.
they're just a slower version of the Shenzou's weapon
one of...
>That's one of the reasons people say it's a shit battle scene.
You're partly right. The pulse phasers seem week as shit. The other reasons the battle was total ass was because it had no tension. They kept cutting to scenes that didn't broke pacing and Didn't real feel as if there was a battle going on.
Probably the worst actress since Halle Berry, she's set to win 1000 Emmy's.
Goes both ways. I especially like when someone says Orville is the better Star Trek. It's like saying DS9 is the better Babylon 5.
The Shenzhou is old and outdated.
Weak I mean. Obviously.
will you fuck off already it's /STD/
fucking cbs shill
Just like your waifu
Several ships are using those blue peashooters, not just the Shenzhou.
It's 2017, let waifus go
>t. foxshill
The only other scene they cut to was the brig. And it was obvious the ship was under attack throughout.
>obesity still exists
Gene Roddenberry's utopian vision has been violated
Fat riker is best riker
Thats because STD has no heart or soul,
and no amount of shilling can change that.
it has soul, it has no heart
>forced message episode where sisko has to prove himself in a racist world because subtlety is hard
>orshills can't even stay in their own thread
Keep crying.
michael is a man's name. is he a drag queen or a trap? when will the crying game move come?
>highest signup day
yes over 6500 people signed up, WOW
Sarek mind meld. Admiral bad ass...
Agreed. STD is shit TV to say nothing of Star Trek.
This episode even though i dont like it that much wil always be better than anything STD has put out.
Also i havent even seen The Orville yet but i guess every person who critiques this drama stain is a shill or Sup Forums or not a trekkie or whatever.
She was called Michelle but the Vulcans didnt get the difference and called her Michael.
Screenshot this.