Prepare to be disappointed

I can't be the only one that found this worse than watching paint dry.

>storyline is cliched 'find the child' rubbish
>forces moral and ethical issues in our face without an ounce of subtelty
>tried desperately to recapture the feels of the original (e.g. Ryan "one-tone" Gosling dying on the staircase with that track playing)
>b-grade action and acting
>forgettable characters
>plot holes out the ass
>amateurish pacing and transitions
>3 hours with very little going on

2/10 and that is no exaggeration. The only thing that kept me awake was the ridiculously loud sound effects.

My only question is whether that was CGI of rachel. If so it was fantastic and the only standout part of this snooze fest

Other urls found in this thread:

low effort

Are you a woman?

Something about that post with that image is amusing to me

All the imdb and /r/movie tourists are here
you wont be able to have a real Sup Forums discussion until next

No. Surprisingly my girl friend loves this movie and hates the first one. Go figure.


>implying being contrarian is having a real discussion

the storyline was actually surprisingly weak and all the scenes with Ford were pretty bad but for me it actually recaptured the feel of the original really well and for a movie as fantastic as the original blade runner that's enough to call this a good movie on its own

Honest question, are you right or left wing?

just came back from my country's pre-premier, what do you want to know?

I am not op tho
biggest spoiler is probably and do not view this if you don't want the movie legit spoiled Ryan Gosling is not actually Deckard's son, it's all a big ruse

i consider each issue on a case by case basis.

>it actually recaptured the feel of the original really well and for a movie as fantastic as the original blade runner that's enough to call this a good movie on its own

Can you explain how? The interactions between the characters felt nothing like the original. Also, the fight sequences felt like a regular hollywood action flick (as did the antagonist).

Okay. Just wanted to know if I should take your opinion seriously or not.

Nice buzzword

Yeah, it just came out, I'm taking it for a spin.

Don't go in expecting anything like the original movie.

The world lacks the grit of the original, and the characters feel 2-dimensional. The plot is also laughably juvenile (expected, seeing as PKD did not write a sequel).

Expect long, drawn-out scenes of literal nothing that appeal to pretentious movie snobs.

It was a completely unnecessary sequel to a classic movie.
The fact that it was better than all the other unnecessary sequels/reboots of classic movies out there, doesn't give this movie a free pass.

Fuck Ridley Scott and fuck Harrison Ford for trying to ruin another classic movie.

I unironically think the story of the new one is far more intriguing and fleshed out than the original, especially in the romance sub plot.

I'm pretty sure Harrison Ford does not give a single fuck about the quality of anything he is in.

Ridley Scott was an 'executive producer' but regardless he has shown himself to be a complete hack lately.

>2/10 and that is no exaggeration
sure thing buddy

>Real Sup Forums discussion

>storyline is cliched 'find the child' rubbish
as opposed to "kill the bad guys" of the first
>forces moral and ethical issues in our face without an ounce of subtelty
one eye ladys monologue was a bit on the nose but K didnt do what she wanted
>>tried desperately to recapture the feels of the original
social isolation? Yes
In a cramped environment? No
>b-grade action and acting
>forgettable characters
I liked Luv, K, Deckard, Stelline, Wallace
>plot holes out the ass
>amateurish transitions
the very last transition to the chase was amazing
>3 hours with very little going on
constant immersion would only be noticed if it wasnt constant

What was the point of Joi?

>The interactions between the characters felt nothing like the original.
They weren't the original characters so why would they? I mean the scene, setting and overall mood - the gloom, the questionable reality, the oligarchic philosophical Ty-Wallace corp

>the fight sequences
were a lot better than most Hollywood movies nowadays
aside from the ridiculous punchfight between deckard and gosling it felt like the characters meant it and especially the last fight between gosling and luv showed us some real violence instead of the standard two invincible marvel idiots hit each other a hundred times way too hard and destroy everything around them yet neither one is actually hurt

I was prepared to be heavily dissapointed, but instead got slapped with one of the most kino experiences of recent times.
Still amazed that this was released in todays Hollywood.

>I'm pretty sure Harrison Ford does not give a single fuck about the quality of anything he is in.
Yeah, no shit.
You would think that after how bad and phoned in his perfomance were in Crystal Skull and The Force Awakens, he would try to stay away from doing a new Blade Runner.

Guess Harrison Ford really doesn't give a fuck.

Yeah like back when TFA came out and all the easily impressed plebs left

>Authentic memories trigger real human emotional reactions
>Both actors cry as they watch one
How could i be so blind

I agree. You take out Roy and what's left of the original? At least 2049 sets up K as someone special then completely strips him out of it before the final moments. The hologram scene was great, I didn't expect it to be such a big part of the conclusion.

>storyline is cliched 'find the child' rubbish
that was only half of the story tough

>forces moral and ethical issues in our face without an ounce of subtlety

ah yes. Everything which tries to have some little bit of value and isn't completely braindead is pretentious right? Go back to capeshit and Star Wars pls

>tried desperately to recapture the feels of the original (e.g. Ryan "one-tone" Gosling dying on the staircase with that track playing)

it kinda succeeded with that. Ryan dying on the stairs was the least important thing to capture the spirit of the original. And why desperately? I think you haven't even watched the original

>b-grade action and acting
didn't blew up enough for you? Missed some lightsabers? The action was meaningful every time. And the punches and shots where pretty top notch and felt powerful.

>forgettable characters
Now you are just meming

>plot holes out the ass
Nothing like the original right? Again you din't watch it. Also name one plot hole please

>amateurish pacing and transitions
>3 hours with very little going on
Did you took your ritalin today?

is Deckard a replicant

Tell me faggot

Nothing in the movie came close to this scene.

In general the world looked too clean compared to what we see here. Also why the fuck would you choose Ryan Gosling? That cunt acts the same in every single movie

There's still one or two retards (and shills) that linger around here trying to convince people that TFA was a masterpiece.

I imagine the same will be true for this new Blade Runner movie.

>Everything which tries to have some little bit of value and isn't completely braindead is pretentious right?

I'm not saying that at all. I am saying that they think their audience is so braindead (like you) that they need to explicitly point out the moral issues.

Didn't read the rest of your wall because you barely made an effort to read what I wrote. Go fuck yourself.

Also contrived, bleak and without charm, almost devoid of ideas and not confident in the few it does play around with, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. My biggest gripe, however, is that it leaves the existentialism of the first in favor of an essentialist outlook which is completely uninteresting and oddly dated in a time when A.I. is a very hot topic. The political dimension of the story is force-fed to us and then left in the dust.

Lifeless. That’s the word I’m looking for.

Look at this scene:

Then think back to Jared Leto's character, performance and the setting of his domain.

Then seriously question whether the sequel did a good job or not.

Jared Leto was chewing the fucking scene like every other performance of his.

Reminder that his role was supposed to be David Bowie's originally.

I dont agree

>In general the world looked too clean compared to what we see here.
Haven't you thought that that was the fucking point?
Everything is complimenting the original in contrast. The original is dirty, dense, cluttered and mostly filmed at night, while this is clean, sterile, empty and mostly filmed in a day. What did you want, the same fucking thing in every element?

And Ryan Gosling's slightly autismal robot like expressions fit the Blade Runner world perfectly, can't think of a single other actor who would fit better for that role.

Fuck off, copypasta is shti.

Leto is an eternal teenager trapped in the body of a grown man.
He hams up everything with his shitty idea of "method acting" that only shows how limited his imagination is, because all his method acting is just "leto hamming it up". The only movie he was good in was american psycho.

His dialogue was also trash. You can't only blame shitty writing solely on the actor delivering it.

>Didn't read the rest of your wall because you barely made an effort to read what I wrote. Go fuck yourself.

You wrote nothing though, that's the point.
>forces moral and ethical issues in our face without an ounce of subtelty

Really i am thinking hard here, give me a fucking example where they forced moral and ethical issues in our face.

They picked The Goose to get the female audience to watch the movie.

His autistic expressions and uncharismatic character felt really out of place.

Fuck I need to rewatch the original. On reflection I don't recall seeing anything this emotionally intense or engaging. That said the remake is okay for today's low standards

might see this tomorrow

anyone see this in 3d? how are the 3d effects? substantial and worth wearing dumb glasses for 3 hours, or no?

feels like a sequence of events that happen with no real context or meaning; the ending isn’t earned at all, and there’s so much left underdeveloped.
there’s surely a ‘final cut’ somewhere, I’m just not interested in seeing it.

>"am i hooman"
>"is this rill or fake"
>repeat 10 times
>this is decades after the first movie where shit like this is the norm now

Not him but the worst part of the movie is how much they hammer you with these basic questions. We get it...

He must be friends with some really good jewish producers out there.
I have no idea how he continues to get all these roles, despite him being a pretentious douchebag.

Daniel Day-Lewis he is not

Watch it in 2D for the love of god, why would anyone want to experience it any other way?
You think Deakins filmed scenes and then thought "hehe this will look GREAT in 3D hehe"

>feels like a sequence of events that happen with no real context or meaning; the ending isn’t earned at all, and there’s so much left underdeveloped.
This is exactly what I am feeling. You explained it succinctly. And the events that occur are pretty boring.

I read somewhere he's part of some cult

I cringed when Goose and that 2-dimensional chick he worked for had that little conversation about the difference between replicants and humans. "Humans have souls" fucking give me a break how dumb do they think we are that we can't ask basic questions like this?

No, no, it's "humans have souls... I guess".


what fucking did you even add with that retarded post

Are you talking about the baseline test?

No I mean they repeat these basic questions over and over again.

>"Humans have souls" fucking give me a break how dumb do they think we are that we can't ask basic questions like this?

That whole scene was almost Prometheus levels of bad.


I thought the pacing was fucking awful. The only other movie that has made me feel like this is the hitmans bodyguard which was only like 100 minutes

whats your favorite movie you contrarian fuckstain?
also your opinion is pathetically shit

I knew it arrival was a shit film and blade runner 2049 is too.

except this movie was good compared to TFA

truly the pleb filter of 2017

Waste of dubs

I agree. John Wick 2 was the pleb filter of 2017.

>newfag redditor doesnt know how to spoiler
mods ban this faggot

>My only question is whether that was CGI of rachel

Is nobody going to answer this? It looked amazing whatever they did

The story of the new one is better than the original, you know it to be true.
The original had the atmosphere and the score, this has it all.

>except this movie was good compared to TFA

At least it was n'tmade by a hack like JJ Abrams, so that's something i guess.

>i want my replicants to reproduce so we can take over le universe!
>replicants being hunted because they've gone A-Wall and all they want is more life from their creator

Hmm... which is better here... ummm..

it was and it was pretty bad actually
just not as bad as in star wars



literally like 2 minutes before the end tho
and the movie practically tells you he's going to die like half an hour earlier

>It was pretty bad actually
Just fuck off dude, you couldn't even tell it was CG

>>i want my replicants to reproduce so we can take over le universe!
This is literally just 10 minutes of an almost 3 hour long film which deals with an entirely different subject altogether in other scenes, your comparison is pretty ignorant.


Fuck off pleb

Kind of boring tbqh famalam. Still really liked it, so many great parts. It was a cool detective movie for a while, but somewhere along the way it lost me for a bit.

>you couldn't even tell it was CG

Are you joking now? You could easily tell it was CG.

sorry but your le take over le universe is a dime a dozen in this doggy dog world

ironic that blind people watch a film that makes eyes and sight such a big theme

>This is literally just 10 minutes of an almost 3 hour long film

it's the whole motivation for the hunt for this autistic red headed bitch

I never felt bored for even a second, did not feel like a three hour film at all.
Baby Driver felt like it was twice as long as this.

dw he has his nice little dialogue with harrison ford then dies in the most cliche way possible

for me it was like arrival
started off great, but got worse and worse as it went on

>>storyline is cliched 'find the child' rubbish
You mean its a detective mystery?
>>forces moral and ethical issues in our face without an ounce of subtelty
The use of a slave labor force was never an issue in the previous film?
>>tried desperately to recapture the feels of the original (e.g. Ryan "one-tone" Gosling dying on the staircase with that track playing)
No soundtrack played and it wasn't a staircase
>>plot holes
such as?
hours with very little going on
Do you plot provided in the form of exposition during endless action scenes?

>it was and it was pretty bad actually

It looked good from memory and suspended my disbelief.

I will need to re watch it.

why? I would love to hear your opinion on blade runner

I mean it was obviously well done cgi but her face still stuck out like a sore thumb

You can spew "pleb reddit imdb" meaningless buzzwords all you want, but you know it is true.
I mean just look at the romance sub plot, it's ten times more intriguing and well executed hete than the flat emotional connection in the romance sub plot in the original.

>I mean it was obviously well done cgi but her face still stuck out like a sore thumb

Just like every other CGI recreation of an actor out there.

and how else do you think the movie can explain the moral issues rather than stating it to our face? Which was by the way was stated like one or two times? Go fuck yourself

>but her face still stuck out like a sore thumb
How so? I thought it was a look alike actress but it may have been the angles they used. It is leagues ahead of Tarkin that;s for sure

Damn you're right.

Human have souls... i guess....

The story might be biggest problem with this hogwash. It’s straightforward and not uninteresting in and of itself, the problem lies in its drive. it doesn’t have any drive. the characters constantly espouse its importance but they never stress why it is. like capeshit theres no consequences to anything, no lives at risk except the people who we’re already marked at the beginning. it just sees fit to throw new characters and locations at the screen hoping to keep you interested in a mediocre story

one of the positives of this is that despite its scatterbrained attempt at storytelling, the film remains mostly cohesive tonally and structurally throughout. unfortunately that’s not enough to praise it on, and in the end, the film is just no style and no substance.

have you seen the original?
the themes were handled much better there
lots of subtlety, one of my favorite examples is Pris hiding around the manlet retard's toys and Deckard searches for her among them, metaphorically asking if there is a difference
another more general example is the replicants in the film acting a lot more "human" than the actual humans

>Human have souls... i guess....
>this is an actual line in the movie

I burst out into laughter. Who the fuck wrote this shit???

>Who the fuck wrote this shit???

Probably Ridley Scott. Didn't he come up with the story of this turd?

what happens to the dog?

what the fuck was the dog even doing there in the first place?
the Ford scenes were way too star warsy and the dog just made them even worse

i think they were trying to replicate the 'robotic animals' thing the original had going for it but failed spectacularly