Did any planes actually hit this building?
Did any planes actually hit this building?
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Pilots say it's near impossible, but who knows, as long as there's no footage...
> no camera around the most securised building in the world
yeah, they accurately hit and destroyed the hall of records.
Are you retarded or do you live under a rock?@?@?@
Honestly when all is said and done, it was probably a lot easier for the government to just ram a fucking plane into the building than try and convincingly stage it to make it look like a plane hit the building.
There was multiple cameras. Government released 3 frames from one camera and all other footage is classified.
you mean the one that shows it exploding with no plane hitting it?
Pffff, yeah
.. and santa claus landed his raindeer driven sled on my roof last year
theres a shit ton of footage,or was a few years ago, and no plane debris
- missile, probably shot by the airforce, war games going on that day
people still think 3 buildings collapsing = 2, 4 if we count 0
One frame of something small and white and not very terribly plane-like.
Of all the buildings to hit with a plane, this was the stupidest.
Wouldn't it be easier just to launch a missle at it then convince everybody it is whatever they want it to be?
In the months prior to 9/11, one section of the pentagon underwent massive restructuring with the aim of reinforcing the building. That one section was then hit with a missile. Photographic evidence from the day of confirms this beyond doubt.
I think it was a war between the camps in pentagon. They fired a missile at one section of pentagon to show who is the boss.
I guess we'll just ignored the lightpoles that were clipped by the plane, and planes parts scattered all over the place.
I mean it is one of the most secure buildings in the world, and the DoD is funny as shit about classifying footage/documents of this or that. It's not totally unreasonable that they classified it. Weird but not the weirdest shit ever.
I think this painting says it all.
Regardless of the "official story"
Source faggot
Got any pics of the debris at the pentagon?
A plane doesn't just incinirate into nothing.
Debris on the lawn.
There are no weapons missing from that plane...
It does if jetfuel is involved!
Ha. Wtf is this?
It was a cruise missile (thats why some guys saw a "thing" with little wings)
Lamp posts.
The problem is, you'll need to get hundreds (if not thousands) of people on board for such a conspiracy to work. You'll need all of the supposed family members of people who died on the plane, you'll need all the aircraft controllers who say they saw the plane's flight path change, you'll need all of the airline people who actually set the plane's flightplan up, etc. And importantly you'll need to make sure nobody ever tells the truth - that there was no plane.
In that case, it's much easier to just remote-pilot the plane and crash it into the damn building. People stressing over whether the government was creating a conspiracy by firing a missile are just losing sight of the actual conspiracy.
More debris.
Whatever happened we will never find out.
Forgot pic.
There is more footage, I've seen it.
It was straight-up a missle.
Whether it was a plane or not, is it fishy to anyone else that the hall of records was destroyed right when they were about to audit the pentagon?
>Second pic on the top left has a red circle on a white background
fucking Japs are at it again
It was a plane shaped drone/missile.
No, it's not. There are a few frames which show an object hitting the Pentagon. They're blurry and hard to tell what the object is. However a simple extrapolation using the Pentagon as a reference shows the object is roughly 100ft. long. About the size of the jet in question. Much larger than any known cruise missile in any countries inventory.
Three towers knocked down by two planes.
The third tower that wasn't hit by a plane housed the CIA and SEC.
The hit on the Pentagon destroyed the accounting area a day after trillions of dollars went missing.
Good thing we did an investigation. It was secret and doomed to fail, but we did it. Even though the President and Vice President only gave testimony behind closed doors, off the record, and with full immunity.
But thankfully we killed the guy responsible. Over a decade later. In neither of the two countries we had invaded. We didn't take video of it. His body got sunk to the bottom of the ocean immediately in an undisclosed location. And the military unit responsible died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
Sounds legit.
Don't forget to mention that the plane hit the only part of Pentagon that wasn't yet renovated
>And the military unit responsible died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
Holy fuck, what? Why didn't I hear about this?
Yeah they were all flying in a helicopter and got taken out by an rpg. I don't recall exact details but there was something very fishy about that too.
>Did any planes actually hit this building?
First crude cruise missiles (German V-1's) were shot down by the British with those days technology at about 80% peak success rate. More than fifty years later, jet airliner, slower, clumsier, hundreds of times easier to detect (both radar and infrared) than cruise missile flew through air defenses designed to shoot down cruise missiles around world's most important military target . No one has been punished for the failure of air defense. That thing stinks to high heaven.
>There are no weapons missing from that plane...
The plot thickens!
Luckily we had the National Institute of Standards and Technology tell us that knocking down two of the towers was in fact possible, at all, even though they were specifically engineered to withstand getting hit with multiple airplanes. And no skyscraper had ever collapsed due to fire or an airplane hit before or after that day. It was a huge fluke, of course. Good thing we did an architectural investigation.
NIST proved it using a computer model that was never released and has since been destroyed, because they're independent, trustworthy, and doing a code review on a computer model used to prove the most important event of this millennia is beyond unreasonable.
Yeah I'm certain planes did hit the towers but Mossad had planted explosives as well. Mister shekelstein and his 1 billion dollar insurance policy specifying terrorism and his timely dermatology appointment make sense.
>the object is roughly 100ft
Picture please?
Not to even mention the major stock trading incidents of the preceeding months, when various Saudi and Israeli financial groups made large short trades against American airline industries.
We'll also not discuss the dancing Israelis, the Israeli students who had set up cameras for the event, the Mossad agents immediately detained by FBI and local authorities.
And we probably shouldn't mention the neo-conservative control of the Executive branch, or that most of the people in charge of the US at the time were Jewish neocons. Let's not fall victim to that kind of anti-semitism. And let's definitely not question their Project for a New American Century, or its central idea of creating a new Pearl Harbour in the early years of the 21st century to send America in to a series of wars against Israel's enemies.
I bet it was just merely a coincidence.
Lets say the government was behind 9/11
So they got two planes to hit the world trade center, but couldn't get their shit together to get a plane to hit the pentagon? They would risk their master plan by using a bomb/device instead of a plane? And if they government was behind it, and by government I mean the white house, why wouldn't they have hit the capital with a plane, on a day when it was insession. They could have then easily declared martial law etc.
The simplest answer is usually the right one, conspiracy theories usually fall apart once you start picking them apart on even the most basic level.
what this guy said.
Back in 2006 or so, Alex Jones and a couple (((others))), would say over and over, that the Pentagon was really hit by a plane and that the government was just baiting the "truthers" by withholding the footage, that the real video of an actual 767 hitting the Pentagon would surface, and discredit the entire no-plane at Pentagon theory. This never happened, we still have those 5 intentionally shitty frames from the security gate.
That's when I realized who Alex Jones was a controlled-op.
That's some pretty amazing flying! To take a jet airliner in a descending corkscrew and fly it at ground level into an accounting department that misplaced two trillion dollars. And to think, the guy had only trained on a Cessna!
He must have been a real ace. He managed to fly a jumbo jet through the most controlled and well defended airspace in the world, not get shot down or tailed by air defence, and then pulled off an impossible manoeuvre. He even managed to fly the plane in such a way that there was no footage of the event, wreckage, and did it in such a way that the wings, jet engines, and tail section managed to collapse in a neat little hole, instead of a plane shaped hole.
All for the symbolism of hitting the accounting section of the Pentagon of course, instead of the nearby White House.
Let's also forget about the plane that the passengers took over, or what happened to the pilots and air crew that should have been able to land that plane safely. Let us not figure out that plane was supposed to strike WTC 7.
Well it is obviously being held back. The pentagon, New York and the other plane that was supposed to hit the white house. We have however learned that the Saudis were involved but nothing will be done about that.
there is footage and wreckage
>plane-shaped hole
yeah real life isn't like your looney tunes cartoons.
0/10 troll be less obvious
Is this 'video' being held back because it shows Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon?
Why not show this footage to the public in its entirety?
The furthest into conspiritard beliefs I've ever gotten is that they knew a terrorist attack was going to happen but did nothing to prevent it to justify intervention in the Middle East.
Is this a likely scenario?
10% of cruise missiles miss their target. There's no way they'd risk a 10% chance of being discovered launching a cruise missile at the Pentagon - especially when they already had a 757 to play with. Why not use the plane?
Yes, certainly there is footage! Why can't we see it, again? Why was the first thing the CIA did after the attacks was to confiscate all footage from gas stations, etc, and never release any of it?
Presumably grainy security camera footage of a plane hitting the Pentagon would contain too many secrets, of course!
That's an awfully small debris you have there.
The holes in WTC 1 and 2 looked pretty looney tunes.
>couldn't get their shit together to get a plane to hit the pentagon?
Flying a jetliner at ground level and at this speed is an aeronautical exploit, not 100% guaranteed at all.
Ironical video:
You must understand that this is a top test pilot pushing the limits in a favorable environment, and he flies 5 meters higher (and much slower) than the Pentagon plane...
I don't say it's impossible, but this is clearly not the simpliest explanation.
I would say they even provoked the attack, just like the US did with the Pearl Harbor. In fact, that's exactly what they wanted anyway.
>the most controlled and well defended airspace in the world
I think you underestimate just how incompetent our government is
>He managed to fly a jumbo jet through the most controlled and well defended airspace
A 757 isn't a jumbo jet. And Hani Hanjour wasn't controlling the plane. The controls were most likely taken over remotely.
Yep. Those massive steel engines just disappeared completely, unlike some kind of cartoon with Newtonian physics and kinematics. Because that's what happens in Post 9/11 Earth, naturally. They didn't leave a mark and we certainly didn't take any pictures of them.
yes, but that wouldn't explain wtc7 collapsing by magic, for example
>wreckage pic
>some tiny shit piece of metal
They're very competent at air defence. They're so competent that NORAD was running drills about what to do if a bunch of airliners got hijacked that very morning!
Larry's insurance only covered 4.1 billion of the 10 billion dollars in damage caused by the WTC attacks
A32x qualified tre / trust captain fag here....
No fucking chance.....
Ive 19000 hours on buses
It was a JASSM cruise missile. Wikipedia it. Kinda looks like a plane.
that's just the first image on google images
you can google yourself and see the parts of the plane that were everywhere
The CITGO gas station footage was release - the camera wasn't pointed at the Pentagon, only a flash was seen.
There was footage from the Double Tree Inn that was released. Didn't show much.
Then there was a Pentagon camera that caught a frame or two of the tail of the plane, followed by the explosion.
If you haven't seen these videos, DAFS!
people always claim this but there is 0 evidence
what were these drills called?
Larry made out pretty good, considering he bought in for 115 million, and left with over 5 billion.
14 milllion - 4.4 Billion is negative number, dumbass
He didn't though, he lost billions because he insurance didn't ever cover the damages - are you retarded?
Able danger I believe
A lot of people were driving down 395 that day. Yes, a plane hit it. No, people weren't busting out cameras because it's a freaking interstate and National national is close by.
Had the WTC not happened, I think onlookers would have just assumed the plane had crashed on accident.
Larry put in $14Million and got back $4.55 Billion.
Above a certain speed and close enough to the ground there is ground-effect bushing up. A pilot couldn't hit the ground if he tried. He'd have to change the flight angle.
No. Otherwise, they'd have released all the CCTV footage from the Pentagon to show it
The fact they never release any video footage, despite this happening at the fucking Pentagon, one of the most secured, monitored, guarded, and watched building on earth.....
>If you haven't seen these videos, DAFS!
Show them.
Explain why the Pentagon is not under video monitoring except some shitty gas station cam.
Explain and
Nope, it was a missile fired by the DoD. Pure false flag attack. That is why there is still to this day not one bit of evidence that it was a plane.
And why they immediately seized video footage around that area and destroyed it.
Now why would they do that?
They lie to us everyday, but then say "this time we're telling the truth even though we will give you any evidence at all."
Yeah okay.
Protip: anytime you're dealing with the government, unless they have evidence, automatically assume they are lying.
It was also 2001. Not a lot of people exactly had camera phones with them. I didn't even have a cell period in 2001.
If you think Larry Silverstein had full ownership of the Twin Towers to begin with, your argument makes sense.
Had Silverstein sold his controlling stake of the Twin Towers on 9/10, he would have about 115 million dollars.
Good thing he took out a massive insurance policy a few weeks prior. And didn't go to the towers that day.
prove it
So where's the bits of engine, wing, life rafts, body parts???
It's a crock of shit
Lol, clearly people take out insurance policies to only pay out half of their losses! This makes a lot of sense, apparently, in our bizarre post-9/11 mindset.
Vigilant Warrior and Vigilant Guardian
That's why the official theory is pretty much impossible. the plane is supposed to have hit the first floor...
Has no one realized it just happened to go down in the one "construction" site outside of the pentagon?
He wanted double his original claim, genius. He was only supposed to get $3.5B, Larry whined on top of the dead bodies burning at ground zero still, that the 'attack' was two separate incidents, therefore he should receive double the claim.
>pic (((semi))) related
That's a pretty clean split.
I can do you one better, here's another picture of debris, friend. You see that rotor on the lefthand side of the man in blue?
Guess what's wrong with it. I'll give you a hint: That's not from the engine of a commercial airliner.
jews are so fucked once the jig is up. Shouldn't be much longer now.
Why did we stop Hitler?
You're very clever, friend. Apparently purchasing a controlling stake of WTC for 115 million dollars and walking away with billions in insurance money is a bad business move.
>He wanted double his original claim
true, a jury told him to fuck off