Why don't mudslimes ever crash planes into nuclear plants...

Why don't mudslimes ever crash planes into nuclear plants? I know their ancient people and aren't smart enough to understand anything, but I was driving past this nuclear pair of tits yesterday and it had my thinking, we can always build over ground zero and move on, but if you crash a plane into a shit ton of used nuclear fuel and fling it everywhere, we're fucked, and that area of land is now contaminated.

They're called Patriot Missile batteries, and haji knows about them

Stop giving them ideas you fuck

The walls of nuke factories are so strong the plane would disintegrate. Even an airbus would not do any real damage.

Easier said than done, plus they'd rather do damage to America, not the planet itself.

It would damage america, Interstate 5 is crucial.

>radiation is dangerous

I did some work on a small experimental reactor in Cambridge MA (MIT).
The walls on that dome are six feet of solid concrete.
Planes are built to be as thin and light as possible.
It would be like throwing a soda can at a brick wall.

>giving muzzies ideas

Takes a lot of training to hit a target like that.

The most fishy thing from 9/11 in my opinion, is that maneuver the supposed shitskins pulled off in a jet after flying cesnas a few times.

Sandniggers are like parasites. They need a host to thrive on. Irradiating a huge area nullifies the entire effort because there is no one to steal from while afraid. That's why they target schools and office buildings, and not infrastructure.

They could fly a dozen planes into a modern nuclear facility and still not breach the containment wall.

Nuclear plants are made to take a plane crash. Google it. Next thread.

So were the twin towers.

read the 9/11 wiki, they floated the idea but decided against it.

How are Jews going to charge for the insurance then you antisemitic bigot?

The WTC's were built to withstand multiple aircraft collisions, but you knew that right?

>Nuclear tits

The WTCs were built to kinda sorta take a 707 impact by dipshit engineers who didn't know anything about hardening targets. A 767 is a shit load more massive and carries a lot more fuel than a 707.

Nuclear plants are designed to resist plane impacts by the same people who design bombs. They are way, way harder targets.

You don't think it would even crack? Most of those casings are out-dated/expired/only meant to be used into the 80s/90s/2000s, but are somehow still passing inspections (which is suspect). For instance the one in Seabrook NH was fucking disintregating, and it's license renewal was denied... I think that was 2015? Point is most aren't exactly in tip-top shape, much like the entirety of this county's infrastraucture.

The towers survived the impact, it was the resulting fire that brought them down. That was not taken into account by the architects.

Which is why they were brought down with thermite and plastic explosives.

>they unironically believes in the official 911 narrative

Nuclear plant are not easy to destroy with a plane. You need something more BOOM.

A 767 isnt a "shitload" more massive and they werent fully fueled as they were domestic flights.