Are places like Twin Peaks, Hooters, Bone Daddy's, etc red pilled for rightfully degrading women as sex objects and servants for men?
Or are they degenerate for promoting immodesty and pedestalizing females?
Are places like Twin Peaks, Hooters, Bone Daddy's, etc red pilled for rightfully degrading women as sex objects and servants for men?
Or are they degenerate for promoting immodesty and pedestalizing females?
those white girls just can't say no to the BBC
No one is forcing them. Every time I've been to Hooters, I've noticed all the women are really happy and seem proud to be there, they're also really nice - granted they are just working and presenting themselves like that is also part of the job, but it seems to go beyond that.
Compare that to your standard waitress and they almost always seem miserable and shitty, like something is missing in their life. Probably the fact that society has suppressed their most important asset for health and pride - their femininity.
Degenerate but why who cares, filrting for tips is what any barmaid does anyway.
Hooters just opened in my town
Is it a good place to eat?
A hooters fully staffed with grumpy middle-aged waitresses with saggy tits would be kind of funny, though.
Their wings are notorious for giving you diarrhea the following day.
It's okay, burgers are good.
Twin Peaks is much better.
My dad took me there when we went on vacation around the age of twelve.
Food is pretty good but I didn't pay attention.
It's usually young, dumb pretty girls who are happy to get that kind of attention and probably serious tips
>it seems to go beyond that
Not gonna lie, that guy seems like a lovely person.
>adult women choosing to do what they want to do
why don't feminists respect the choices of other women?
prostitution is literally the epitome of cuckdom
Looks like he is about to cry.
Steak and tits. I would too.
The wings were pretty alright. They don't really stand out though.
Food is pretty garbage desu. One time my hooters waitress had a mustache so there is that. Twin peaks is nice but idc for the waitress sitting next to me just so I tip them better. I could give two shits about their life story. Just bring me more beer.
Food is decent
Titties are cool
Those are exactly the types of girls to "watch out for"
> I've noticed all the women are really happy and seem proud to be there, they're also really nice
That's because they have to work harder than standard waitresses- the reason people are there are to see perky, pretty girls to give them food.
it's no different between the irritable carny working the roller coaster at the state fair and the bright-eyed intern at Disney land. Or Walmart employees and somewhere where customer service is pushed hard.
>Are places like Twin Peaks, Hooters, Bone Daddy's, etc red pilled
No, they just sell a look, and that look is hot younger women.
>rightfully degrading women as sex objects and servants for men?
Honestly if Twin peaks or hooters is degrading to you you're way tamer than I am user, and god bless you.
Ive never once had that happen and I eat hooters 4-5 times a month. Maybe your stomach cant handle the little spice their wings have?
Nigger looks like he is about to cry. Lmao probably never talked to a woman before.
Anything in modern society does the latter. They are getting paid/tipped for it, big no-no.
Those places are American meme-tier establishments that only work in societies where there is an extremely restrictive sexual morale and no legal prostitution... Same with strippers btw. Go to a restaurant if you want to eat, go to a sex worker if you need to get off.. I've never seen the appeal of half-assed combination where you overpay for average food because it's served by above average women you do not actually get to touch, eat or fuck. What's the fucking point? Either you fuck bitches, in which case you don't necessarily need to drool over girls in skimpy outfits serving you your burgers, or you don't fuck bitches, in which case you should be out fucking bitches after having that burger rather than drooling over the girl that served it.
It's not so special anymore since short shorts and other revealing clothing is commonplace at the moment.
>where you overpay for average food because it's served by above average women you do not actually get to touch, eat or fuck. What's the fucking point?
Twin peaks actually has good food and it was pretty cheap comparatively. Can't say that about the others, never been.
TBF, I was invited by friends to go into one and I was really disappointed it wasn't some weird thing based off the Tv show.
His face is like God Bless this country sir!
Still, I doubt the concept would work very well here, for the same reasons strip joints don't really work here. The people that are interested in pretty girls for a fee tend to just hire pretty girls for a fee.
Im in favor of anything that increases access to tits and ass for pathetic beta and omega males. If we don't give them outlets for their cuck rage they will take it out on the alpha men by becoming white knights who do disasterous things like give women voting rights.
It is up to men who women desire and look up to to turn down at least the bottom 80% of desperate wenches and turn them on to your lesser brothers. Encourage the weak and meek males to disregard women's feelings and instead seek affirmation from their fellow ma'am and shut women out of public life where they inevitably ruin everything they touch.
Bro's before hoes, basically.
>our nearest hooters is in a black neighborhood
>no white women
*fellow man
How do these places avoid the legal implications of hiring only pretty, mostly white females?
Isn't it raciss against butifel health-at-every-size burka-wearing PoC tumblrinas?
What about trannies who want some of that sweet attentionwhoring too?
I'm just asking because I'd expect SJW's to ruin this shit too.
i think its because it would be really gay if a political man were to advocate for uglier women.
So they actually sit down near you and talk to you?
Is it like a hostess bar?
That sounds pretty uncomfortable.
They tried to shut it down once. A bunch of big hairy dudes protested the government in the streets wearing skimpy Hooters uniforms. The government quietly backed down and struck a deal where Hooters promised to hire more male busboy and cooks.
Occasionally fat old ugly feminists used to protest but hot Hooters girls would come out and offer free water and snacks to passerbies. The fems would get embarrassed and leave.
Pretty funny desu.