is Christianity redpilled?
Is Christianity redpilled?
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It's just used to control and brainwash the masses like any other religion
>Judaism 2.0
All religion is blue pilled normie bullshit.
Yes it is, goy. Don't worry about being a mindless sheep. Just believe in a Jewish God.
What the fuck? Christianity/Islam are the most blue-pilled mo fuckers
They live in their bubble of bullshit thinking they got it all figured out
*tips fedora*
depends on whether by redpilled you mean:
>opens your eyes to hard to swallow truths about the world we live in
>edgy stuff that upsets my parents
it's the former, but usually not the latter, unless your parents are muslim, jews, or californians.
i see both definitions used here frequently
No, its beyond the bluepill.
Yes. Christianity, along with Confucianism, are the only religions suitable for the adult mind.
This thread is full of redditors
Le ebin fedora maymay is a reddit and tumblr meme.
Christfags are the reddit.
No. Christians call their god the fucking "King of the Jews," it is the most good goy religion possible barring Scientology.
Oh yes goyim. Very Redpilled.
Most Redpilled I would say.
Don't forget to support Israel!!!
It was until Vatican II and the growth of shitty watered down protestantism
Only American evangelists support Israel
if we're being consistent with the matrix analogy:
red pill:
>makes you realize that there is more to existence than what you can touch feel taste and measure within the matrix
blue pill:
>there is nothing but what i can touch feel taste and measure within the matrix
>there is more to life than the material world, there are objective moral truth values, duties, a personal Creator, and an afterlife
atheism (specifically metaphysical naturalism):
>there is nothing but what i can touch feel taste and measure within the natural world
>eyes open to anything at all
>All the shilling ITT
"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,
13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
14 And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them."
Jesus was rebelling against the same Molochite death cultists that today pretend to the name of Israel. He pretty literally was the redpill made flesh as much as the will of God.
So yes, Christianity is redpilled. Catholicism is a false flag (look up the history of Jesuits, what quarter of Constantinople had that gate which was left open, why the Spanish kicked the Muslims -and- Jews out after the reconquista and why the first Jewish pope might immediately throw the gates of Rome open for Muslim shitheads to kiss their feet in the name of Christ), hence blessed be Martin Luther. But it's all in the book, alright. Read it sometime. Martin Luther made sure you can.
>A jew who hated capitalist jews
lord kek has purged Sup Forums of christcuckoldry, get over it
Catholics: yes
Orthodox: yes
Protestant: FUCK NO
Bro, you asked if Christianity is redpilled yet your picture is a picture of one of the most bluepilled christians ever. Martin Luther Logic : "I don't want to deal with worrying about hell so i'l change the bible to say we can go to heaven by just believing in jebus"
It was until Protestantism. After the Luther fiasco, it started screeching downhill, quicker than it already was.
Yes it is.
Besides his quotes on Jews, why is Martin Luther considered based?
Didn't his teachings lead to the 30 years wars which completely weakened the Holy Roman Empire? Didn't he completely fucked with Christianity to the point of it never being the same in Europe?
>Licking muslim feet is redpilled
I'll give that a read, though it seems quite long. Right off the bat though: I didn't say Jesus was no Jew. Where is this coming from? That a Jew of all people might rise against them is key part of the whole miracle in the first place.
Almost all forms of Christians are, democratic, support immigration, support Israel, are balls deep in socialism, think white people are problematic.
The pope thinks that Europe being Christian is abhorrent. He said that shit.
Mine eyes are open to your enlightened intellect.
Please, by your gracious will, illuminate my vapid mind unto the glory of your auspices.
*a most enlightened tip*
>Catholicism is a false flag
That doesn't make sense. UK and USA (both protestants) were Isreal's greatest allies.
In catholic countries, jews weren't treated very nicely. Something something Inquisition.
>The pope said he hates Christians
>I swear! Just look it up, someone said that he said it.
Here's your (You); now run along
Referring to the pope? He didn't lick Muslim feet bro. Did you forget the crusades? lmao catholics have ONE semi-cuck leader and protestants have literally thousands of raging cuck leaders since the reformation.
In essence, yes. He promoted laziness in society by establishing the "believe and receive" system, and told the German nobility to slaughter his followers when they tried to enact his system.
surely you have some data to support this claim
The split was an excuse for the Thirty Year War, not the reason. By this same logic you could say that sunrise is when the night begins or that someone being found innocent of murder automatically should be convicted for fraud.
Beyond that, all Luther said was "Hey, maybe we should actually be able to read our book instead of selling salvation to buy palaces in Rome"; but then Catholics not reading their book was the point after all.
>Almost all forms of Christians are, democratic, support immigration, support Israel, are balls deep in socialism, think white people are problematic.
What kind of opposite reality are you living in? Granted, Many probably do support israel or are at least in some form neutral to, but you are completely wrong about everything else. Is this your first day into politics?
Oh, you're from reddit. Back to r/atheism with you.
He effectively mortally wounded Christianity
Just look at the more than 40,000 Protestant denominations today
Divide and conquer; the Jew's ultimate weapon
>support Israel
No they don't. They are more about MUH PALESTINIANS KIDS
Only Ortodoxy hate jews for being jews.
I can't open your mind. You have already chosen to stick your head up your ass.
Why does it even matter if your god is real? I've never seen "god" do anything. So who says he will ever do anything for you.
Martin Luther didn''t even believe in free will
and now science is saying that free will is an illusion
christfags win AGAIN
dunno how he dealt with the problem of evil without free will though
>atheism (specifically metaphysical naturalism):
>>there is nothing but what i can touch feel taste and measure within the natural world
You know nothing, numbnuts
+1sheckle has been deposited into your good goy account.
>christfags win AGAIN
They believe in free will you numbnuts
>ur dunb
can you add a bit more substance to your argumentation?
This is just an organized shill thread straight from the bowels of reddit herself. Dropping truth bombs wont override the $10 an hour they been paid to come shitpost. But God bless you for trying user.
>if it doesn't directly benefit me, I don't care about it
>the enlightened mind of a leddit atheist
Praytell whence thy graces befell thee, my lord.
It's not an argument it''s a fact.
Is worshipping a kike on a stick "red pilled". Certainly for nu Sup Forums.
>, all Luther said was "Hey, maybe we should actually be able to read our book instead of selling salvation to buy palaces in Rome"; but then Catholics not reading their book was the point after all.
I guarantee that Luther's 95 thesis he nailed onto a fucking door did not only contain "lol lets print bibles"
>free will
Ranked from most blue pill to most red pill:
The Essene Gospel of Peace is, you foul meat-eating heretic.
You just posted it m8.
Your info graphic would put Christianity at roughly half republican and half dem.
>but m-muh denominations!!
Are all fuckkng dumb. The fact that your faith has denominations shows how fucking stupid it is. Everyone of those was were a human being decided,
>hey I think gods word is crap. Let's change it.
I bet you're one of those faggots your parents dragged you to church one day and now you justify your fedorarism because you didn't get instant reward afterwards.
>kike on a stick meme
>so dumb he literally doesn't even know what Christianity is.
shut the fuck up leaf. You or your god damned people have no right to speak about Catholicism or the Orthodoxy
I wish these threads would stop cropping up all the time.
Christianity and indeed religion as a whole is far too philosophical and spiritual for the average edgy alt-righter.
You mean the inquisition that made it their job to give suspected witches fair trial? Yeah, total cruelty. No propaganda in that account whatsoever, goj.
The whole Semite attack pattern is based around the Jews that pass themselves off as in-group members pointing idiots at Jews that do not play the role (as well), so as to be protected behind the blind faith of their debt-slaves. Typically by means of false-flag propaganda. Again, look up what Jesuits are. Look up what the US Founding Fathers wrote about that "Black Gentry" behind the banks. The main reason kikes even spread to America was that Napoleon (a Catholic), who held land there by virtue of French conquered territory (Louisiana anyone?), granted them equal rights under his code of laws. You're welcome, now read the bible. In your language. Prepare to be amazed, I recommend some John.
How do you know I'm not a Quebecois Catholic?
>Le Basement Dweller Meme
Not even trying
>literally jewish autism
Jews, muslims, atheist, homosexuals, liberals, sjw's, pagans, trannies, tumblr and other degenerates hate it.
So yes
Explain why this faggot is trying this hard to convince people JC never existed.
that doesn't mean the belief in a higher power is bluepilled though, or that there can't be a redpilled religion.
>says the blue-pilled retard that believes in fairytales
The Universe is more complex than "God did it", so I'm gonna have to conclude that religious people are not red-pilled.
Dude stfu.
You know at least a few of us have been outside right?
>Christianity and indeed religion as a whole is far too philosophical and spiritual for the average edgy alt-righter.
Only if you are an agnostic atheist. Oh wait you hate us.
take the time to really look at the data, even not taking into consideration the size differences.
(for instance, SBC is the largest protestant denomination in america)
look at "All U.S. adults," compare everything above and below it.
It doesn't matter if youre a Quebecois Catholic. You leafs would literally change an entire religion just to fit your P.C. ideologies. Don't worry, not the first time someone changed an entire religion just to comfort their jimmies. You have luther to thank for that.
Ranked from most red pill to most blue pill:
The Queen of England is literally the head of your "church" LOOOOOOOOOOOL
>atheists attacking the foundations of Western Civilization
>not useful idiots for the Globalist.
Only r9k-types in this thread, don't be fooled my Christian brothers, this is a raid.
Supporting (((Republicans))) or (((Democrats))) doesn't really mean shit about the Israel question.
it's redpilled because there is currently no ideology that is more redpilled
it is objectively extremely bluepilled, but it is more redpilled than (((secular humanism))) so it's redpilled relatively speaking.
Do you not see what God is doing to Hillary Clinton?
>agnostic atheist
I hate those crypto atheist faggots who give real agnostics a bad name.
>he doesn't understand the virtues of having a god-emperor
>foundations of Western Civilization
Truely ebin
>I hate those crypto atheist faggots who give real agnostics a bad name.
Not an argument.
>I pray to the same sky magician as the other desert rats
No. Most Christians believe that Israel is our greatest alie in the Middle East. Hands down.
And most of them are to balls deep in msm to know what a Palistine is.
You're right, he specifically pointed out the corruption within the papacy, the deleterious effects of "certain hawkers of indulgences", the bizarre illogic of the Church outright putting a price on the soul, etc. Here's the whole run in English:
>t. Fedora
>t. Judeo-Christian
>Jews write Bible
>Bible says to believe in Christian but Jews are still better than you
>Jews don't believe the Bible
>Zionism happens
it means shit about the "democratic" question, which was the first charge being levied against Christianity in that post i was replying to.
Jews worship Moloch and Muslims worship Satan
>Zionist old lady
at least the pope is actually the successor of Peter
Where the fuck does it say "jews are better than you"?
>Bible says [...] Jews are still better than you
>*tips bible*
>something doesn't benifit me directly, indirectly, doesn't benifit anyone I know or have heard of
>invest time and or energy into it at all
Sounds like a shit business model senpai.