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>give us back our pepe
>implying Lord Kek belongs to anyone
Git gud scrub

nice link, faggot.


Finally getting Pepe back from the normies.

>God of chaos
>owned by anyone..

this legitimately makes me seethe with rage

>give us back our pepe

Exactly what we said a year or so ago. And we damn well succeeded. He's not "yours" and never will be.

Any keks to be gained from the article?

>CNN calls a cartoon frog a nazi
>oy vey, the goyim don't understand what they're peddling

>No Memeaux

>we've got national news talking about some dumb frog
don't they realize nothing could make pepe more smug than this?

Full article. Doesn't mention how any memes were "misused".

>We've all seen it happen: An "Old Person" attempting to navigate the high seas of the Internet, only to crash headlong into an iceberg. Maybe it's a kindly aunt, or a parent's coworker who friended you on Facebook. Maybe they comment on one of your posts thinking it's private; maybe they use Bing; maybe their name is Anthony Weiner.

>It seems a few more unfortunate Olds fell victim to the Internet this week, and (surprise!) they're surrogates for one Donald J. Trump, Republican nominee for president. After Hillary Clinton's basket of deplorables line, two Trump backers—legendary political scoundrel Roger Stone and Phil Collins fan Donald Trump, Jr.—decided to share one of a number of memes mocking the statement. If Trump fans are deplorable, they seemed to say, I don't want to be admirable.

>The issue here, beyond the generally weird casting for Sly Stallone's next movie, is that green guy with the Trump hair. As Mediaite pointed out and The Daily Beast explored in detail, that character—known as Pepe the Frog—has made quite the journey. Having started out as a fairly innocent reaction meme, according to Know Your Meme, it is now hugely popular (particularly the Trump Hair edition) among the so-called "alt right," the collection of (mostly) white supremacists who have rallied behind Donald Trump's campaign.

>Is it perfect that the meme they ended up sharing was created by an actual basket of deplorables? Let's ask former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke—another fan of Trump:

>Know your memes, kids. Don't let them get co-opted and ruined, like poor old Kermit.

is this rare? i can delete

Somebody post the Ted Cruz delegates pic, except give him nu-male hair;

>The Memes Donald! Give them.

>excoriates old people for not knowing internet culture
>proceeds to refer to pepe as an "alt-right" white supremacist meme

>trying to take the prophet of Kek from us

Dumb left pieces of shit dont know bout feels good man. Its obvious fans of that meme were original Sup Forums members

>Finally got back pepe after thinking we lost him.
>PEEPEE POOPOO pepe was tried but failed
>It took the powers of Sup Forums & Trump to bring back pepe from the normies


i hope no one has forgotten that this is truly about peeing with your pants all the way down

>old people don't understand memes
>look here what I read on KYM

>peddling memes they don't understand

The irony

Wait...doesn't everyone do that?

How is this a white supremacist meme? It doesn't even make sense.

What about beloved actor Danny DePepe? Surely he can't be racist.

white people like it what else is there to understand??

Is that a bionicle?

>give us back a meme we stole
I fucking hate normies.

Aannddd they don't have a comment section, of course.

>"Our" pepe

Normalfags always failing to understand that Memes aren't OWNED by anyone. Reminds me of that dumb bitch who complained when her emoji faggotry went viral and nobody was crediting HER for INVENTING THAT MEEM.

Yes, that is Tahu from bionicle

it just feels good man.

Hi, I'm the creator of Pepe the frog meme. I'd appreciate if you stopped posting him on your little racist discussion board.

>water filter man

That's "meme" in OP pic related is normie "Alt right" faggots appropriating our religion and falsely using the avatar of our Lord Kek Pepe.
Anyone who calls him Pepe and not Kek is not of the faith.
Praise be.

We've come a long way senpai
>all those years spent collecting frog images and shitposting to resurrect an ancient Egyptian god
Feels good man

>calls people old
>doesn't understand Pepe or memes at all
>parrots the "alt-right" is white supremacists media talking point

I can't even believe what I'm reading today, I just keep going from thread to thread and the madness and meme magic seems out of control

but seriously are journalists not required to research what they report on at all?

I mean I pretty much know the answer, but jesus




>pic related

they don't have to make sense, they just have to make some clickbait virtue signaling liberal normies will eat up



>Tumblr's best meme of 2015

forgot pic

and we're meddling with memes we don't understand. key nearly smited hillary a day ago. We can't allow the memes to break throught to a wider audience. Think about it: Trump Jr. posted this pic on his facebook, a few hours later Hillary almost died. Kek is getting 2powerful2quick and we're not yet ready to fully guide his wrath.

key => kek

It is like the media all take the same orders and talking points from the same people


bionicles were literally my fav toys, i even like the first movie (i have it on VHS)

This article is pretty shit.

Kek is not Alt right or Nazi , he is beyond this.
He is chaos and destruction and the bringer of the new dawn post destruction.
Alt right memes to preserve.
We meme for chaos.
Praise be.

pastebin plox

>Pepe is now officially cultural appropriation

Feels good man.

Pepe belongs to Sup Forums. I don't know what misinformation these idiots are peddling.

Pepe is Kek's proxy.




can keeps pepe
we have donny

>inb4 sjws start chanting "give us back our meme!"



Kek is the father
Pepe is the son
The thrid part of the trinity has not been revealed yet.

>>Know your memes, kids. Don't let them get co-opted and ruined, like poor old Kermit.
Do they really think Pepe is a bastardization of Kermit the Frog?

Journos are finally kicking into 3rd gear.

That article is sneaky as fuck. Well played.


>a frog from a kids tv is the symbol of a new right-wing movemeet

They sound like conspiracy nutheads, if oyu ask me

>img size: 777x777

Repeating digits

Yes Pepe is an avatar through which Kek presents himself in our reality.
Praise be.

We did it reddit!



>don and eric


it's embarrassing acting like an expert on memes in public

meme magic is damgerous, they shouldn't invoke lord kek unless they're experienced practioners

Sorry, the frog has become the face and mascot of uncucked anti-Marxists.

How was the morning poo on the street Pajeet?

Remember that memes are transient and to let go of them when they're over. Pepe is uniquely long lived, but this election will be his final achievement before he's retired.

But it feels good man.

Triple fuck this asshole




pepe came from Sup Forums ffs

I knew it.

I bet Trump is behind this article.
>trying to get rid of the connection to here.

It's not going to work though.

Im not reading this. Someone spoon-feed me.

Indeed , this unsupervised use of memetics troubles me.
It amounts to nothing more than necromancy.
The elder council should be informed.

Next best thing; fagots twitter. twitter.com/jackholmes0/status/775352842072625152

>kids TV show


Pepe is merely Kek's messenger, made in his image, Kek watches from afar as Pepe carries out his will, PBUH.

Does it mean niggers will cease to use Pepe in their shit captions?

someone archive this pls

don't wanna give them clicks

You forgot poo poo pee pee then?

Who could be behind this?

so its this shitspawn

alt right ARE white supremacists

If wanting segregated schools is white supremacacy, then damn near every white person in the US is a closet white supremacist

>parrots the "alt-right" is white supremacists media talking point
Wait we aren't?

i liked it better when normies didnt even know what memes were.

back in 2008 2009 2007

Pheelz gewd mon

these people don't like non corporate owned friendly culture being accessible to regular folk so they try to pervert and homogenize everything.

turning the fuck you dial up to 11 and cranking out more extreme pepes takes that power away from them.

>Give us back our pepe
They think they own a prophet

"peddling memes they don't understand"

these keep getting better and better


You think Pepe is your ally? You merely adopted the frog. I was born in it, molded by it.

Memes have matured a lot since then. The average Sup Forums thread from 2006 would be fucking eye cancer today. Normies catching on to memes led to the current postirony stage, which is great.

Im so confused. Isn't that what pepe is now?
>all this counter signaling is fucking with my head

>citing KYM
>knowing shit about anything

baka desu senpai


I understand most of the people in that picture. Some are directly associated with Trump and others have endorsed or push him.

But Scott Adams is just a casual outside observer. Fucking analyzing this thing, like I don't know, around everyone else is doing, because this is clearly a presidential campaign that we have never seen and probably will never see again.

So just being interested in Trump's campaign makes you one of the "deplorables"? If they are trying to make a point that some of Trump supporters have fringe or extreme views in their (the media's) minds, that list isn't that exclusive. Quite the opposite in fact.

They try to take ownership of something and yet use the sentence:
> according to Know Your Meme

This goes to the root of why i don't like immigrants.

dumb frog poster