>this!!! fucking this!!!!
>Wow only some are like that and that's because they grew up in a bad environment! Its shameful to lump all pitbulls together like that when most aren't like that

Why is pol full of doggie dindus?

>comparing niggers to dogs

I hate dogs

Pit bulls are nigger dogs and ugly as fuck.

Pitbulls are the niggers of dogs though and most people here know that

I'm no china man but i would skin that dog alive and eat it

I don't think I've ever seen anyone here defend pitbulls

In my country they aren't a problem compared to rottweillers
Cointidentially, memes aside we have a considerable lack of mexicans and backs

pitbulls should be put down and banned

It's all about how you train them. Nikkers are in most cases untrained dogs.

Because there are more dogs that are obedient to humans than niggers are obedient to the law.

But I hate niggers and I hate pitbulls?

>post yfw they take your guns and pit bulls and you have nothing to fight off the police state and their german shepards with

It's like you kids don't remember the 90s when the big scary evil dog was the German Shepard.

Funny how that all stopped once the feds started using them

*that are obedient to the law

Nop bro.

Niggers (gipsies also) should be put down and banned or extinct whatever u want.

I have, no idea why.

Natural selection produced niggers, but some people refuse to believe selective breeding could produce nigger dogs


master race is coming in hot

>hey Sup Forums dogs are lame especially pitbulls cause blacks.
My dog you stupid niggers.
>Pol btfo

you can train a dog

some people are bad at training dogs

you can't train a nigger

A lot of breeds were produced by breeding retards with other retards.

Suck my cock pitbull haters.

Pit bulls are literally the dindus of dogs. Fucking plebbit always has some doggie eyed "dindu nuffin" pit bull on the front page. If you can't acknowledge pit bulls were bred to be violent you might be a cucked cat person.

The only difference between pitbulls and niggers is now you aren't allowed to own one of them so they wander the country like pitbulls on the loose.

Pitbulls are the niggers of dogs.

German Shepherd masterrace reporting.

Hope you enjoy your torn throat that may or may not happen.

Bad Dogs get put down

Enjoy seeing your family murdered in a few years.

Dogs can be taught. Niggers can't.

You can kill dogs which misbehave.

>he was a good boy he ain't do nuffin, he been going to doggy day care trying to get his life on track

Fuck, I hate animals and their apologists so much.

Dogs are redpill

German Sheperds and Chows are way worse than pits.

Because dogs like humans unless they're abused, even if they're violent.

Thank you Kek for confirming.

Praise Kek our lord and saviour


My grandmas doggo, his name is squishy. 115 pound pitbull and he protects my grandma. Wil take your hand off if he doesn't know you and you try to touch her. Also hates anyone with skin darker than white.

You guys on here hating on them are fucking cunts that deserve to have one of these bad ass dogs chew on your face.

only black people have pitbulls

This. Those dogs usually need trainers as puppies because they get super violent.

Pit bulls look like dumb fucking shits, but they're really good and sweet dogs typically. Even the ones that get nigger beat tend to be sweet. They're also widely used in K9 units too.

No you stupid French bitch niggers are not the only owners of pits. Go sit on a baguette you faguette.

Even though german shepards are useful and pitbulls are orders of magnitude more dangerous

Dog owners are mentally women.

The nigger of dogs.

you sound like a nigger yourself

how does someone, in broad terms, hate animals? i understand hating some species, or some specific animals, but.. how empty and soul less does someone have to be to "hate animals so much"?

Having a gentle disposition and hairpin murder trigger is worse than just being generally aggressive.

Surprised nobody's posted the poison sausage thing yet.

I only hate some animals, like niggers and other chimps.

dogs are best animals though.

Pittbulls are SHIT. I don't let them near me or my dog.

wew lad

I fucking hate pitbulls, they should be put down, just like nonwhite ""people""

Except the cases where pit bulls were that violent was because some nigger purposely raised it to be like that, and the same outcome would have happened to any dog.

>Pit bulls are dumb fucking shits

but they're okay otherwise.

They look like dumb shits. They tend to be somewhat intelligent but stubborn.

Pitbulls routinely kill people even when never raised in a bad home. It is physiological

pitbulls and molossers in general are actually some of the most loyal dogs, if you fuck people up = they will fuck people up, if you're a pussy = they're a pussy

because there's a shit ton of them and they're ridiculously easy to train for attacking

I grew up with Border collies brudda, pitbulls are big ol dummies.

Yeah no. They are bred to fight. They are shit dogs for shit people.

Dogs are unironically a white trait. Asians eat them/hold disdain for them and niggers use them to fight/for status. Humans and dogs go back tens of thousands of years, there's a bond between the two that Asians and niggers find hard, if not impossible, to understand. It's part of the reason humans advanced as much as they did while the other "people" stayed in the dirt. Like I said though, it's hard for niggers to understand.

>1 post by this ID

>breed dogs so that they can easily be coaxed into murder
>totally safe family dogs

Well my father used to breed molosser dogs and I can tell you right now that's complete bullshit, plenty of them are complete pussies that start crying when they see a cat

would you rather have a murderer who loves you around or have niggers with murderous dogs who will try to sick them on you for fun.

Well yeah, i had a few bullies in the house as a kid and most of them were complete pussies, granted the others i would wrestle with and shit but the moment it escalated and they got too excited they would usually surrender by laying back and putting their paws up

>you never got killed by a pitbull, so there's no way it happens to others who don't abuse them

Look it up, dumbass.

I choose neither, and get basically any other dog, or no dog

neither. what a dumb question

Of course you do mehmet

we're not allowed to put down niggers in my country which is bullshit,

lots of places have niggers and murderous nigger dogs so sometimes you have to deal with them.

even my boss has a nigger dog that she brings to work everyday.

>not wanting to genocide pittbulls along with niggers

they're like 30 kilos at most for fucks sake, you can kick the shit out of a pitbull if you're a fully grown man

>Why is pol full of doggie dindus?

I'm not, and I believe pitbulls are naturally inclined toward violent behavior via instinct and genetics.

I wouldn't want my dog to get hurt defending me from niggers or nigger dogs, I just carry instead

This. Sjw faggot just shot himself in the foot with that self righteous bullet.

They do enjoy biting shit a lot but that's every dog anyway, and a toy or one of those chewing ropes is more then enough unless you're a terrible owner

They can get bigger than that. But yeah, most aren't a serious threat to adults, especially men, which is why most fatalities are children and old people

>chewing ropes
boss' dog killed a chewing rope in less than 2 hours.

Apparently not even you know, because no one talks like that about a glorified parasite that dogs and cats are.

They were useful in the days of hunting, scavanging and protection. We don't need to do these things nowadays, there is no more reason other than hobbie.

>castrate pitbull
>he calms down
>castrate nigger

im talking about the ones you pull on while they bite down, not the little ones where they sit there and maul the fuck out of it in no time, that's what the little plastic/rubber/whatever bones are for

Hope you enjoy your horrible death in unimaginable agony that may or may not happen

Kek knows. Why dont you?

This man is enlightened guard and attack dogs are based af

Never said that about pitbulls. I genuinely believe, people shouldn't be allowed to have them.
>inb4 it's not the breed, but how you raise it
Show me an actual pitbull owner who truly lives up to this claim.

You guys are so fucking stupid. Niggers love dog fighting and pitbulls. So no shit pitbulls are agressive when niggers are breeding them into agressive fight dogs.

>doggie dindus

>glorified parasite that dogs

companionship and responsibility while teaching you how to take care of something while you look for a wife to have 30 or 40 kids with.

then you get dogs for your kids and they learn responsibility at a young age.

why do you hate people learing how to be an adult spic-nigger? are you a Jew in a proxy?


Its not even about the slide thread anymore we are defwnding the great pit of the bull

I fucking hate those nigger dogs

Border collie, german shepard, husky/malamute.

You are delusional if you think dog teach kids responsibilitiy.

They just want them because they look cute as puppies and forget about them when they get older. Only a few kids manage to create some legit bond with them, even those does not clean nor feed the poor thing, mommy and daddy do.

It's a glorified parasite, sorry. They only exist because of us and they survived leaching on us.
Unless you have a farm or some shit like that, I see no reason other than vanity to have a dog.

>tfw my gf is dead-set on getting two huskies once we move in together

>mommy and daddy do
>not letting your kids dog die to teach you kid that he's an irresponsible piece of shit that didn't care about his pet.

Common denominator, both raised by niggers.

Are you a psychopath or something or have you never actually had a dog for yourself?

They're essentially family members, even if they do dumb shit sometimes. But they're highly dependable if you bring them up right and will calm you down if you ever get upset.

Your gf is based

Labrador and your list is complete. Those happy motherfuckers always make me happy.

they're eternal puppies, not much good for learning things or defending home.

My conversations always go this way:
"You agree that dogs like greyhounds were bred to be fast sprinters, right?"
>Well, of course.
"And that dogs like bloodhounds were bred to bring out the best nasal detection capabilities, to be the best find-by-sniff dog, right?
>Yeah, of course.
"So how can you deny Pits were bred to be aggressive dogs?"

Bernese mountain dogs too. They're build for the Switzerland mountains, love the cold, and work hard. Great family dogs.


>butthurt kid who had to eat his dog during hardtimes and just repeats what his dad told him when papa killed his beloved pup