ITT, Characters that females and beta males will NEVER understand. Based Cicero
ITT, Characters that females and beta males will NEVER understand. Based Cicero
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Irl cicero was way more based than the twink we got in the show. Was by far the most sympathetic and relatable character of the entire late republican period.
Show Cicero was GOAT in the last few episodes, dont lie
>muh law
>muh republic
beta males detected
I can't like him because I'm a real life Catilina
>*nails your hands to the senate door*
>when someone pointed out to Cicero that his soon to be wife of 14 was "just a child" he replied "not after tonight she won't be"
is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
You're the beta mele, OP.
>Writes a speech that trolls Mark Antony so hard he beats the reader to death
>Spends his last moments writing a strategic warning instead of trying to escape
>Does not flee when his assassin arrives
Underrated man.
Looks like a twink
Go get cucked by your wife again, Mark
Any John Wayne character
see A beta male like you can never understand a noble sacrifice. Cicero was never scared of Antony or death, he was doing his duty for the republic, and continued his noble pursuit for freedom to his dying breath, everything he did was to deceive Antony and lay the trap for him.
Cucks like you see Antony has muscles and fucks slave girls and you think that makes him anything more than uncivilized brute not fit to rule even an alleyway
>lrl Cicero wasn't invited to join the plot to kill Caesar because they knew he was a weak pussy.
newsreader = best character prove me wrong you can't
but Cicero's son was tasked by Octavian to erase Mark Antonys name and destroy his statues.Octavian wanted the family of Cicero to have the last word. It is said years later, he would still tell his confidants he regretted the proscription of Cicero and wished he had stayed alive
>Cicero was never scared of Antony or death
I like Cicero but he was definitely afraid. What's important was that he acted in spite of that fear, which made his actions all the more heroic.
Also idk why you interpreted my post at as negative towards him.
>Beta male
user, I literally had sex with 2 women (my gf and other random girl) and 4 different men (traps and twinks) last week, I made american trannies write my name on their own skin. It's not because you like a character from a canceled show that you're an alpha.
You reek of insecure beta
no, i was telling the beta male who didnt understand Cicero to read what you wrote
Tito Pulo best man.
Me on the left.
damn dats sexy user
god speed man, i am jelly
The more you plead that I'll see you as alpha the more beta you're proving yourself to be
you look gross. did you get fucking hair plugs for your arms
He's virile and has high testosterone, what do you want.
Trannies, girls and bottoms/vers say otherwise. btw I have a handsome face and a big thicc uncut dick.
>blah. blah. blah.
>the law this and the law that
Based Augustus righting past wrongs
>I like Cicero but he was definitely afraid
he literally says like 3 times during the show that hes tired and doesnt care if he dies
Some man are Cicero. Others are Tito Pulo.
>falling for a master propagandists propaganda
>he literally says
Words, user.
he's an awful representation of a great man, like most characters in that expensive telenovela
does anyone have the snivelry reaction image?
he was afraid of antony killing him painfully
he trusted pullo to be quick about it
i told u b4 it was all a show to lull cuck antony into a false sens of security. Cicero had a more noble and honorable death than what happened to Antony, who literally coupled to the sorceress Cleopatra and promised her dominion over all Rome,worshipped dogs and reptiles, blackened his eyes with soot like a prostitute, and danced with cymbals in vile nilotic rites
... well, can you really blame him? Her cunny is divine
>image names are different
absolutely kafkaesque
>who is cato?
These being the words of Marcus Tullius Cicero.
When I was a young man, I defended our State. As an old man, I shall not abandon it.
I give sincere thanks to Mark Antony, who has generously presented me with the most promising theme imaginable.
I address you directly, Antony.
Please listen, as if you were sober and intelligent, and not a drink-sodden, sex-addled wreck.
You are certainly not without accomplishments.
It is a rare man who can boast of becoming a bankrupt before even coming of age.
You have brought upon us war, pestilence and destruction.
You are Rome's Helen of Troy. But then a woman's role has always suited you best.
>Cicero still shits on Mark in the grave
Pretty much all male charactes from pic related
the more I read about this period of Roman history, the more I find myself respecting guys like Cato and Cicero and Pompeii and the more i find myself disliking antony and Julius Caesar. The Republicans were in the right desu
*breathes and bangs stick*
This session....will come to order
Cato was such a failure he couldnt even kill himself properly
>Cato did not immediately die of the wound; but struggling, fell off the bed, and throwing down a little mathematical table that stood by, made such a noise that the servants, hearing it, cried out. And immediately his son and all his friends came into the chamber, where, seeing him lie weltering in his own blood, great part of his bowels out of his body, but himself still alive and able to look at them, they all stood in horror. The physician went to him, and would have put in his bowels, which were not pierced, and sewed up the wound; but Cato, recovering himself, and understanding the intention, thrust away the physician, plucked out his own bowels, and tearing open the wound, immediately expired
One pic a took on my cellphone, the other the guy send to me on Skype... Faggot
roman "women" got married as young as 12 and used honey for lubrication.
>women and beta males will never understand cicero
kek cicero was such a catty bitch and manipulated all his """"friends"""" because he was was too much of a coward to his own shit. nice projection op, loser
but he consistently bitched out in real life
That's nothing to brag about you disgusting faggot
The Chad shitposter
The virgin poster
Reminder Brutus was a friend betraying cunt that soldiers wouldn't even give an honorable death because he was a fucking cunt.
Cicero died like a man, and at least stood for what he believed in unlike the wishy washy cunt that is Brutus.
We can thank Brutus today for the corruption we still see in the republic.
>not based cato
Sissy detect
At least we can all agree that we hate brutus the most.
That's pretty fucking brutal. Even the maps usually had a dude on stand by to cut your fucking head off during soduku. You were only left without the assistant if you were a great shame and meant to die in agony.
>muh ancient namesake means i must stab caesar in the penis
That's because he wrote the fucking history
>wait, I'll do it now, he hurt my feelings
A was most likely his father. Caesar had an affair with Brutus' mother for decades and loved her more than his wife. Caesar even put Brutus in his will.
That isn't true. They didn't tell Cicero about it because he was the consul that had foiled the previous assassination attempt during his own consulship. They thought that if they assassinated Caesar, it would liberate the Roman people and galvanize them into saving the Republic. Cicero would have told Caesar about the plot because it was something he had done before (i.e. stopped an assassination plot), and he had become mostly friends with Caesar. Caesar loved Cicero, there was no one else in all of Rome that Caesar desired attention and approval from more. The man tried for years to solidify a relationship with Cicero because he liked him that much.
I really need to read more heavily about this period and maybe read the stoics. Cicero really does seem like he was pretty based. Caesar was right, the Senate and the republic was corrupt as fuck and was killing Rome, while Cicero was also correct that the republic was the most important thing Rome had ever created.
Fuck it's an argument we still have today.
Cicero was just the best source of the history, but from other sources we have and from Cicero's own actions and words he isn't /that/ much of a sympathetic character. He was a braggart of the highest order. So much so that it stifled many of his relationships. He was egotistical to a fault, excessively arrogant, and neurotic. He had his problems, but he was the best rhetorician ever, and a competent enough politician. Also, it is very difficult to find any evidence of him dabbling in corruption. His good character, wit, spotless background, and ability to compromise is what made him such a good source. He wasn't writing fluff in his letters to puff himself up, they weren't edited to make Cicero out to be a god or Do No Wrong Wonder Roman.
His letters to Atticus is one of the few primary sources people use when writing on the period. They are pretty good, but given they are letters they also delve into things quite frequently unrelated to why you're reading them. One minute Cicero might be talking vaguely about something very interesting (they speak vaguely in a lot of his letters about contemporary events due to fears of the letters being read), and then suddenly he'll say to Atticus, "I AM IN NEED NEW STATUES FOR MY RESIDENCE ON THE PALATINE, PLEASE FIND SOME!" Almost every letter is half political intrigue or family drama, and half shopping list for Atticus to fulfill so that Cicero could furnish some stupid house he had just purchased.
>boasting about winning the affection of trannies like its an accomplishment
Pathetic beyond words
Nobody has posted this yet?
>make more money than most consuls
>buy armies
>march into persia
>die to horse archers
God, that guy really piss off u loneys virgins topkek
Feels great that Ill never be lonely enough to seek attention from the most pathetic and desperate social group in existance.
For you
should have brought some rhodian slingers along like Trajan did.
nice trips btw
GO ON.....
I actually thought Rome's depiction was bang on the money. Cicero was not brave in the military sense. He was an astute lawyer, a brilliant orator and an up and coming man. The fact that he genuinely loves the Republic and tries to do what's best for it, matches up perfectly between both the character and the figure Cicero was. You call him a twink unfairly I think. He was a great politician, but he wasn't some hulking powerhouse of a man.
Of course you do, Cato the elder once had someone struck from the senate because he kissed his wife in public. You'd have nothing to worry about you kissless virgin.
>when you realise we've barely advanced past the romans as a civilisation 2000 years later
why did they lie to us
>Shall we then examine your conduct from the time when you were a boy? I think so. Let us begin at the beginning. Do you recollect that, while you were still clad in the pretexta, you became a bankrupt? That was the fault of your father, you will say. I admit that. In truth, such a defense is full of filial affection. But it is peculiarly suited to your own audacity, that you sat among the fourteen rows of the knights, tho by the Roscian law there was a place appointed for bankrupts, even if any one had become such by the fault of fortune and not by his own. You assumed the manly gown, which you soon made a womanly one; at first a public prostitute, with a regular price for your wickedness, and that not a low one. But very soon Curio stepped in, who carried you off from your public trade, and, as if he had bestowed a matron’s robe upon you, settled you in a steady and durable wedlock. No boy bought for the gratification of passion was ever so wholly in the power of his master as you were in Curio’s. How often has his father turned you out of his house? How often has he placed guards to prevent you from entering? while you, with night for your accomplice, lust for your encourager, and wages for your compeller, were let down through the roof. That house could no longer endure your wickedness.
Did anyone else tear up when Antony died? I know he was a legit asshole but the way he went out, being backstabbed by your waifu was pretty sad