Hey guys, I work for the Hillary Clinton campaign and if you've been reading the news you know yesterday was a difficult journey for all of us. I came here hoping that we could learn from you guys what Hillary could do to appeal to all you 4channers out there? What are some genuine suggestions? In Hillary's next speech we have her saying some nerd things, even an anime reference. She thinks the pepe meme's are pretty funny (she's actually a pretty cool lady when you get to know her). Should we start making memes too? Help us out.
[Serious Responses Only Please]
Prove it or fake.
We all know it's fake
she should have this up in the background
Swing herself from a noose? List a full and detailed report on every financial transaction from her charity in Canada? Explain why she works for soros? Confiscate the wealth of the rothschilds? Admit to bengazi? Tell her to pick one and we'll talk ok.
>what she could do to appeal to us
Have a stroke, just like what happened yesterday when she had to use a body double
I'll be happy if you kys as well
And this
she can die. kek wills it.
>I came here hoping that we could learn from you guys what Hillary could do to appeal to all you 4channers out there?
any of the following would be acceptable:
*she kills herself
*she checks into a 55+ home and never leaves
*shoe on head
She should stop pandering to SJWs and muslims then kill her self to appaise kek
>what Hillary could do to appeal to all you 4channers out there?
Admit that she threatened Bernie and his family, then kill herself.
>1 post by this ID
>what Hillary could do to appeal to all you 4channers out there?
Get on her knees and tearfully apologize for betraying her country, then take her own life.
We will only accept a Trump Presidency and our lord Kek bringing the demise of Hillary Clinton. There are no other acceptable outcomes. There are no other fates.
Pepe is not funny it's a devil God from the way back when. It's not a joke people here really believe this. They are speaking to the devil.
Oh, i seriously hope you are fat troll
>meta cucking
You should just fucking kill yourself, cuck.
Say that white genocide is a real thing, even if not planned.
Say that white people have a right to exist.
Say that what is happening in Europe is madness.
Say that the SJWs are going too far.
Say that zionism has too much power in America.
Any of those things would save her from our hate, Trump is the first candidate to talk against the immigration madness, that's why we love him.
Well, Kek is more complicated figure actually. Yes, he is god of darknees, but he is also a god of light that comes after darkest night hours. So his domain is chaotic purification by dark means, but for coming of light.
>Kek (Kuk, Keku, Keki) means darkness. He was the god of the darkness of chaos, the darkness before time began. He was the god of obscurity, hidden in the darkness. The Egyptians saw the night-time, the time without the light of the sun, as reflecting this chaotic darkness.
>As a god of the night, Kek was also related to the day - he was called the "bringer-in of the light". This seems to mean that he was responsible for the time of night that came just before sunrise. He was the god of the hours before dawn; the twilight which gave birth to the sun.
Original article: thekeep.org
Well, no. See, I have serious problems with her as a human being. What would make me like her better? The look in her eyes as I slowly push the knife.
Great thanks guys....I knew I should have gone to reddit first. Yea, she can't just openly start worshiping the devil or go back on all of her policy.
Honestly trying to be as polite as possible Idon't think she can do anything to win Sup Forums. Even if she would align her policies 100% with /pol no chance that would convince anyone.
> in before bait
It's almost like we hate her because of her policy.
And her long record of killing people who get in her way, or covering up for her husband's rapes. That's a biggie as well.
Immigration the biggest issue, is what made Brexit and what will make Trump
this this and fucking this everything, not only say but do something about it
Nothing you can do now user. Spy here...
Hillary have some pretty neat social skills, dont know about her situation now or how stress/diseases are affecting her. But in the 90s she could make anyone smile, read their body language and nail at conversations... The problem isnt she.
Is what she has done and will DO. Memes and laughs are nothing compared with the responsability of sponsoring terrorism, regime change and many wars. She is crazy, simple as that. Do you want to ww3? Keep supporting her then.
She sucks my dick
Took me a few seconds to realize it was Raiden and the Ray. Top laff
Give us a country in Africa and I can guarantee you won't hear a word from us.
At least until we have half of Africa.
I think she needs to appeal to the youth skater crowd.
Do a photo op where she rolls down the street on a skateboard.
>mhm u die
1) build the wall 2) shut down the fed 3) sunset the 84 ban on machine gun registration
Promise those three things and I'll be in the Hillary camp.
(((Central banks))) will block you from any trade like NK.
Adopt all of Trumps Policies to ensure the Sup Forums vote
Probly a shitpost but you never know.
If she gets on the debate stage and praises Lord KEK in front of the world, i'll vote for her.
she could kill herself while streaming it
bonus points to off her husband first
She could recite crime statistics, IQ statistics, and up-to-date scientific papers on genetics and heritability on live television.
We refuse to be bought.
My favorite meme is GTKRWN, if she said that meme in a speech I'd defos vote for ger
>people actually responding seriously to this roleplay thread
Roleplaying kike faggot
Kill yourself
She should do more inner city outreach.
She should be more like Angela Merkel.
Definitely make sure that she deals with violent white supremacists.
She will gain my respect, if she waits until the night of the election, then kills herself in her loss speech.
dear HRC,
you are an amazing woman and will go down in the history books. our country has enjoyed two decades of you and your husband. (the entirety of a millenails life).
you have had tv sitcoms made about you. there is no higher rank for you to attain, except potus and mt rushmore. please bow out gracefully, as Seinfeld did in his tv series. we love you, but we are in need of a populist democratic potus.
What difference at this point does it make?
If she livestreams a sharpie in her anus ill vote for her.
>I came here hoping that we could learn from you guys what Hillary could do to appeal to all you 4channers out there?
Dropping out.
Hillary caught with auto-injector
Hillary caught with auto-injector
Hillary caught with auto-injector
Nigg get
She needs to get a tattoo that says "Shall not be infringed". In fact just nominate me to the supreme court Ill take care of it.
Poast her furry butthole with signature and timestamp, and I will dedicate every waking hour from now to November to shilling her online
>I came here hoping that we could learn from you guys what Hillary could do to appeal to all you 4channers out there?
Wait until November 8th then concede the election to Trump
Serious response? Alright, I'd like her to release her medical history for the last 10 years, I'd like her to come clean about the emails, even if she did wrong. I'd like her to release her speech to wallstreet and I'd like her to be more transparent and truthful in the future. She would legitmately have my vote is she did these things because admitting you are wrong and have done wrong and being transparent about it is the trait of somebody with real strength of character. It's not something a lot of people can do and if she could prove to me she is capable of being that kind of person I would vote for her in a heartbeat, sick or not.
She could drop out and nominate Bernie the Socialist to take her place
I want meme filled debates God damn it
Drop out
She could go back in time and prevent herself from lying to the American people all those times. That would do it.
Have her give a shout out to this man
Have her praise kek.
The Monica Lewinsky affair was a "vast right-wing conspiracy" - until more details came out and it wasnt.
When Americans died in Libya, she told the victims families one thing and the Israeli Prime Minister another.
When her emails were being investigated, she repeatedly lied to the media about the scope. She said she never sent classified info. That was a lie.
To cap it all off, her health problems were yet another "conspiracy theory" until she was forced to admit she was sick.
Now voters are refusing to believe that it's just "pneumonia" - and I don't blame them.
How I'd she going to handle transparency as president? I don't believe she can.
Build the wall and deport illegals
Ban Muslims from entering the US
Enact harsh penalties against political corruption and disavow the Clinton Foundation
Strictly refuse the TPP
Reverse the Obama Administration's, the EU's, and mainstream internet's (Google, Facebook, etc.) censorship and progressive social engineering.
Reverse anti-white demographic policies
Condemn BLM, the communist party in the US, anti-American/anti-white policymakers and academia
Recognize and list pro-terrorist/pro-crime/pro-communist speakers in academia as criminals and agitators
Condemn the SJW movement
Take a strict America First approach to foreign policy
Improve relations with Russia
Distance the US from the EU
Force the rest of NATO to pay their fair share
Increase funding to NASA drastically and rebuild the US space industry
Sharply cut down on benefits programs that keep the poor minorities leeching on society
Alter the prison system to educate and train criminals to work
Add members of La Raza, BLM, and Antifa to the No Fly List
Deport all refugees currently in the US and cease importing more
Remove the "anchor baby" loophole and deport all who apply
Keep free market enterprise free
Do not impose any restrictions against firearms, firearm manufacture, firearm sale, firearm companies, etc. that do not already exist as law
Same goes for ammunition
Defend the lives and jobs of police in the wake of growing anti-police sentiment among the blacks
Keep police forces local instead of nationalized
Treat UN forces occupying territory in the US as an act of war
Take a neutral stance to Israel
Condemn the destructive practices of Hasidic Jewish enclaves in the US that cause neighborhoods to decay for their profit
Admit that white genocide exists
Secure the existence of the white race and a future for white children
I'd be more inclined to support Hillary if she accidentally shot herself in the back of the head three times.