It's a Sup Forums episode

>it's a Sup Forums episode
>I guess my opinion is all out of style starts playing

Other urls found in this thread:

>>I guess my opinion is all out of style starts playing
the song is called politically uncorrect, dipshit

>the song is called politically uncorrect
pic related
takes one to know one

american education everyone

>what is poetic license
stay ignorant limey

>poetic license
more like damage control

you mean redneck "education"
gas the south


>other boards

fuck the alt-left fuck leftypol fuck reddit fuck chapocuckhouse fuck trump fuck israel fuck antifa fuck SJWs fuck kekistanis


umm sweetie, sorry but I didn't hear that in the X files or Justified

this image is one giant contradiction

leftists literally can't meme

Justified is pure kino

Is that Ken Bone at 5:36?



>implying there's anything wrong with baneposting

Sup Forums is a leftist meme

>lefty redditors come to Sup Forums
>complain about memes



>4hcan has not always hated niggers????
you really have to go back

>8 Years of Tears
Haven't heard that one.

>posts a meme someone else made

>posting the edited version
I want nu-baneposters to leave
really makes you think


You're like little babies, watch this. Pure kino.

I really, really like this picture

Save it, it's all yours my friend

You really need to go back

Thanks Lori

Guess which one I made it to?

>Sup Forums has never hated jews

Listen Timmy, before this election, if you disagreed with anyone or tried to present an argument, you weren't called a cuck or a shill, you were called a JIDF poster.

Also, Sup Forums isn't the problem. It's that cancerous mongoloid board The Donald. I'm all for people memeing and being fuckheads to waste time online but those people I'm afraid are 100% serious. These are Infowars/Breitbart followers. Sup Forums was pretty civilized (to an extent) before The Donald invaded the board.

>what is common core
kys yankee piece of shit

>The female jew is especially vulnerable to the zaftig seduction of the forbidden, being part animal.


Lol the dotard is Sup Forums lite. Sup Forums literally hates them for being civic nationalist and not ethnic nationalists. Also you must be an idiot to think Sup Forums is not 100% serious.

Nah, you must be the idiot to think it's 100% serious. There's a serious core that underlies the memes, but a large part is ironic shitposting. Hell, I larp as an ancap for the lulz even on normiebook.
People get all riled up when you argue based on ancap ideology.

>dude fuck objective truth lmao I'll assert my vision of the world instead inevitably leading to my own suffering lmao