What are the globalists motivations?

I know that many people on pol believe there exists a secret society bent on destroying western civilization but I haven't heard any speculation as to why. What are their goals? What's their endgame? What reasons do they have for doing this?
Here's my best guess. Considering that this group is probably comprised of wealthy business owners and other people in high places, I think that they don't really want to completely destroy western civilization but rather they want to change it into something that's more effective at assimilating other cultures. hence the relaxed immigration policies and the politically correct movement.

Here's the logic, if more people move to western countries then eventually they become westernized. If more people become westerners then you also have more consumers of western products, ideas etc. and of course more consumers means more money for these "robber barons".

The pc people are just to keep the xenophobes at bay, and perhaps to shake things up and make it easier for them to sneak their agenda into an already distracted, polarized and chaotic political climate.

I have doubts that it goes much deeper then this but I can't help but feel I'm missing something. What do you guys think?

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The Jews want to breed the intelligent, rebellious whites with the dumb, subservient blacks to create a race of goyim who will be easily manipulated into doing thier physical labour and they'll be the ruling class.

>people actually believe this

Read the Protocols, it's all in there.

Seriously they do? Giving white people super strength seems like the last thing you would want in a "servant race".

there's an economist meme that open borders would double world GDP

Yes, the world elite seek to destroy all nations and genocide all races because they fell for meme economics.

They want them to be strong AND stupid. Which they would be, if they were bred with blacks.

That way, they make good servants.

ill bite. altho you have to look at it objectively

there is no giant conspiracy or globalist agenda, and i read alot of conspiracy material over the past year, just to find holes and disinfo in each and every one of them.

you have to understand that there always be a conflict of interests. globalists understand and recognize problems we already have within society, but those problems cannot be fixed since democracy is interfering with those changes.
for example, in order to eliminate feminism and gibs you need enough people to support canceling those laws, but since democracy is too far gone its not even possible anymore.
globalists want to replace thee 1.8% birthrates and restore them to 2.1 by importing immigrants. they want to keep the prices low by exporting jobs. and want to keep the dollar alive with policies like the petro dollar and powerful unions like the UN.
globalists reconized that our society is on freefall mode and they are only trying to dely the inevitable outcome which is the downfall of man and civilization.

I think they know it won't increase GDP I think they just want it for themselves.

Assuming Direct Control!

the universe motivate them, we are all pawns in a grand weird plan, everything we do has no meaning to us cus we are all going to die some day

our politicians have been traveling to the middle east for years and they see the palaces they live in while the population lives in dirt floor huts with camel shit as fuel for thier ovens. Power feels better when your living conditions are vastly superior to the people you govern.

theres a few societies competing for power. IE freemasons, rosacrucians, knights of malta, knights of cincinnatus etc. What their secret signs and symbols are isn't important what matters is their goal to implement a globalist socialist government and enslave everyone who is left.


>mongrelize the world
>low IQ workforce that does what they want
>they rule the world as kings

This seems much more reasonable actually. I'll have to look into this.

>trying to delay

doing a real poor job of it

Yea I don't really think there is just one either but it's easier to just group them together since they have similar goals.


>controlling a world of 7 billion is easy

I think it is entirely about the easy moving of capital across borders. The people driving the globalist agenda are the top 1% of the top 1%. Globalism will make it easier for them to move their factories and offices to places with lower taxes, fewer regulations and lower operating costs and bring in Pedros and Pajeets to do the work they can't outsource. It will be a giant race to the bottom for anyone who has a better standard of living than, say, the average citizen of Uzbekistan. Then as we are being acclimated to ever lower standards of living, wages and salaries going down the Indian street and the constant threat of violence from the third world people we are now competing with for every job from floor sweeping to engineering, even the most cucked of us decides we miss our first world existence and revolt. That's when with a few clicks of a mouse, they transfer as many of their assets to a country that is safe for them, ensuring we get at most, a trashed mansion when we retake our countries.

The Jew gets it.

There is no secret meetings of lizard people. It's just the regular greed of men who will always want more money and more power.

well yeah their solution are on the extreme end.

countries that will survive the upcoming crisis are the ones that don't rely on export too much.
i predict estonia and poland to be those countries but its just a wild guess by observation. im not really a good analyst by any means

yep. You can see various factions throughout history. They want to sow discord among people and push us to fight eachother until we are exhausted then we will turn to "them" to save us and they will enslave us. They think they are better than everyone who they consider "profane"

1. make lots of money by importing lots off immigrants
2.mongerlize the world
3. destroy allegiance to family, religion, nation and other things to make people easier to control
4. Erode rights in the name of fighting terrorism and mass shootings
5. put the entire world under control of an international organization such as the UN


The humble water filter salesman tells me they want to make a technocracy world they rule over.

whites are physically stronger than blacks you dumbass cuckold

I understand this. Perhaps I asked the wrong question. I was more interested in more specific details such as why they would be behind pc movement and more open borders and of course any details I'm missing.

Fools trying to be God.
That's all.

they are doing that already and people aren't acting about it, if things keep going like this, we are going to be slaves in the next 10 years and we aren't going to even notice it

pc culture stems from modernity. since the millennials think the government have a solution for everything and everyone. they want special rights for special people, at the expanse of others of course.
since native americans have special rights, why blacks don't? why woman don't? why LGBT don't? its like a giant snowball rolling down the corridor that can only get bigger and bigger.
if you were a politician, what would you perfer? secure the vote of 500 people, or have 2000 people maybe voting for you? this is how those people are getting the voice

Wtv you said dude

>there is no giant conspiracy or globalist agenda, and i read alot of conspiracy material over the past year, just to find holes and disinfo in each and every one of them

While I agree with much of what you said, you must understand that this is only one, surface-level-tier perception of the situation. And I fundamentally disagree with what your initial conclusion of their being no conspiracy or agenda.

Everyday, financial and monetary institutions gather to discuss their circumstances and potential options, for furthering their agenda. Small businesses do this even. Sports teams do this.

Do you really think that some of the most wealthy and powerful people in the world, who have similar aspirations and interests, don't do this? Just because you find nothing concrete or viable in your searches doesn't mean anything necessarily. It could just mean that these plans are manufactured with great precision, and concealed so well that you lack the ability to see the patterns.

I think there are various tiers in the big picture. But in a simplistic sense, despotism and control of geopolitical circumstances, from trade down to local law. One people, one world, one big r/ selected nightmare for us all.

I wouldn't claim to know anything but they're definitely into things like hypnotic suggestion, or manipulating you subconsciously. The people ITT are speaking the truth as far as Manly P. Hall and "fools trying to be God" goes and others. I would recommend researching Fritz Springmeir, William Cooper, Red Ice Radio... They work by splitting people, divide and conquer or the Hegelian Dialetctic.

And this is bad why exactly? Sounds like social darwinism to me.
If Serbian society worked like this, I would probably be rich by the age of 25

Because Jews want to rule the world

this is capitalism. if the richest people chipped in tomorrow to save the world economy, there wouldn't be so rich wouldn't they?
wealth comes from hoarding, not from distributing. the less money you have the large power you posses

the less*

>intelligent, rebellious whites
KEK 90% of the people on Sup Forums are fat, white, beta virgins who are mad at black guys for fucking all the white women. Try to argue me, seriously try. And on top of that the "intelligent whites" are stupid sheep ahaha this is to funny.


Neo Babylon.

western civilization died out with the dawn of the enlightenment. globalization is simply capitalism taken to its logical conclusion.

No such thing as a Western civilization. It's their civilization. They transform whatever land they conquer. They started from Egypt (some even argue saying as far back as Atlantis). At this point the HQ seems to be either Canada or US. Nothing will harm these two lands, unless they let it happen (9/11).

To answe your question, it's not really a destruction, but rather another transformation. Subtly changing things in the background.

babylon was the one with the tower? i think we are going to reach that point, and everything is going to be as it was before

No they aren't you fucking retard. Whites are either fat or skinny-fat low testosterone faggots who are weak and scared of men from every other race. Not only that but you weak faggots don't hold an ounce of courage. Without your guns you would have been ass raped by every race you tried to assimilate.

Simply to enrich themselves and keep themselves at the top by consolidating power in their hands. This means creating a world full of demoralised and alienated individuals by destroying any abstract ideals that might undermine their goal (such as nations, heritage, race, family, religion etc). All that's left is endless consumption, fuelled by hedonism and narcissism

there are some possibilities.

1. This is a form of consolidating control and keeping the people down by dividing them among many different nations, all under the umbrella of one government. This makes it impossible to rebel against oppressive regimes.

2. If the theory that we cannot into space unless we globalize for whatever reason (common one being that ayys have already visited and talked to most important world leaders about this) then they are doing it out of desparate necessity.

3. Simple incompetent pipe-dreaming

4. Nothing else to do but take as much power as possible.

Its so obvious but nobody sees it and that makes me sad.

that's their "great work" they believe the bible backwards, Satan (who is a metaphor for human intellect) freed mankind from a cruel and vindictive God who trapped them in his garden instead of being lies. If you want to know check out the guys like Manly P. Hall and John Dewey. They're all over the place pushing for this shit consciously at the top or subconsciously below.

>e power you posses

I will believe you due to your triple dubs


Read the bible and find out

From the Georgia guidestones.

>Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
>Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
>Unite humanity with a living new language.
>Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
>Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
>Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
>Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
>Balance personal rights with social duties.
>Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
>Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

We are currently enacting step number 1.

>Leviticus 18:21 – And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through [the fire] to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I [am] the LORD.

What if I told you that the Cult of Moloch is alive and strong in America?

What if I told you that they are currently sacrificing hundreds of thousands of children every single day?

What if I told you that Planned Parenthood is a branch of the Cult of Moloch and that they are making their god stronger through human sacrifice. Every. Single. Day.

>but with full knowledge and understanding they themselves offered up their own children, and those who had no children would buy little ones from poor people and cut their throats as if they were so many lambs or young birds; meanwhile the mother stood by without a tear or moan

>First MOLOCH, horrid King besmear'd with blood
Of human sacrifice, and parents tears,
Though, for the noyse of Drums and Timbrels loud,
Their children's cries unheard that passed through fire
To his grim Idol. Him the AMMONITE
Worshipt in RABBA and her watry Plain,
In ARGOB and in BASAN, to the stream
Of utmost ARNON. Nor content with such
Audacious neighbourhood, the wisest heart
Of SOLOMON he led by fraud to build
His Temple right against the Temple of God
On that opprobrious Hill, and made his Grove
The pleasant Vally of HINNOM, TOPHET thence
And black GEHENNA call'd, the Type of Hell.

To be rich. Megacorps have mobility while the average citizen doesn't. Thats what liberalism fails to grasp.

>buh buh I know foreign languages and I feel great traveling

Some people have families to tend to. They cannot just move their ass around. They don't always have financial backup either like younger people have.

There is no society. The destruction of western civilization is just a way for corporations to be more profitable for a length of time.

It would be quite funny if in a distant future a world government was formed with socialist traits so that they all end up paying huge taxes without any way of tax evasion.

Some sort of StarCraft UED.

There was a theory somewhere in here or over at 8ch about (((their))) plan I can't remember which board. The theory said that the Jews want to rule over a multicultural goyim while keeping the Jewish blood pure.

The gist of what I see is most people live happily by the little-girl philosophy of plugging their ears with their fingers while chanting "la la la I don't hear you" . The rich actually pay attention to everything in society around them, realize that human civilizations exist in boom-and-bust cycles, and see the jig will soon be up and are merely try get what resources they can, while they can, looting & plundering along the way.

At the same time you have a pleb, aware of what's going on, yet cannot do anything to change the situation, except post randomly, hoping that someone that can, takes action!


They exist so you keep wearing your tin foil and for you to blame your problems on instead of looking internally.

Yes and then we will be free mouhahahahah


those digits O.o

How can moloch be getting stronger if it's just an idol, moloch isn't God.


settle down, icke. you can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat, lad.


>if it's just an idol, moloch isn't God.
if the elites worship moloch, you should rethink that statement

he is right tho

they work for dark forces

>that flag

they sit there in wait for "someone to save them" Imagine if ten of the guys being persecuted under communist regimes took up arms and defended themselves instead of waiting, cowering in fear? The people kicking in door and arresting people, never to be seen again, sure would've been slowed down.


>dark forces


Who says they're right? Most of the elites are so retardedly inbred anyway, they probably don't know what they worship.

I would say that's the reason I no longer ask God to bless America.


one world order, from there we can be a unified representative of humanity to ayyyy lmaos

wtf is this


It's like the opposite of social Darwinism, the average iq of the world and each individual advanced nation is rapidly dropping.

We don't need representation. They've been here long before us, cultivated, experimented on and watched the decline of the all the previous worldwide civilizations before us.

A one world government of fucking hippies will not prevent us from being wiped out over and over and over, while the ayys sit on the sidelines and chuckle at us.


How about a better explanation, my fellow countryman

I took the red pill at 5, then figured out the pleb's solution @ 40: was to instead of the focusing on the world (and drown in sorrow as a result) but to focus on improving oneself. Then from that point on, that part the world (you) improved by 1 person, for everyone!

I could carve the answer on your forehead with a hot knife you would understand ...

>secret elite
>money as a goal
you know fucking nothing jon snow

What about the conspiracy theory that the Jews were behind communism?

How is it even a conspiracy? They offed the Russian Monarchy, and later on, after Communism destroyed Russia, they led China down the same path with Mao.

This isn't conspiracy, this is fact.

Yeah but what aboot the circled figures? the fuck are they supposed to be

Of course it is, but you need to ask yourself why the average person doesn't know this

That's the real conspiracy right there

Pointlessly highlighting fins on the top of the craft.

This. Your money is garbage, and you'll be laughed at. They created the paper for you, not for them.

Because the average person has no depth. It's hard for anyone to accept, but the average person is simply too shallow minded to care about geopolitics and the effect they have on our society as a whole.


And yet, everyone knows textbooks of info about Hitler.
When's the last movie you saw about the horrors of communism?

It's not just that the information hasn't been advertised, it's been deliberately shoved under the rug

I leave this shit here just for the Lulz

It's exactly what you said,
"you have a pleb, aware of what's going on, yet cannot do anything to change the situation, except post randomly, hoping that someone that can, takes action!"
people at least to me are becoming more aware but Im not sure if its because who I am talking to or whats actually happening.
>5 is a pretty fucking early age though

The intelligent will find it. We're moving towards a point where modern academia will eventually erase all evidence of it.

Teach your children.

You're either incredibly ignorant, or a shill.
Either way into the trash your opinion goes.

i don't know why would the jews do this, i wasn't even born then. but it raises important questions.
it is known that jews had immigrant statues in russia for a long time and weren't able to be involved in politics or do certain things.
the zion protocols seems alot more sinister, but it went hand in hand with nazi propaganda so i have to question its authenticity

Nice try Soros.