why is there so much correlation between Sup Forums and r/T_D?
Why is there so much correlation between Sup Forums and r/T_D?
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Because redditors are the same, no matter what site they post on,
For example - (You).
Now fuck off back.
Both are run by the Department of Defense.
Strategy of Tension, Operation Gladio
Liberals don't worship Obama like conservatives do Trump. Plenty of liberals criticized Obama on stuff like gun control, weed, and drone strikes. Trump can do no wrong for most Trump supporters.
yes Obama is my God Emperor, praise Kek! Let's go post on The_Obama meinen Freund
how the fuck is your shitty thread related to this board you dumb fucking idiot
fuck off to Sup Forums leftard
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are unironically reddit
Not an argument
>muh pole booger man
Hmm, I'm sure I have a pic her somewhere...hmm...aha, here it is.
the fact that Sup Forums worships trump shows how much it's been infiltrated by dumb plebbit fags
trump loves to brag about being israel's staunchest ally, his son-in-law is jewish. old Sup Forums would've never marched behind trump
they were astroturfed
Sup Forums whines about TD thread #456,352,632,212
Formerly r/T_C
The only people on Sup Forums that actually want to create a safespace is Sup Forums retards. They screech and reee at everything that offends their sensitive egos.
>people crossboard
holy shit no way. but seriously Sup Forumstards need to be exterminated
hi chapocuckhouse
Also someone calling you a retard and proving you wrong isn't infringing on your free speech; nor is it an attempt to create a "hugbox". You're just retarded.
Imagine being this upset about a subreddit
Consider the following
hey i saw this on /r/chapotraphouse and /r/fuckthealtright
it's good that my leftist borthers are here to subvert Sup Forums into another safe space
imagine being this upset over a comedian with an opinion
>m-muh pole booger man!!
>g-go away plz go a-away!! Waaaah
this, only leftists are the ones who whinge about Sup Forums and r/t_d
/pol_The_Donald/ is one entity. It's the meme propaganda wing of the GOP. A bunch of shills and fools.
Everything Sup Forums accuses others of they do 100 times more.
>Sup Forums whines about redditors
>They are the biggest redditors, and even built a Sup Forums colony on reddit which funnels more of them here
>Sup Forums whines about shills
>Sup Forums are the biggest shills and see it as their job to promote their political agenda online (rather than just talk about nerd shit like Sup Forums was designed for).
You literally jack it to traps with shit filled diapers. Take a knee my man, you're a gay baby
>g-go away plz go a-away!! Waaaah
Yeah, you have the reading comprehension of a toddler. No surprise there, though.
>caring this much
typical symptom of a redditor, back you go
this autistic shill post can just be boiled down to 'no u'
fuck off leftard
and who are the ones who whine about Kimmel and Colbert on an hourly basis on Sup Forums?
>Sup Forumstards need to be exterminated
This but unironically
Sup Forums is backup Sup Forums
remember that pussy niggers
this really
Really make you think
I am a hyper self aware leftist KNEEL BEFORE MY POWER, i braved the alt-right ruins of the darkest known place on the internet... Sup Forums! i came out alive, and now i spend my days listening to chapotraphouse and fighting nazis on Sup Forums
not really alt-left
>Liberals don't worship Obama
is this image supposed to be enlightening or some shit? lmao
I see the shills who are "trying to change Sup Forums" are upset at their being called out for being shills and are trying to gas-light now. Pathetic.
FEC disclosure on the CTR/Shareblue shills and payments:
JIDF spokesman:
How paid shilling works:
*destroys your argument*
who? fuck off commie
Imagine being this devestated by a late night host they try to discredit him.
I would bet that the majority of people who browse Sup Forums are left leaning or neutral. Sup Forumstards just sperg louder than anyone else.
You shilling your zionist will never not be funny
>I see the shills who are "trying to change Sup Forums" are upset at their being called out for being shills and are trying to gas-light now. Pathetic.
I'm not a shill, I've been here since 2006. You right wing weirdos came out of nowhere and have tried to hijack Sup Forums. Fuck off.
I would bet that you're a diaper fetishist
literally a trump shill
>patreon intellectuals
Many of his arguments are fundamentally flawed and he gets by by speaking with eloquence and confidence.
>Sup Forums was SJW and non-racist
>hehe called him a commie, owned
Hi underage.
You stupid piece of shit.
name 5
he's alright
what is r/chapotraphouse and why is it being spammed by redditors?
Hi commie. Now go away
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
Nigger that's a lot of work I already got a full time job.
lol watch the nose recoil, multiple insta-replies to simply posting reality
is the FEC lying? is JIDF's own website/shills lying? are CTR/shareblue lying?
no matter how much you push that narrative it'll never be true.
go back there fag
Sup Forums is historically left leaning and anybody who has been here for more than a couple years would know that. I know you just started browsing though, so you'll learn.
Underage MAGApede confirmed.
You do seem to know a lot about reddit. Can you explain to me what's /r/chapotrapshouse
r/pol/'s newest boogeyman
>The New Nu Males
Sup Forums has always been about making fun of everyone. Old Sup Forums would relentlessly make fun of Trump not because they disagree but because they'd think it would be funny like when they got into Sarah Palin's email account. But today you cannot dare say anything about Trump or the shills lose their minds
so THIS is the power of the alt-left...
>""""Sup Forums""""" worships a zionist
could the JIDF's victory BE any more complete?
>trying this hard
fuck off kike, /r/chapotraphouse, leftypol, WHEREVER the fuck you've come from, go back there
Because Sup Forums is basically just reddit now, so when they come here to complain it's about the same things they whine about on reddit.
Trump's politics weren't relevant to Sup Forums at all, dude. I cannot remember a single instance where I saw someone post about Donald Trump's politics until 2014.I can tell how new you are.
>worship a billionaire zionist
>worship a flamboyant faggot who happily calls himself faggot
>complain more than sjws
>gets triggered by South Park and Kimmel
where did Sup Forums go so wrong?
none of these are nu-pol, nu-pol is characterised by an emphasis on shitposting instead of proper discussion, most hate trump
you have to go back
t. /leftypol/ soy bugman
let them waste their time
>Sup Forums was always conservative
no one is saying Sup Forums was SJW you fucking moron
Triggering Trumptards is so easy.
Where in my post did I say that old Sup Forums aligned with Trumps ideology? My post was about how Sup Forums was exactly never that much about politics.
"old Sup Forums" without shills like above
>he's doing it in another thread
you're really proud of yourself for being the last person to find out about chapo trap house, aren't you?
yeah, it is.
>Nu-Sup Forums
>Not the New Legion of Zionist Trump ass lickers
>No, Nu-Sup Forums hate Trump
What's it like being a false flagger?
>Sup Forums called out for being reddit
>thread is suddenly full of real authentic Sup Forums oldfags shrieking r/the_donald buzzwords
really makes me think
>historically left leaning
Holy shit, could you not have outted yourself as a complete newfag?
Sup Forums flip flopping because of Trump is hilarious
>DA JEWS and Israel are evil
>But Trump said he's the most pro-Israel ever, his daughter and son are Jewish, and he has repeatedly praised Jews...