So the latest episode was pretty fucking good

so the latest episode was pretty fucking good
i thought this was going to be shite after the two first episodes, but hopefuly the rest of the episodes are like this
what did you guys think?

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I even liked the first two episodes. Pleasantly surprised, expected it to be SJW trash from all of the articles and shit before it's release.

I haven't seen anything decent branded Star Trek in almost two decades, so I've started watching with the expectation that it'll be shit. Minutes later I was hooked.

I liked Enterprise.

I had the same issue with it people have with Discovery now. It didn't feel like Star Trek at all.

Star Trek Dindu.

I quit after ep2. Jesus what the hell went wrong with Star Trek?
>InB4 shills start saying to watch more

You quit after you've finished watching a prologue, and haven't even seen Discovery yet. Good job!

I really don't understand why they are doing what they're doing, Star Trek is supposed to be story orientated, a simple story per episode or two, now we have this serial drama with over the top action, impossible physics and yelling and screaming.
The total lack of charisma and talent of the cast is the icing on the cake.

This. Main problem was michael. She's so bland and borderline Mary Sue sometimes. The weird shitty lighting doesn't make it any better.

So you haven't watched DS9.

Ep. 3 really did feel more like the start of the series.

ep3 is legit the best so far

it's still not star trek tho

This. I still don't get the complaints for the pilot. No more plot holes than most Trek episodes and was an effective prologue.

Not really no.


it's shit btw

I knew right away, because it has a story arch, no villain of the week in later seasons.

>all about action
>darkness and lense flares
>the main character is a mutineer

not startrek

why is it so easy to trigger fans of this show by just calling it STD


Are you really going to spam this in every thread?

>meme complaints

I call it that all the time because it's funny. Doesn't mean I don't like the show.

I was the one who did it last time, not him.

So you haven't watched DS9.

How do I watch this? I can't even find episode one without signing up.

The third episode was not about action
what? you want pink aliens and yellow walls from TOS again?
>the main character is a mutineer
was. you haven't seen the 3rd episode again.
But basically, as they said, they were going for something like the first recent Star Trek film

It was meeee

>Star Trek Discovery S01E01 "The Vulcan Hello" Download:!ZbhkVRTQ!aXGSRWDnocezIrB-Fu4-9HLHDudsXQGiYyjdTo57plQ

>Episode Rating: D-

>Star Trek Discovery S01E02 "Battle at the Binary Stars" Download:!5P5QkTRC!8ciGmCX_3RkyPiFi3ChVR0CihEi13Ffgzl6vrl-031k

>Episode Rating: D-

>Star Trek Discovery S01E03 "Context is for Kings" Download:!Q6p1hKaL!tYVKHXB8p8i_T25qNyoLzguz1Usmay-eIIvlSmBRRaI

>Episode Rating: C+

You just hate women

>borderline Mary Sue sometimes

>Walks off melted flesh, deadly radiation and sever head trauma
>Jumps through vacuum of space without a suit just to casually stroll on the bridge and lecture superior officers about how she was right all along
>By Episode 3 literally everyone in the entire Federation knows who she is
>The reason they know this is one of the most contrived "She's the blame but not really" bullshit reasons ever, blaming the Klingon conflict on her, even though everything she did to the Klingons was under the Captain's orders, the only exception to this being her Mutiny that didn't effect the Klingons' view of the Federation at all because they didn't know any of it even happened
>Is literally the first mutineer in the history of the Federation
>Was raised as Spock's sister
>The smartest Starfleet officer the first officer ever met

Literally the only box she doesn't tick is that you can't say "Everyone loves her", but they basically do a reverse on that and make everyone hate her instead so instead of watching everyone love her for no reason, we get to see everyone flip their shit about how much they hate her for no reason and how strong and brave she is for putting up with all of it.

>Walks off melted flesh, deadly radiation and sever head trauma
Have you ever watched Star Trek before? McCoy or Crusher or whoever just waves a salt-shaker at you and those are all healed.

Yeah. When they're done.
They were very specifically not done with her when she decided to casually stroll out of medbay and be completely fine from that point on.

She had more salt-shaker time after leaving the bridge.

>what? you want pink aliens and yellow walls from TOS again?

Yes. Was that suppose to be a hard question? It wasn't. Anything is better than STD darkness. that won't come back anytime soon. Best stop Discovery and rewatch TOS over and over again.

Do Lorca and Landry fuck?

It's already here.

Yeah as a really prefer to watch a parody of Star Trek?

I don't know who you guys are, but I've been a fan of Trek since 1998, and a casual viewer since the late 80s. I've seen every movie, every TNG, TOS, VOY and DS9 episode, and watched it decline after ENT. I watched the public lose interest even when they were trying to bump up the action. What you're watching now with Discovery is like a degraded copy of what Trek could be.

The characters, setting, and look of the show are totally unoriginal. It doesn't work. It is the equivalent of Stargate Universe. Michael is a terrible Star Trek character, both in background (another Vulcan! Crazy), and how she is developed into her place in Starfleet (Did she even go to the academy?). The Daft Punk helmet girl is another rip off. The look of the show is copied, not from real Star Trek, but a reboot.

The pilot episode starts off in a conflict we've seen many times, which didn't establish the characters at all. We just see everyone acting extreme.

Discovery has almost nothing I like about Star Trek. It doesn't even seem to borrow good parts from the action movies we kept getting. I really really want Discovery to fail so much. I don't think I'll watch Star Trek anymore. I'm barely middle age, and the producers have ruined the entire thing. There is no fucking way I'll watch any more star trek until they make something with original characters that isn't a fright or some kind of wannabe Marvel shit. Fuck Discovery!

t. Fox shill

I'll take it. The parody is closer to Trek than the real show. STD fails in every way there is to fail. Real fans were looking forward to Axanar, but CBS lawyers ruined that.

Prelude to Axanar

>This all Orville is is a parody
Just for some perspective, this is a parody/spoof:

A show where the whole story structure is modelled after Star Trek and the only thing that's different is that the crew is a bit more free spirited is an homage.

Yet all the trailers for the show are terrible joke after terrible joke

>another war between the Federation and Klingons
>even less exploration than STD
You are cancer.

>When someone gives up on Discovery after the pilot they're not digging deep enough
>When someone gives up on the Orville after having only seen the trailer, that's only reasonable

>>Federation and Klingons

Real Federation, real Klingons, real Star Trek. No wonder you can't recognize it. How can a fan video on Youtube be so much better than CBS' STD? Even the acting and characters are better.

Orville is mediocre and mostly unfunny. Its most vocal fans are butthurt Trekkies who cannot get over the fact that their precious nineties Trek is obsolete and not coming back.

Dsc is good because its not star trek :)

>yeah remember that moment when Seth makes that pee joke? omg it was...hilaaaaaaaarious.

I care about quality more than anything. imo last few seasons of DS9 and ENT is my favorite star trek.

>pedoville shills shilling for pedo waifu again
what a shocker

To be honest, it's hard to satisfy all Trek fans at once. Some prefer TOS, some prefer TNG, others like DS9 or bits and pieces in each series...a new Star Trek today was bound to have mixed reviews. Like the recent films have.