Well la, di, da

Well la, di, da.

Other urls found in this thread:


this is absolutely the stupidest fucking joke but it is still a good skit and pretty funny desu


Well aren’t you a tiny plum, OP.

LOL, black people are just like me!

The only Sup Forums meme that makes me laugh each time.

I'm honored that you consider this to be a meme.


Clearly from Denmark.

And it's continental, you say?

This skit cracked me up. Don't know why.

It's basically how I carry myself in real life. Here's a story of my exploits:

>go to movies by myself because I can
>ask ticket bitch for my ticket "ticket for one for Detroit!"
>ticket bitch says "for ONE? what's it like going to the movies alone?"
>I say "Yes, for one. what's it like earning 9 dollars an hour?" laugh in ticket bitch's face and walk away
>walk up to stub ripper...say "IS THIS YOUR WHOLE JOB? YOUR PARENTS MUST BE SO PROUD LOL" rip my own stub because I'm not an idiot
>enter eatery, walk up to servant "what will you have?" she asks, "it's okay! I brought my own!" I say while showing her the contents of my backpack with cola and homemade popcorn inside
>turn to those behind me and say "ENJOY PAYING THREE BUCKS FOR COLA, MORONS"
>make my way to cinema doors...notice lots of couples
>laugh at them as they leave in embarrassment
>cinema all to myself, put my feet up and throw popcorn at my face because that's how I eat it

kay and peele is so unfunny

At first I was certain that people were just fucking with me by pretending that this was funny. Then I thought maybe it was supposed to be funny ironically, like the joke was how excruciatingly unfunny it is. Now I just realized you millennial faggots are fucking cancer and this, this is the symptom of your unrelenting faggotry.

You sound like an asshole.

What are you? A baby boomer? How's that failed presidency going?

You ever just think that maybe it's just a weird off-comedy skit that's just meant to be amusing and not meant to make you belly-laugh?

>You sound like an asshole.

This line here reminds me about some article written by a guy who moved to Chicago from San Fran for a year or two, and as he left he wrote this thing giving his "hot take" on Chicago as he was leaving and in it when he talked about Chicago people he told this funny little story about trying to get his flirt on at a Chicago bar early on.

>super awesome SF guy spots a table with 3-4 chicks and no dudes
>buys himself a beer and walks over to the table like HI I'M [NAME] AND I JUST MOVED HERE FROM SAN FRANCISCO AND BOY THESE WINTERS SURE SUCK DON'T THEY??
>"uh [name] sorry but we're not interested"
>*stands up and picks up his drink*
>dude notes how saying thatade the chicks seem legit bothered after he got up and left, like they couldn't believe he actually didn't want them

And of course he blamed it on Chicago for having different customs for meeting chicks at bars and rah rah rah, but holy shit if I was those chicks I'd probably be cracking the fuck up like "holy shit how gay is this guy? He *IS* from San Francisco, you know..."

Oregon Trail Generation.

The joke is just he doesn't understand "continental" and the word sounded ritzy to him so he got really excited for this buffet to the point of delusion.

>generation literally names themselves after a video game

Well la, di, da, Mr. Park Avenue Manicure!


Carry on yourself, Alex.

Bingo. I thought it was funny.

Lol classic


But what about the part at the end where the guy says he's "always been here"? Isn't it possible that he was possessed by a malevolent presence within the hotel?


What are you?

>what's it like earning 9 dollars an hour?

I know this asshole is just trying to be funny,but this is the sign of a kid that has never had a job.
lol,you don't make much money
lol,you spend not much money on something you want
All he needs is to call a home owner a wage cuck

Well what have we here?

Did anyone else also not get this?
Some pasta that is supposed to never work?

I feel like this show is very hit and miss, mostly miss though

I love being incontinent


I'm Sup Forums's reckoning. Here to end the borrowed time you've all been living on.

What idiot would pay $3 for a soda when you can buy a whole liter of soda from the store for less than that? There's spending money and then there's being a retard.


i feel you bro I feel you


Well la, di, da.

agreed the sketch is some unfunny shit


thats what im saying



You know me so well

NI**ERS can be funny!!!! LMAO UPVOTE to destroy my race

I wish I were high on potenuse


that just because K&P don't know how to end a joke

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Key and Peele. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of race relations most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Peele's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Key and Peele truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Peele's existencial catchphrase "Well la, di, da.," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Peele's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Key and Peele tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


best skit

I thought the substitute teacher one was the best.

I still don't get this joke. I know it's a Shining reference, but why a continental breakfast?

see ya Mr Poostrand

Wesley was a brilliant character and his skits were hilarious even though they hit close to home

Dude slaughter all white people lmao.

Dude whine on the internet and do nothing about it but then say others are the weak ones lmao

Holy shit, a sequel!

You're one salty nigger huh

Anyone know what the monster at the end is a reference to?

He's right you know.

Do americans really act like this?

>banana, baked to perfection

But wait. There's more. I excel at finding ways to torture animals. don't really hate them, I just can't musterd the energy to bond emotionally with them anymore. Except frogs. Fuck frogs. I hate frogs. I'm going to post my top three favourite methods of torturing frogs and literally no one can stop me.

>3 force them to smoke

They're stupid as fuck. Put a cigarette in their mouth and they'll inhale until their lungs burst.

>2 use them as tennis ball

My family has an old tennis court that is slowly being reclaimed by nature. Nonetheless it still looks okay when you trim the grass and pull the foilage from the edges. My friend and I would spend a couple of hours collecting a bucket full of frogs, and then play tennis with them. Most would die after the first serve but sometimes we managed to do a rally before they died

>1 Vikings funeral

What's really fun is spending a couple of hours fletching arrows from wood. Then collect frogs, and nail them to a wooden plank. Then, you let them down a subtle stream and dip your arrow tip in a fire and shoot at the frog with a DIY bow.

it's just making fun of him thinking it's super fancy and exotic
the ending is just a random reference to end the sketch

Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, it's an old twilight zone episode.


Brussels you retard

Shining Reference


>you will never be this anally annihilated

>their favorite racist gets elected president
>they still get butthurt when people don't magically stop liking black people
It's hilarious!