The Justice Society of America

Hey Sup Forums, I really love the JSA, particularly the GJ era stuff. What are some other good JSA stories, or comics that are similar in tone and subject to the JSA?

Also JSA thread, I guess.


Read All-Star Squadron and Young All-Stars for adventures during the golden age.


I'd love to see more from the less explored JSA characters. When you think about it, the original Mister Terrific should be a powerhouse to rival even Batman. His cameo in the JSA story where they all travel time was pretty baller.

Also JSA will always be cool for its implementation of legacy characters. It's always unique enough where every character has their own spin to them that still resonates with the hero they base themselves off of without it ever coming off as fanfiction. Top tier stuff

Well, there's always the inspiration for the Robinson/Johns JSA run, The Golden Age. Hitler fighting, Alan Scott badassery, lesser-known JSA members, and heroes who aren't even part of the JSA, like Robotman and Captain Comet.

What's that, you say? Never heard of it? Well, as it just so happens, I have an underused Sup Forums pass, and a copy right here...














And here we have Manhunter, one of the few characters whose comic history rivals Hawkman for horrible over-complexity. (Though, I have the Kate Spencer run here, which I may storytime later.)








Every Green Lantern has this speech at some point. (And Kyle Rayner, Alan's quasi-protege, gives it every year or two.)






Random fact: In Doom Patrol, Robotman dated one of the first transgender characters / superheroines in comics, Kate Godwin, aka Coagula.



was the Lightning Saga any good? This is from the Lightning Saga right?



Was that Bob Crane Robotman or Cliff Steele Robotman?

Yeah, that's Lightning Saga. And it was a fairly solid story, though the ending is a bit weak - definitely felt like one of those stories where they didn't know who they wanted to bring back until just before publication.


ah thanks, I'm a bit iffy with getting that era of the League, I still want to get it since it has some JSA issues. Speaking of which, are the Liberty Files any food?






You know, I didn't even know there WAS another Robotman. That Robotman was Cliff Steele. The one featured in this story is apparently Bob Crane.


Decent, not spectacular.






















Between Ted Knight thinking his radiation jumpstarted an age of empowered humans, and an irradiated bomb blast in the desert, it kinda feels like we're veering into classic Marvel territory here.




Dynaman - the explosive results of mating a football player with a 1951 General Motors Le Sabre!




I would love to see Captain Triumph's concept reincarnated as a sort of contrast to Captain Marvel/Shazam.




Don't do Miraclo, kids. Sure, it starts off fun, grandstanding and smacking around a few street punks. But then you need more, for longer. Before long, you're bathing in Bio-Restorative Formula, or shooting Velocity 9 into your scrotum. And if all that doesn't kill you, you'll end up robbing kindly scientists for their secret serums. Don't be the Sentry. Get your powers the right way - by irradiating animals and letting them bite you.














And that's book 2. Anybody still with us out there?
