Kek, Huff post is having a melt down

Kek, Huff post is having a melt down.

Dump so they don't get visits:

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Didn't Hulk Hogan win the lawsuit?

How are they still afloat and running?

wasnt that gawker?

This is the guy that wrote the article. Not even kidding.

I'll be happy to do the opposite of whatever huffpo says

same conglomerate, right?

Oy vey they are shilling hard soo
That means we're winning !

This one headline is like the entirety and soul of Huffpost summed up in a neat little package with a bow.

i laughed out loud

That was with Gawker.

>mfw democucks are this pathetic and desperate


About the blogger:
>Christian Gabriel is an artist, writer and musician originally from Oakland, CA. He graduated from Vassar College in 2004 and lived in Brooklyn, NY, for nine years working in the fashion and entertainment industries while writing, producing and performing music under the stage name Chris Cali. Most recently his work was featured on Out Magazine online.

Literally a nigger with nigger tier writing skills.

Eyy Esee, Please dont throw me out maan

Kek please be real

I'm not really sure what meeting they were watching, because this literally never happened.

thanks for the great argument huffpost, #imwithher

>dont vote for trump
>brown faggots got killed
>it was trumps fault


>this is the state of modern journalism


Here I capped the good par.


Hahahahahahahahah Jesus Christ it's like this was written by a 13 year old why the fuck would you write in your own vocalisation habits hahahaha

What did they mean by this?

Does he think he's an RnB singer or something?

Holy shit, that's some ultimate jew lvl power right there!

This MSM monster has many heads. Hulkster has only one on his wall, and a relatively minor one at that.

Gawker was never a major, respectable news outlet. They were on the level of Buzzfeed or Cracked. Taking out Huffpo or the NYT is a much more serious matter.

I work for the backend of huff po ... believe me ... the editors there are shitty people with shitty attitudes. They are far from decent human beings.

All of them are the stereotype of the smug liberal that thinks whatever he says is right and everyone else is wrong. All of them are punchable as fuck.

Good riddance

>writing, producing and performing music under the stage name Chris Cali.

Oh, I was right.

I try to remain as objective as possible in terms of assessing his chances

But the Clinton camp reeks of desperation

Is this the best they can make?


I'm on the toilet right now reading this thread, and I just ran out of toilet paper. Like, there's literally no toilet paper left in my house. There's still shit on my ass. WHAT DO I DO?

Server log email leak when?

Yeah. I wanna see the guts of this god damn abomination.


>Dump so they don't get visits:
>ctrl + f, no results

I don't have enough access to that also most of them use gmail/aol/yahoo accounts for email.

But if their mails go like the internal support chats and article reports ... then it will be like a room of kids screaming and crying that they can't accept critique or thinking that everyone is stupid and they know best.

Go Hindu.

Ikr. The grammar in that is article is fucking atrocious. Clearly English composition is not a requirement at Vassar.

But how? How are you going to fuck me?

Does this mean I have to fuck you first?

The Second Amendment People are going to have a field day!

>he doesn't clean his ass in the shower

I hate to say it but you are literally the epitome of 'SHART'

please go to canada or mexico, we dont want you

Oh god I'm gonna do it. My shitposting hand will have actual shit on it

>it's real

What in the actual fuck is happening?

Fucking everyone in the US uses toilet paper you shower shitter

Psh, you got physical access, the rest is easy. Drop some usb drives with rootkits in the parking like like le mr robot and you'll be in.

>so retarded he thinks I told him to shit in the shower, and not just clean his ass in there

fucking filthy faggot

>Morty Goldsteinbergwitz

That's pretty much the equivalent of "Jewy McJewface"

I actually did because I had to, but why the hell would you need to jump in the shower for EVERY shit throughout the day? What a waste of a towel.

Burn it to the ground and salt the ashes so that nothing may ever grow from there again.


Lol holy shit

>implying I said to do it for every shower

fucking kill yourself you inbred fuckwit, you are stupid as fuck

>first paragraph
>whining and trying way too hard to be clever
>second paragraph
>A bunch of unrelated bullshit and outright false claims
Wow what a valuable use of my time

lmao this is pathetic. This "article" from the huffington post is literally an emotional blog post made by a sore loser, i thought the huffington post was supposed to be respectable? no arguments except "b-but what will happen to me and other blacks?" literally nothing will happen. Black people are literally 12.3 percent of the US population and one became fucking president, i doubt things are that bad for you if you write articles for the huffington post dumb bitch.

Are they promoting rape?


But that's not what I implied. I implied that you jump in the shower for every shit. Not that you shit in every shower.

His jimmies are throughly rustled


cant be real

I read the first paragraph, and skipped to the comments.
Almost no one in the thirty comments I read, agrees with the author.

I thought Jesse Benn was pumped full of holes?

How is he still here?

WTF, I am totally a Hilldo now!

This is from June, cunt.

Who's June?

How childish.


Ah, the Ricky Bobby strategy.

The fucking month

Unfortunately most blacks will continue to have a victim complex and also a inferiority complex forever. Anything about America itself must only be regarding white people and apparently we all want to forget about black history, which is american history. They are so fucking blindsided by shit they never even slightly experienced. But man is a woke black man an amazing sight.

The company (((VoteCastr))) plans on providing real time voter result on election day. In other words the spotlight is on the voting booths and thus traditional rigging of the vote is becoming far too risky. Instead (((they))) have decided to push (((their))) propaganda about how (((they))) believe people are voting in real time to discourage turnout. A representative (((Sasha Issenberg))) appeared on MSNBC to discuss the (((companies))) goals.

>"Artist, writer and musician"


>calling trump a "white devil"
who even says this shit, I thought he was a nigger not a gook


This is how you know that Trump is serious, they're getting scared.

>voting for a terminally ill Hillary with 1 - 3 years to live
>voting for a walking corpse that will die during her first term

Yeah it's not

> You're only smart and someone I like if you are a Democrat meme

I stopped at y'all personally. But looking at that part I saw he wasn't black, in fact the whole thing just sounds like it was written by a black guy. The rage, the emphasis on what someone else is doing, what a cuck

Isn't this from like 3 months ago?

> (((Goldsteinbergwitz)))
The final boss has been found.

I love how even the huffpo comments are calling out his bullshit.

>Artist, writer and musician

Why are they allowed to talk? I never see welders, plumbers, electrician writing on these fucking websites, it's always strange useless jobs

>You are irrelevant.
>Do this all for me because me.

Uh yeah, I'll get right with you on that.

>dumb nigger thinks Donald Trump caused the Pulse shooting
>not the backwards-ass Dark Age desert religion known as Islam
>not Hillary Clinton's treasonous support for ISIS and Al-Qaeda

Regarding Hillary's state, has the left already thrown the ABLEIST stigma to Trump and his supporters?

If you don't vote a terminally ill woman you're an ABLEIST and CHAUVINIST.

>YFW they conveniently ignore the Orlando shooter was a Muslim

>not clinton

Are they already giving up on her?


>The final boss has been found.


Every liberal is artists writer & musician, sometimes actor if s/he live in Commiefornia.


Probably just butthurt bernout

>those comments.....

"(Trump) that white devil man"

what? Is this suddenly South Africa or some shit?


I think journalism's/writers grandpapa is officially spinning in his urn after passing this diarrhea off as journalism/writing.

>Comparing Huffpo with the NYTs

user please.

that shit is insulting even to professional blogs

>He's a gay mexican/black rapper
fucking wew

I think the only stereotypical jew name missing from this is "greenbaum", so close to the perfect jew name.

is this site satire? it has to be satire.

I'm dying. Please meme this.

>not having a bidet
How uncivilized. They're like $20.