/Nicole General/
hey nicolefag
>those are not tumblr codes.
Does this mean there are now 2 nicolefags?
literally who?
I am not nicolefag
Atleast call me nicolefag 2.0
How do you know thats nicoles brother?
Why else would she be hugging him you fucking retard?
>these image names
Is this more autistic than nicolefag?
Idk If she was taking a shit I would walk in after shes done to smell the aftermath.
is this actually happening
you forgot
>making a thread for spamming pics of his waifu in dead /bb/ off-season
So if Nicole wanted to shit in your mouth you would say no?
When is Markposting coming back? I've been holding onto these Markies for a while and I'd like to offload them again.
Markypost in Survivor threads.
how big is your nicole folder?
Big enough!
leaker said jody are already out of the race lmao
I would eat it.
le nerd glasses
I thought he had a chance, but just didn't bite the bullet