Two sides edition
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Two sides edition
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it's /STD/ you mong
Don't bother posting in this thread if you haven't seen episode 3 yet.
I instantly love this image.
>Ruins the season
Are you mocking those with special needs?
>tfw somebody saves an image you made
She is so unlikeable and ugly FUCK
I lover her and I want her to be in every episode to make up for her not being in the first two.
>unlikeable and ugly
Only one of those is true.
What she's actually staring at
She's so fucking beautiful.
nostalgia bomb
[slight drooling intensifies]
How long until the Borg show up for no good reason?
Season 2 opener
She is cute as fuck desu I hope she stops being an asshole mary sue soon.
Bros I'm so happy Trek is back on tv. /trek/ comprises of some of my best memories of this place.
All the history, the funny little observations of character behavior, the Trek cliches, and everything in between. It's good to have something new.
10/10 would fuck this Yakub lookin bitch
Lorca seems like a home run casting-wise Jason Isaac nailed every scene. Instantly quotable and commanding every scene. I'm excited to see him conduct a space battle.
she looks great here
Sarek and Lorca have the exact same voice, I just noticed. It's so creepy.
Don't you mean season 1 finale cliffhanger?
>Not sorted by colour
not bad op
keep it up and you'll grow up to be a memeologist
She CAN live with it.
Fuck you OP. Michael is chaotic good- the BEST kind of good!
good to know that some people in this thread won't be passing on their genes to TNG
Moderate kek
Orville is fucking garbage. The music is great but Seth Mchack ruined the show by starring in it.
imagine how smelly that hair must be
What like about DSC
>ancient Klingon religious relics in space
>Section 31
>interstellar war
>Federation cyborgs
>mobile mad science lab spaceship
>''You actually thought Federation is a democracy ? HA!'' argument
>10/10 visuals
>rogue trader captain
>shady experiments
I am glad they successfully updated the formula for Star Trek to reflect advancement in our cinematography and visuals. Honestly both TOS and TNG are too far outdated to be a valid concept today in storytelling.
You realize Orville is shipped by pedo autistst right? Its because one character looks like 12 year girl
Yea the 12 year old girl is a superhuman that can jump miles in the air and is a stronk womyn while 2 normies argue about marriage.
desu std/dis feels more like the expanse in its atmosphere/presentation that it does star trek. I mean it seems like a pretty neat show, if you don't look at it as a star trek show.
sorta like halo 5 is pretty neat if you don't look at it as a halo game
sometimes I feel like all this new media is just too scared to come up with an original ip since they're scared of being rejected, so they decided to rape some established ip and piss of the fanbase
this was when i dropped my last hope that i ever get a star trek that isn't goofy.
this star trek isn't even family friendly so why do they keep one of the worst part of star trek in discovery but kick out good parts?
Never make an OP without STD ever again.
Its startrek /DIS/ease you plebeian
STD is a /DIS/ease
why is OP insisting the show is /DIS/ASTER?
i loooooooooooooooooooooove black people
unironically this, after all these posts asking for it to be /STD/ i dunno why OP is still being such a faggot about it
Because OP is a paid shill who was told by the boss to avoid it at all cost. STD is not worthy of it's own general.
true, i always thought the point of generals was to keep all the threads contained into one, but there's been literally no other STD threads except for these shit generals, so what's the point of them?
on that point I do kinda miss the old Sup Forums before everyone got split into their own little general circlejerks, /tvg/ when
Do you really want fifty different Game of Thrones threads going at once?
Still happens in season though. Either ban the generals outright or start pruning the excess threads
on-season there usually is anyway though
and off-season I dunno, I just preferred when Sup Forums threads were about a single topic and were filled with discussion about that topic, instead of just general threads that are filled with random shit... just makes it easier to find things to talk about imo.
it's just my personal preference, I get some people want a place they can do that though, which is why I hope we'll get a general board or something like Sup Forums got
Not OP but DIS is the official abbreviation. Only Orville shills use STD
and VGR is the official voyager abbreviation, your point?
my point was that literally every /DIS/ thread gets filled with a bunch of "it's /STD/ you idiot" posts, it's pretty obvious OP is the only one here that won't get with the program, for some (((reason)))
I don't even watch orville (i have no idea how in straya) and std seems more logical
I when saying it std rolls of the tongue better than dis and dsc reminds me of gsc from warhammer too much
>for some (((reason
Because no one calls Enterprise STE or Voyager STV
DSC is the official abbreviation.
>violently knocks out her captain
>lies to the crew in order to execute her own orders
>results in her entire crew dying among many other ships
>get sentenced to life in prison
But i'm supposed to forgive her just because she's a strong black woman? How fucking liberal do i have to be to play along with this?
>Sees picture
>reads title
>Doesn't have STD
>Show was called STD by CBS
Get out redditors
>Orville shills
>Show that is the most like ToS and TNG
Umm no sweetie
>most of these generals is about the orville or about how it should be called STD
great show, great threads
Captain announces Micahel as the new designated sex slave next episode as punishment. She only wears high heels and a choker for the rest of the season.
there's no rules about naming regulations lol, that's beside my point anyway.
my point is that _around here_ it's pretty obvious /STD/ is the established name, when you get a thread where someone calls it STD you never see anyone saying "umm actually sweetie it's properly known as DIS"
but when you get a thread that doesn't use STD almost instantly you get people complaining about it
there's really no reason for OP to be going against us all unless he's being paid or something, I mean it'd save a lot of hassle for him if he just got with the program, but again for some (((reason))) he won't, "other places don't call it that though!!!" really isn't a valid reason
hey /trek/ has a slightly less autism tier discussion, though it's a bit slow right now
>"Hey you guys watch DIS?"
ya but ent is not the same as vgr
therefore your argument is invalid, as there is no precedent for first three letter of ship naming pattern
I've seen more discussion in barclay holodeck threads, the only thing /trek/ is good for is posting shit memes and calling bashirfaggot out for being a tranny
>Show wouldn't have meta discussions about the title and comparing it to Orville if it was just good
>Creators say it is Prime timeline and we are supposed to believe it takes place in the same universe as TOS TAS TNG DS9 VOY and ENT
Out norms
go around the internet, you'd be surprised how many places this exact same conversation is happening at.
fans seem to prefer STD, and i think that's fine. an unconventional abbreviation for an unconventional trek show
The official abbreviation is what the fans use (STD)
>getting mad that the internet isn't abbreviating the show correctly
>being afraid that the internet will make fun of the by calling it sexual transmitted disease
kek almost like you're the shill
Literally the only people who mention The Orville in STD discussions are people like you, who complain The Orville gets mentioned so much. You faggots are so damn defensive.
You might know that first officers are expected to take command when their captain is putting the ship in danger if you weren't a bandwagoning secondary who started watching on the third episode.
DSC is worth watching just alone for the triggering it causes in autists.
It's a decent modern SF show, but the way it makes autists melt because props aren't from TOS is an added bonus.
>muh show is better than yours
don't you watch all the shows? watch STD and the orville, they are both worth watching in their own ways.
The Orville is better Trek
Orville is cringe. Flat jokes, props and make up like it was made in 90s, wooden dialogue, nothing original.
>The Orville is better Trek
I agree, weird fucking times we are living in.
STD is cringe. Flat writing, props and make up like it was Event Horizon, wooden dialogue, nothing original.
*smacks lips*
Event Horizon was God-Tier though.And visuals on DSC are 10/10
That's why people don't take you seriously.
I wish there was a way to filter anybody complaining/arguing about the acronym.
oh look a Sup Forumstard appears
>you'll never bang female data
learn2spell, illiterate buffoon
Event Horizon was also a horror movie. Which is what STD looks like. That's kind of the point. Saying the visuals are 10/10 is just an unmotivated personal opinion. Personally, I don't think they're very strong. The sets look very generic, and don't have a very clear identity. Special effects are OK, and the mangled corpses looked properly horrific... but that's why I'm comparing it to Event Horizon.
And that cuts to the core of my problem with STD. It's going so far away from OG Trek that it's partway into another genre entirely. Can you say it's great on its own? Yes. I think that's a stretch, because even while ignoring the Trek elements it's got poor writing, but if you're into that shit, sure. Can you say it's great Trek, or a great Trek-inspired show? No. Unless Trek only ever was flashing lights on the screen for you, but then you might as well go watch the washing machine and call that Star Trek, too.
Did anyone else have goose pimples run down their arms when Michael recited Alice in Wonderland? Wow. Just wow. My eyes nearly welled up with tears. What a truly beautiful scene that was. It does a superb job at capturing the euphoria the writers went through when they wrote that scene. BRAVO!
You know, I can't be the only one who noticed that the Jefferies tube was large enough for her to actually run through, right? I mean, the monster fit, too. She could totally stand up and run.
why do women pretend to like Star Trek?
To ensnare nerds and torture them mentally?
I saw Jean-Luc Picard at a grocery store on the Enterprise yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “Engage. Engage. Engage." and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen 5 Bites in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Captain, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by saying "captain to the bridge, prepare to beam a landing party down to the planet" really loudly.
why she didnt cut off this skin flaw?
No. I totally would.
It's a jazz thing, ya know.
I think they're playing up her homeliness in the series. In regular pictures she looks more normal. Or maybe the set's lighting is just particularly bad for that mole. They do over-use shadows, after all, and that thing casts a pretty big shadow.
But it's all part of that awkward persona she has. This is why all the SJW talk about this show is purely limited to their promotional material. There isn't any real inclusiveness or diversity in the show, beyond them casting a few dark people... like every Trek before it. And then they go out of their way to make a character awkward without any real redeeming qualities. She's even the butt of the joke of that breath-door.
And how retarded was that? The moment I saw that, I realized immediately that the intent was to show how "smart" Mike is by having her break in. Except I thought she'd use more sophisticated means. But that's something I find keeps happening: Even with poor expectations, I tend to expect the show to be smarter than it actually turns out to be.