Why blue-pilled normies can't handle the magnificence of nuclear power?
Why blue-pilled normies can't handle the magnificence of nuclear power?
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same reason republicucks cant into global warming - theyre scared by things they dont understand
>carrington even occurs (which we are over due for)
>electrical grid is destroyed
>back up generators turn on at the nuclear plants
>they run out of power too
>all nuclear power plants go into meltdown
>oy vey, nuclear power is red pilled, goyim
>Spike in number of US sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure — Now over 400 veterans suffering serious illnesses — Former Japan Prime Minister breaks down crying, “This can’t be ignored any longer… The number of sick people is increasing and their symptoms are worsening” (VIDEOS)
>New Report Exposing Coverup Of Fukushima Proves Conspiracy Theorists Right
I'm not talking about nukes either, retards.
Hydro electric, get on my level niggers
Because blue-pilled normies are dumb as fuck.
In other news, water is wet.
The same reason why we don't call MRI's by "nuclear magnetic resonance imaging."
>I don't know how power stations work: the post
I work with renewable energy and our group had to make a cost-gain analysis of many energy sources. Turns out nuclear has the lowest overall gain, mainly because almost all the infrastructure has to be taken down and rebuilt every half a century because of security concerns regarding the exposure of the building materials to radioactive dust.
Hope this helps out.
>I think everything will be fine when a carrington event occurs
dank meme desu fampai
>Hook the powerplant up to its own electical system
>Can safely shut the reactor off now that you have power
>In other news, water is wet.
haHA top fucking kek I'm kek ing heartily my sides hahaha up voted!
>>Hook the powerplant up to its own electical system
>>Can safely shut the reactor off now that you have power
Why Sven I'm sure everything will go that smoothly at all the nuclear sights.
Surely everything will work out fine in the end, after all when has it never not worked out fine
nice argument my man, you sure convinced me
feels good to get the old neurons firing once in a while
b-but how is the merchant supposed to be able to lend monies to us if we don't oil tax?
It's all the EU Jewry. They closed all the plants in poor countries like Lithuania and Italy and keep them in France and Germany so they can sell electricity to the m.
Funny how nuclear faces opposition from both oil-money-sponsored rightists and renewable leftists while being the best energy source available.
that's literally steam
>nice argument my man
Thanks, I learned from the best
>>I don't know how power stations work: the post
Hydro is better.
you made the claim first without any evidence, I responded in kind
>what is EM shielding
>what is redundant power lines
>what is turning the power off
Yeah, a giant fish meat grinder is very eco-friendly.
Funniest thing is that even when a nuclear power plant fucks up, it doesn't harm local wildlife that much. Only humans, turtles and other long-lived creatures get rekt.
Because it just takes one dedicated faggot to blow one up and potentally ruin entire countries
Because we still don't have Fagoshima under control after all this time
Because we still don't know what to do with the waste
If we ever come to the point where all of these things aren't a problem anymore I'd be fine with it
>newly built nuclear power stations do not have automated emergency shut-off options
I think you might be retarded famalam
>you made the claim first
I claimed nothing at all.
For all you know my original post could have been satirical.
>Retarded conservatives want to keep using fossil fuels until they run out and we're left with no backup plan.
>Retarded liberals want to jump straight to solar and wind despite neither being efficient enough.
The irrational fear of nuclear in America is ridiculous.
>be engineer
>stuck talking to tumblerina/vegan/activist bitch (against my will)
>says shit like "fossil fuel is bad for the environment. You're evil for your part. We should go back to using steam. I mean it's just water..."
>don't bother trying to explain that you have to heat water to make steam
>I claimed nothing at all
except your whole first post
>limited number of areas before we start having hydrofarm wars
>massively decreased surface area of water
>decreases humidity
>decreases rain tremendously
Have fun with your world wide droughts
Fucking shit, failsafes will prevent even an entire team of retard suicidal jihadists from causing a steam explosion. Worst they can do without spending lots of time circumventing numerous failsafes is shut down the plant and cause a blackout. Meanwhile, riot cops arrive and bust their heads in.
>"fossil fuel is bad for the environment. You're evil for your part. We should go back to using steam. I mean it's just water..."
>mfw geothermal energy and hydropower master-race.
>thinking steam isn't a potent greenhouse gas
Get a load of this pleb
If only it was that simple
Thank god unforeseen problems never arise
>inb4 you say chernoble wasn't a newly built plant
I know.
How else are you going to sell your political buddies products.... Solyndra.
We talk about real countries here
What cracks me up is the leftists who scream about science all day but are still scared shitless in regards to nuclear energy.
Toxic waste will remain and pollute our planet for thousands of years.
If you legitimately support nuclear energy, you're a fucking idiot.
But then, this board thinks the planet is flat and the government puts autism in vaccines, so why am I surprised?
Are you really this dense?
>except your whole first post
Try re reading it again it again.
Point out to me where I made clear my claim
I am autistic
Can you explain geothermal energy to me norway bro?
>Literally boiling the earth and melting the poles with hot steam
>built with old ass soviet tech
>in any way comparable to modern tech
This is like saying internal combustion engines are extremely unreliable because the first one were and that we should go back to horse riding.
What happened in Chernobyl is impossible in a modern nuclear powerplant, since it would shut down automatically after a certain threshold is reached
The last thing you'd want is an automatic shutoff to a nuclear power plant. If the shutoff electrictricity fails all you need to do is manually lower the control rods into the core to cease activity.
Guarantee in a thousand years, Earth will be the solar systems garbage landfill.
surely nobody could be that stupid.
What about the nuclear waste? We going to keep buried it in caves forever?
To seem extra extra progressive
Even my super liberal professors support nuclear
not only that, you still need fuel to power the plant. Fuel thats in finite supply and should be used for weapons.
>>built with old ass soviet tech
>>in any way comparable to modern tech
>>inb4 you say chernoble wasn't a newly built plant
Thank god unforeseen problems never arise am I right or am I right Luciano
Simple. Heat from the earth (iceland is on top of a hotspot) is used to heat up steam to generate energy.
For now we keep them underground but one day we will find how to reuse them
All the nuclear waste ever created can fill up a single football field 3 meters high.
Which seems like a lot, but that's easily filled by one facility.
And most of that waste is potentially reusable in breeder reactors, which isn't getting funded because it doesn't make weapon-grade biproducts.
>burger education
That's pure plutonium in gas form. Is your lack of education the only reason why you support nuclear power?
I wonder how much the nuclear industry pays these shills.
You drill until you hit a really hot part of the earth's crust and then pump water through it to make steam which drives turbines. It's only really viable in parts of the world where there's some volcanic activity because otherwise you have to drill at minimum several miles to get deep enough for sufficient heat for power generation.
We should put nuclear waste into space.
weapons grade byproducts? like depleted uranium tank shells or armor?
Have you looked into Thorium-reactors?
Sure, initially the cost will be great, but I think that in the long run it will be more interesting.
Certainly for countries with a lot of population when compared to their size like my own.
Beautiful thing about thorium is that it has a passive safety system. (no energy required)
It's waste is also less radioactive.
Thorium is far more prevalent on earth than uranium.
It's hard to weaponize.
And it actually creates more energy for the same amount compared to uranium.
Coal power produces more radioactive material than nuclear power and we're just pumping that shit into the sky. Buried in caves is an massive improvement.
thats nuclear smoke from the 150+ nuclear explosions taking place inside, the deadliness can only be measured in Hitlers
>>carrington even occurs (which we are over due for)
>>electrical grid is destroyed
>>back up generators turn on at the nuclear plants
>>they run out of power too
>>all nuclear power plants go into meltdown
in what way are these not claims
> power loss in a nuke plant
>back up generators use power to safely chamber nuclear material
no one needs to pay me to hate hippies
>nu-Sup Forums is up ironically anti-nuclear
CTR is real
Hail Hydro
>potentially reusable
Potentially used more efficiently.
Saying that we potentially soon will be able to reuse ALL the waste is stretching things a bit far.
Chernobyl was a serious fuck up on the operators part. There was a melt down yes , but if the operators knew what the fuck they were doing it wouldn't have been nearly as bad
>entire team of retard suicidal jihadists
That's why I said dedicated faggots, people who know what they're doing, not some random goatfuckers
Countries are developing breeder reactors that can one day reuse most of the nuclear waste. However, just like Thorium-based reactors, petroleum industries and environmentalists are against improving nuclear energy, too. Funny coincidence. Also, if that doesn't work, humans can just send nuclear waste straight towards the sun, which then is consumed by it.
Is plutonium gas better or worse than the coal burning smoke?
>Nuclear power
By the time you people finish up Olkiluoto 3, we will be inhabiting mars and gone full renewable with our energy. It has taken you people what? Ten years? and it's estimated to take 3 more?
Ooga booga nuclear power
>What about the nuclear waste? We going to keep buried it in caves forever?
Nuclear fusion. Problem solved
So you're hatred of "hippies" blinds you from acknowledging any flaws with nuclear energy? Why not think rationally and keep your emotions out of the equation?
>sending Depleted Uranium and other heavy metals to space
>some of the densest and heaviest metals known to man, that are also quite reactive
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand how bad that sounds
Standard nuclear reactors use enriched uranium, a byproduct of creation makes depleted uranium used for weapons, and produces weapons-grade plutonium as a byproduct, which is what we have used in every nuclear device since Nagasaki. Uranium has very scarcely been used because it involves insane amounts of purification and enrichment, far more than what is needed to use in a reactor and get the same effective amount of plutonium.
Thorium and Breeder reactors do not produce weaponizable materials to use in nuclear weapons to add further incentive to fund nuclear's high asking price for research development, hence why the lack of government interest.
Because Saudi oil
>It's hard to weaponize.
There's your problem. A lot of the nuclear power industry is basically a byproduct of the Cold War.
its 100 times more deadly. birds die just from flying over it, the production of the cells creates a lot of deadly waste and requires expensive, rare earths, and it needs Natural Gas to kickstart its power generating capabilities
Approximatively 12 times worse. This gas disguises itself as friendly cloud to strike harder
They literally think the steam is like radioactive, toxic gas clouds.
France first my finno-ougric friend
>>>carrington even occurs (which we are over due for)
Godzilla rises from the sea (which Japan says we are over due for)
>>>electrical grid is destroyed
Tokyo is destroyed
>>>back up generators turn on at the nuclear plants
Back up generators turn on in Tokyo
>>>they run out of power too
They are destroyed by Godzilla as well
>>>all nuclear power plants go into meltdown
Tokyo is completely destroyed
>in what way are these not claims
Do you honestly believe I'm also claiming Godzilla is real?
Tfw I'm a fucking plumber and understand this but 'educated' lefties are scared.
Fucking retards everywhere.
>Why blue-pilled normies can't handle the magnificence of nuclear power?
Because building new, safe and actually low-maintenance reactors that use recycled nuclear waste wouldn't bring in the big bux to corporate welfare queens.
What happens if someone throw a person in there?
If you inhale plutonium gas it'll get into your system and the radiation will kill you.
>Not knowing that nuclear power plants are literally nuclear bombs waiting to go off
I appreciate the quotes because actually educated lefties are pro-nuclear.
>machines don't malfunction
>humans can't make errors
Is this what you are telling me?
Statistaically speaking, there's more nuclear material being expelled in the world's coal burning facilities, then there is being stored as nuclear waste from powerplants.
he'd fall to his death
>soviet design
>same as western design