Since people wanted to keep discussing the movement.
New Generation Identity thread
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What do you mean by this?
Thanks. To answer the Greek fellow about religion: we don't promote any religion. As long as you share our goal and you're white, you're free to join. We have traditionnal and regular catholics, pagans (some LARPers and some very serious), agnostics... I guess we have some real atheists but at least they're not in your face fedora masters.
Also, to all French, Belgians and Netherlanders who want to, you're invited to the opening of our pub in Lille the 24th of september. Expect some leftists trying to fuck with us (we're prepared).
How many people are expected vs. the room?
us-bro here. looks like a cool as fuck movement. can i get behind it and become a member for support or is it no burgers allowed?
how do I get 1 white xenophobe gf?
I have no idea. At least 100, and that's just French activists from GI. I can't really estimate but I think I heard the owner talking about how he expects around 300.
You can help by buying some clothes but it is no burger allowed indeed (unless you come live in Europe because we accept all whites). Since we're trying to build a political group about protecting our homeland and deport most non whites we can't really expand to America.
You start by going where they are user. They won't come to you. Try church (trad ones), far right party, I don't know.
Historically many European groups have be labeled "non 'white'", like the Poles, Irish, Spaniards... What's your plan for curbing the historic Euro-Euro hate? Remember, most wars involving Europeans have historically be against other Europeans.
What's the previous thread you were talking about this in?
Kill yourselves.
>not being 100% pure bavarian phenotype
We're building a network between european youths. We're already in Germany, Austria, Italia, Switzerland, Netherlands, Slovenia, Poland and France of course.
We also think that, for normies, although a French isnt a German we're still Europeans and people can feel it now that they're threatened by non europeans. We share a civilisation, a religion, cultural and racial roots. Soon it will be whites against others and our skin color will become our primary flag, willingly or not.
Got room for an American? I'm debating on either going to Paris or Prague for my masters degree next year seeing what orgs I can help out with if I decide france.
We accept all whites and we have a solid group in Paris.
Of course
Fuck I didnt even realize, maybe he said that as a joke? I don't think so though.
what GI presence if any is there in Bretagne?
btw I'm portucheese
Nantes, Rennes, Lannion, Quimper.
Haven't seen shit in Rennes, I see lots of niggers though so where the fuck is GI over there?
Small group since Bretagne is a leftist hellhole but they still distribute leaflets and stick posters whenever they can. You can meet them to see by yourself if you want to, the first contact is just a drink in a pub to talk. + the new recruit in Rennes is a top QT.
The leader of Lille is more Flemish than French. His dream is to unite Vlaanderen and he calls himself Rijsel online.
I want in. Is there a branch in Portugal? Also, is this movement explicitly fascist in nature and proud to be so, or is it just a pride/heritage movement with no official ties to neo Nazism, etc.?
>Generation Identity
Wow a racist far right fringe supremacist groups for whites! Why don't expand it to allow everyone including POC and womyn?
No chapter in Portugal yet, we can help you build one if you're capable and intelligent. No ties with fascism and nazism. Some of us have sympathies but they keep it to themselves. We're a political organisation, not a skinheads group.
Any chapters in the South of Germany?
I am not a native German, I am Poortuguese, would that be a problem?
Portugal is too /comfy/ for that to exist
Je suis chinois né et habitant en France, serais je accepté en tant que membre génération identitaire?
Probably. Not enough immigration/islam.
We have groups in all german landers. As long as you're white there's no problem. We're all Europeans.
Hahaha didn't even notice it myself.
It's a european group and to be European means to be white so no, though we have nothing against Asians as long as they stay a tiny and hard working minority. We even have a half Euro half Chinese guy who help us with propaganda, he's really skilled in video montage. He's still not a member, just a friend who hates muslims as much as we do.
if there's anything the EU and muzzies actually helped do, was create a sense of unity between Europeans
it feels like the Greeks uniting to fight the Persians desu
Could you give me tl;dr on the movement?
What are the goals and morals? How do religions fit in the movement's goals (asking as soon to converting to Catholicism?)
Good question. I'm not a native Swede. I'm Bosnian living in Sweden.
This is actually the meaning of our symbol, the lambda that was on Spartans' shields.
I'm curious about your movement
What's your french identity based on?
>french ethnic(s), if more than one whats the list
>french culture
>both and more
Because identity is just a philosophical/political posture, what's your real position on it.
>De Gaulle/Bainville/Renan versions etc.
>No ties with fascism and nazism.
This is very important. Best regards from GI Slovenia
European youth movement, against immigration, islamisation and globalisation (being an islamic one or a macdonald one). We want to build a european network because we have a lot in common but we're still against the EU as we don't want a superstate that would merge our cultures. You're German, I'm French, we're brothers but still different. We have a common past, a common ennemy and we should help each other. We're not skinheads, not neo nazis, just proud good looking whites who want to show our people it's natural and healthy to have a homeland and to defend it.
I already answered about religion in my first post ITT
I want to know this too, because I'm white but come from a muslim bosniak family. What does the movement think of me? Am I welcome to join the resistance?
This picture is perfect, symbolic.
Our identity is a race, a culture and a civilisation. I am a Norman, a French and a European. It's not just a philosophy or a mental state, you can be an administrative "French" if you're an assimilated African (and there's some of them really worthy of respect) but you still won't be Auvergnat, Flemish, Bavarian, Tuscan, etc, and you still won't be European either.
Mach weiter so!
Ok, but I'm atheist and bosnian. My parents were muslims tho. I'm white and look like zlatan ibrahimovic. Am I welcome to be in you movement?
If you're muslim yourself, no chance because you're a part of what's wrong. It's not against you personnally of course, you may be a good guy, but we are strongly against islam as it is uncompatible with european civilisation. Kosovo was christian once. Now there's 120.000 christian Serbs left, threatened all day long by muslims. Islam is Europe's nemesis.
Love you mate.
If you're white and atheist you can join. We still have no chapter in Sweden though.
How will you feel when you get gulaged after the international socialist revolution?
New article about our upcoming pub in Lille, for french readers:
Haha nisi bijel, Mehmet.
T. katolik
Godspeed you you glorious frogs. Keep up the good fight.
Take a look outside... You do realise that Enoch was right, dontcha pal?
Thank you, but it's not just us, we're nearly all across Europe now.
Hey guys, do you plan on establishing a local movement in Belgium one day? Or could you recommend some local movements you consider your allies?
haha ma nemoj tako brate.
yes, I'm atheist. There is a nationalist movement in bosnia called BPNP, you should look it up. They are also against islamism and all the jewish degeneracy. Perhaps they can convert into one of your charters?
>tfw half white but I want to help
Man I wish I could go to its opening so bad.
I'll definitely go to it eventually though
Is that you angry foreigner?
there's these guys who copied GIs faux-beheading to mock leftists, but I dont know how similar they are ideologically.
What is the percentage of women in this group?
Šalim se brate, bole mi dupe ako si musliman, katolik ili pastafari. Samo dok nisi dio švedske crkve. Sama sida.
We'll soon be in Belgium, we have contacts there already but we still look for leaders. Do you think you have such a profile?
I love being American but it fucking sucks that nationalism just doesn't really apply here. The American nation has, by definition, always been defined by citizenship, which can be given out to anyone. So the only way we can have nationalism in America is outright racial nationalism, which is politically unthinkable.
I'd say around 20%.
I'm only a second-year university student, I don't think I'm ready to take on such a massive responsibility.
>Race, culture, civilization
That's the problem in your reasoning. You mix it up those three, instead of add up each one, with their own conceptual consequences
>pic related
Which one is a race ? French or Norman ? what is the hierarchy between those two, and others like Basque, Picard, or Provencal ?
>not related to philosophy
It is. Basically based on universalism, bring by Christianity during royalty, and recognize by Republic until nowadays. The other main point of our culture, is our language, French.
So where did you position yourself on it ? though of believers ? or atheist or laic ?
Very complex subject, even some top philosopher like Roussault, Descartes, or (without comparison) contemporary Onfray gets difficult to summarize it.
Our civilization was on time, defend and fought by multiple race/culture. How do you deal with our DOM-TOM people ?
You even talk about politic, but your movement is politic, what's your opinion on other subjects of France, like Zionism ?
Didn't see you attack those who brings all this shit in our country...
Looks like Goebbels enjoyed some of the French cuisine during the Frankreichfeldzug :^)
this qt was in Nice too
Ma jok , ja nepratim nikakvu vjeru. Skoro svi bosanci su postali ateisti kad su se doselili vamo.
Well, whats your ancestry? Perhaps you can connect to those tied to your ancestry in america? Maybe you're Irish? German?
>Svenske? Samma sida?
I have a question,
do you plan building a REAL network ? For instance, are there bosses who would hire smt BECAUSE he is white and nationalist ?
Are you suicidal dude?
do you want us to grab hands and dance in circles like white downies? is this your kike free white new age empire?
So the entry requirements are
>Good looking
>Adidas shoes
Perhaps we could have some haplogroup testing prior to joining?
You seem bumsore, Pavel.
We already so that. Just as an example, one of us started a business in Aix en Provence and he employs 3 of us. It's a network of friendship (i can go anywhere in France or Europe and find other identitarians) and solid help (job, fundraising when one of us is in trouble, etc). I myself may get a job next week thanks to another identitarian.
i'm afraid of your dynamic duo cucking us again like in 1939 (ending in you cucking yourself but us more of course), this is your european unity
> You mix it up those three, instead of add up each one
Not really, they actually add up. That's 3 different levels of our identity, and they are complementary.
>Which one is a race ? French or Norman ?
None. The race is European. Basque Picard and Provençal are local cultures and defined lands were, a hundred years ago, our fathers were burried. They're roots.
>It is. Basically based on universalism, bring by Christianity during royalty, and recognize by Republic until nowadays. The other main point of our culture, is our language, French.
Yes? Culture is national or regional indeed, linked to langage and traditions.
>So where did you position yourself on it ? though of believers ? or atheist or laic ?
Most of us are religious but there's no obligation.
>Our civilization was on time, defend and fought by multiple race/culture. How do you deal with our DOM-TOM people ?
Did you ever went there? Would we give them independancy in 20 years it'd be another african shithole. Sadly their history is indeed tied to ours, but they are a little problem in the shitstorm we're currently facing. Our civilisation has it's roots in indo europeans (race), Greece and Rome (culture, legal system, philosophy), paganism and christianism (culture, spirituality, view of the world). You share most of that? Well, looks like you're european. It's a caricature of course, but I do think it's arguable.
You even talk about politic, but your movement is politic, what's your opinion on other subjects of France, like Zionism ?
We don't give a shit about zionism. Ni kipa ni kheffieh. Jewish elites that care more about Israël than Europe and fucl up things here will be sent to Israël.
>Didn't see you attack those who brings all this shit in our country...
Because that would not be smart politically. Average white today is afraid of islam and immigration, actual threats that can kill us as a race in 50 years. Go talk to them about the jews, let's see how much support you'll get.
>Didn't see you attack those who brings all this shit in our country...
t. ali soral
thread theme
also, unfortunate ID
Finnics are not Indo-European, we are still considered European by the group?
Any chance this group could start organizing in Finland?
If it accepts non-pure Europeans it can rot in hell
Finnics are European. It's fucking Jews, Romanians, Croats, Bulgarians, Serbs, Macedonians, Albanians and Bosnians who aren't.
well, they do accept slavs
Come on, this is not nother idiotic "Finns = Mongolians" thread, you're good and yes, you have some old asian influence but will you tell me you aren't a white European?
To start something there we need a leader, intelligent and competent. You apply?
Good one
We don't, I think I already stated that multiple times already ITT. Half breeds aren't allowed.
English group?
Why the Lambda?
Some shits like 1/4, 1/8 Jews I hope are not allowed too?
Not yet. We have some people preparing it, I hope it'll be soon. I encoutered one of them on Sup Forums some weeks ago, he said things are going nicely.
Whats wrong with Bosnians? What have we ever done to Russia?
Thanks, shall keep an eye out.
Embrace your horde ancestry, Khan. The Europeans will need people like you to drive the mobs away from Europe.
What is generation identity?