What happens to Sup Forums once trump wins? Does it dissapear or is neo-liberal Sup Forums going to be created?
What happens to Sup Forums once trump wins? Does it dissapear or is neo-liberal Sup Forums going to be created?
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Sup Forums will become communist
Back to business as usual. Making fun of black people and jews. Maybe regular Trump SS generals, but traffic will probably drop 30% or so.
I hope shills leave too
Continue to shill for trump to piss liberals off.
White genocide will end
Lots of liberals will commit suicide
Trump will make America great again - we have an economic boom
Obongo and Hillary will be arrested
Marxists and SJWS BTFO
Being this delusional in the current year of our lord
CTR is hung from the gallows, after they're found begging in the streets unemployed. They have about 2 months worth of wages to see them through past the election. After that they're screwed.
we still have Syria. austrian and german elections that can use some kek magic
Then we debate the proper rebar spacings for prefab wall sections.
>What happens to Sup Forums once trump wins?
Trump won't win. Hillary will rig the election.
When Trump loses, this board will be absolutely flooded with anti-Whites gloating about Hillary's win for weeks after the election.
It'll be like a nuke went off here. Total destruction.
We will shitpost as we have always done. We will shitpost until the sun burns out. Hail KEK!
Oh look, its another CTR Kike shill. Fuck off, cuck
Well, one thing we have to do is goal. We have to rub the liberals' faces in mud as much as possible. Why? Because they would do the same to us one-hundred fold. We have to shame them and destroy their resolve because they are completely fucking evil.
We will have a lot to talk about since there will be riots, BLM blocking off shit, etc etc
Man you yanks are gonna look stoopid if it doesn't happen
goal = gloat
This. Stop taking the moral high ground with these faggots. Their time is up.
Also this. If Trump wins expect mass demonstrations from butthurt leftists. Potential for violent happenings when chimps freak out. Maybe some Latinos decide to go full retard and get BTFO.
It will be a glorious time.
Kek has proclaimed it.
>What happens to Sup Forums once trump wins?
We create threads in which we investigate the online presense of illegal Mexicans in order to report them to the God Emperor's deportation squads.
Well, trumpcucks have never been known for their ability to think outside of memes.
Same thing that happened after Ron Paul lost
>Complains about memes
>Uses our alt-right memes
Fuck off CTR
Sup Forums will ascend to traditional values and take a lead in the restoration of society.
Trump will allow discussion of all bills on Sup Forums for at least a week before they go on the floor of the house or senate.
There will be at least half a year of gloating.
Will be about 3 months of not very much.
memeing trump in was just the first step
>Fuck off CTR
Shut the fuck you you Conservative Republican. Just because someone doesn't blindly worship your god emperor doesn't mean they're CTR.
You've deluded yourself into actually voting for a Zionist who'd gladly sacrifice your life and your tax dollars to his beloved Israel.
Worse than that...you actually think voting matters.
You have no space to talk.
>There's no way that Remain will lose
>It's literally impossible for those crazy leave blokes to win
>Absolutely no chance that Brexit will happen
>UKIPs gonna look stoopid
I think there are many battles to be fought in the war to restore America. Electing Trump is only the first step. We have to get out people into every level of government. Congress. State representatives. Governors. Mayors. Sheriffs. There is much work to be done.
Trump's not going to win and the tears are going to be tasty as fuck.
If the latinos chimp itll be the California ones. The rest will wait for the inevitable deal and hope they can negotiate.
Trump winning is only the beginning. We must keep the meme's flowing. First America will be Great Again. Then Europe will be cleansed of it's leftist impurities. Then the World. Next we meme mankind to the stars. Our work is never over, it's only just begun.
When Trump wins there's going to be a lot of butthurt.
Sup Forums will be a place where you make fun of all the idiots sperging out and blaming Trump for literally everything bad that happens.
It's going to last for at least 4 years.
Trump might not last two terms due to his age. Whether or not he serves two terms we're going to have loads of maymays of all the presidential candidates trying to stump Trump.
It's going to be fun.
>Man you yanks are gonna look stoopid if it doesn't happen
I bet that's what you said about brexit isn't it?
We can use our internet skills to track illegal immigration on social media and report them to the deportation task force.
>What happens to Sup Forums once trump wins?
Same thing as every election.
You get to see what the person you voted for is really like.
I'm looking forward to the new batch of cynics.
It will go back to being a boring left libertarian shithole
This. Can't wait for this.
Theres still the mess that the left and Obama establishment created. Syria, Ukraine, BLM, SJWs, even more of a welfare state, ACA, common core, Islam, European immigration, muslims already in the US (% of them Isis or isis friendly).
I think big attacks may be holding off until after election. They want Hillary in and big attacks make her look even worse.
Let's just hope our police and security hasn't been so cucked by this administration that they can keep people safe. We aren't to the point where we need 30 cops to chase down a guy with a sharpened broomhandle like Europe yet.
PC culture is still a very real danger. People weren't properly investigated or reported for fear of seeking racist or intolerant and it ended in death. Trump can't do everything himself. We'll still need to fight back and investigate remaining establishment.
is that a /catdog/ shirt?
We feast on tears for eight long years.
>What happens to Sup Forums once Trump wins
>insinuating Sup Forums is all Americans
>Implying you're not fucking delusional
Trump's pretty great, don't get me wrong and anyone not voting for him is a fucking kike, but if you think Trump is good enough to actually MAGA you're kidding yourself. He's no Fuhrer.
>and anyone not voting for him is a fucking kike,
Voting for Trump IS voting for the kikes.
>but if you think Trump is good enough to actually MAGA you're kidding yourself.
Fuck MAGA. Amurrica is a Jew-controlled anti-White country through and through. There is no saving this cuntry from the Jewish cancer that has killed it.
Make the White race Great Again instead.
>Cyrpus rare
>Rly John...
And perhaps one day, we can finally say the fateful words, our first words to the aliens, "Fuck off, Space Niggers, we're full. You can crash on the moon if you want."
Well i literally digged my own grave with this typo...
You cant rig an election when Trump wins in a landslide of biblical preportions
This. After meme magic has Made America Great Again with the help of our international brethren, we here in America will channel Kek's greatness through repeating digits until we have returned your nations to greatness as well.
mainly mocking journalists, and posting news, redpilling.
When nothing Sup Forums wants will happen and the world doesn't become any different the majority of this place is either gonna realize the conspiracies in this country are largely anti-left and that they've been swallowing lies that made them feel better or they'll just assume Trump was a charlatan and keep on believing what they believe now.
It's like you guys got COINTELPRO'd and don't even know what it means.
Shills will leave, Sup Forums will stay more or less the same. Newfags are always saying "Sup Forums is kill!" because it's not exactly the same as when they started browsing a month earlier. Hopefully after the election reddit will leave and things will slow down a bit.
The biggest change will be when the shills leave, or slow down. I remember the exact week they started flooding in. It was so sudden and it's hasn't stopped since. It will be interesting to see how quickly things go back to normal when they stop getting paid.
Being the contrarians we are we'll move onto whining about the new status quo.
Whatever Kek wills of us
>You cant rig an election when Trump wins in a landslide of biblical preportions
You're deluding yourself if you think Trump is going to win in a landslide.
You have absolutely nothing to base that claim on other than shitty memes and speculation.
And again, you are so delusional that you actually think voting matters and voting makes things better.
You're voting for a Zionist above all. In voting Trump, you're actually helping the Jews.
(Given no matter whom you vote for you're helping the Jews.)
We meet IRL and form a Toupee Blackshirt militias.
Need to retake the fucking Internet honestly. Google, Facebook, Twitter - these fuckers control the dialogue on the Internet and control the dissemination of information onto the masses. And know what they all have in common? They're liberal cucks.
Hey reddit. Sup Forums values truth above all else. The shitlibs and cuckservatives are undeniable globalist shills and liars. So Sup Forums hates them. Trump is clearly the most appealing candidate to most Sup Forumsacks. Trump is not right wing. He is Trump. He just happens to be the first "conservative" that's actually presenting policy genuinely appealing to right leaning people. Without the cuckoldry of Jeb! tier politicians.
>control borders
>strong military
>lower taxes
>build the wall
>replace obama care
>end common core education
>bring back jobs
>good deals
How the fuck shills think they can convince people here to vote for anyone other than Trump is beyond me. It seems their only purpose is to slide quality threads with endless bait and possibly manipulate redditors and newfags.
>You're voting for a Zionist above all. In voting Trump, you're actually helping the Jews.
(Given no matter whom you vote for you're helping the Jews.)
Check my flag you twat, I aint voting for anyone.
I hope we go back to Libertarianism and bitch at Trump for spending money on rebuilding our roads.
There's a huge amount of work to be done regardless. Social media needs to be cleansed. Schools. All aspects of life require the great purge of the unclean (leftists). Right Wing death squads will need information on all the weak. The job of Sup Forums will be to out the folks to the foot soldiers so that they're dealt with accordingly. The onslaught of the jew will continue long after Trump is elected. Faith will be required for the day of the rope.
You think I'm fucking voting Clinton?
I'm saying that Trump isn't gonna bring any of the change Sup Forums wants and that this board has been infiltrated by shills. I don't care who you vote for, the government didn't work to keep out the radical right winger, it kept out the radical left winger. Sup Forums conspiracy theorists ignore every obvious conspiracy that doesn't fit their narrative.
You generally don't revert back to infancy after growing up.
>tfw you realize both politcal parties are controlled by Jews
Democrats are controlled by western kikes.
Republicans are controlled by Israel.
There is no escape. The kikes are everywhere.
>ctr forgets the flags
will be the moment I'll never come back to /pol again.
All election related stuff starts to die out (trump general, "kek", extreme amounts of frogposting, CTR, etc.), election only fags (redditors and the like only here because of trump) will leave en masse, and the large portion of Sup Forums that's been rather silent (namely the libertarian demographic, who make up a large portion of Sup Forums, but don't speak out much right now due to the influx of statists) will begin to post more.
So essentially mostly back to pre-election Sup Forums, but with different topics of discussion. Plus, most European topics won't change much, as this elction won't magically resolve the rapefugees crisis.
some of us will become secret police or bodyguards
>Check my flag you twat, I aint voting for anyone.
You really think it's any different in your country?
>hurr durr you're CTR if you don't support the judeo political process.