Hmm...really makes you think

Hmm...really makes you think

Injustice would be if that nigger didnt steal a backpack
but he did
justice was served
>solitary confinement
you do get that unless you deserve it

>brutally raping
kek. Also, Turner only did about as much time as a woman would've after a rape conviction. I see no problem here

That whole Brock ordeal wasn't covered much here for obvious reasons, but was it really that bad or just a dumb bitch regretting her drunken decisions?

no it doesn't

i'm an American there isn't a damn thing that can make me think if i don't want to

>brutally raping
bullshit, they got together consensually and he fingered while she was passed out

>brutally raping
OccupyDemocrats just keeps getting dumber and dumber.

Shit. If I were in prison I'd rather be in solitary. Worst part about prison would be the prisoners and then getting out and trying to start over.

>or just a dumb bitch regretting her drunken decisions?

There wasn't even penetration. He was dry humping her and they were making out before they left the party.

It was in a bedroom not behind a dumpster you fucking prick

it was pretty bad but legally it was sexual assault and not rape. He could have received a much worse sentence but he didn't. Frankly 6 months is a long time in jail, and he got out for good behavior

>Comparing stealing someone's property to a drunken woman's regrets

If you get drunk it's your own damned fault for going out and getting plastered, the same as if you get a root canal for not taking care of your own teeth.

it was captain sweden's fault. no seriously

He touched her vagina with his hand.

I'm going to get you extremely drunk and then probe your boihole for my sexual gratification, without your consent, and do it so roughly I get dirt and twigs in your ass

And you can tell me if that's a crime or not


*finger raping

It's relevant.

Can i call you daddy first?
No homo

>Brutally raping
>wasn't even convicted of "rape"

Try harder pls

i am still puzzled that pol still didnt raid their website

What happened to the girl in all this? Do we even know? Is she out there marching to send him back to jail or is she living her life somewhere?

This whole case has really driven home the fact that modern liberals don't care about justice at all. They're only interested in revenge. Whatever the mob accuses you of, you're guilty of it and should be locked away forever. Unless you're a nig or a spic, then you're innocent no matter what the "evidence" against you is.

But, I have a better idea. Since libs in the US seem so bent out of shape about rape now, why don't we redpill them? Why not post infographics about the Rotherham 1400? Why not that Swedish case where a refugee raped a 12 year old girl and only got 22 days of community service? There are a lot of instances of this in Europe, why aren't we posting that on Twitter? Lefties will either have to acknowledge them or they'll shut the fuck up because it's inconvenient for them.


>2 years in solitary confinement
Isn't that specially designed for people who break the law while already in prison? You know, stabbing someone or something?