If big government is bad, why are big corporations good?

If big government is bad, why are big corporations good?

rlly mkes u thnk

Neither r bad dummy

it's only bad if they're controlled by lefties

They're not. We have anti-trust. Governments are just big corporations anyway. In a way, the Globalists are trying to consolidate all the "corporations" through hostile take overs.

t h i c c

>Just read about 'State Capitalism'



>why are big corporations good?


Ogni Otoni.

7/10, would take to pound town

>it's only bad if they're controlled by lefties
and if the government powerful and intrusive, it would never be bad, you fucking moron. how do you look around at what happened to your country and still think that big governments are good?

Is that the bitch from OITNB? Cos she never looked that THICC on the show

Because corporations always act in the best interest of their consumer and would never engage in illicit activities like those nasty governments do


Big corporations are not good either you dumb-dumb. The small businesses need to compete in free market too.


>Because corporations always act in the best interest of their consumer

One you do business with voluntarily and the other at gunpoint.

Because corporations are nice and they would never fuck over the consumer for profit

instant flawless impregnation.

>not getting obvious satire
>being this autistic, amerifat

get off the internet nigger

I wanna fuck you with my big corporation girl if you know what what i am saying.

Best regards.

They are both bad and currently we have big government and corporations, however the idea is that with less regulation you can compete with corporations by making your own.

>best interest of the consumer
What are you?? retarded???
Its the best interest of the owner or investors and fuck everyone else

Anything that is disproportionately powerful is bad.

That woman is overweight.

Yeah, I mean just look at the middle east.

Germany: A Nation of Bootlickers

Government necessarily uses force to get its income. Even if its "customers" are dissatisfied with its service, they cannot simply switch providers without selling their property, leaving their job and their old life, and moving to another country where they can try their luck with that government.

Whereas with a private firm, they must provide a good or service that the customer demands and is freely willing to pay for. If he doesn't like it, he can simply not give that firm his business (and conversely if the firm doesn't want his business it is under no obligation to deal with him).

And if you say that a sufficiently large corporation will gather a private army and force customers to buy its shit, then we are right back where we started, because it is no longer a business but in fact an organized crime group (or government, the differences are trivial).

>get really big and wealthy
>pay off politicians so they pass laws so you can make way more money at the expense of the taxpayer and often the consumer

This is called "corporatism," user, and its why cucks like me are fans of neither big government nor big corporations

Hitler needs to come back from the grave and make Germany great again.

>a fucking leaf that can't control a fire

stay gay

>big corporations require your money to stay afloat
>people can boycott them if they feel they are not following good business practices
>they cannot make or change laws

>big government takes money from you through taxes whether you support them or not
>if you refuse they can jail you
>they can make and change laws to suit themselves

Yes she is.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't hit it with the force of 1000 suns though.

Big corporations are a byproduct of big governments. Both are bad for citizens in the long run.

Reduce the size of government, and you will reduce the size of corporations.

Who the fuck are you


You are a homosexual

wtf i love fat girls now

Both are bad.

Balance is the answer


They're not

Yea the UAE is rich, capitalist and conservative, great country. Just look at South Korea, great country with great strong government and powerful corporations (Samsung is DOMINATING that weak faggy Apple in smartphone sales right now)

look at small government, small corporations countries.. Somalia. Very shitty economy, who says lets invest in Somalian stocks?

if big government is bad why are thick juicy legs good?

>why are big corporations good?

Because they can't completely control their income.

Governments can with taxes.

This. In general, it is only possible to get that big when you can lobby the government to make it harder for competition to enter the market. Usually in the name of "safety" or "consumer protection", so that plebs eat it up.

Are you retarded? Taxpayers do have some amount of say in what the government does as long as they live in a democracy. Obviously one person alone has almost no power, but your not living in a totalitarian government that refuses to change to the will of it's people in any way.

Your suggestion makes sense if we lived in total anarchy but still had a thriving capitalist market, which doesn't even make sense. The problem with big business isn't that it exists by itself, it's that big business is balls deep in government and uses their money to control what the government does.

>mexican intellectuales

Big corps really are not that good. In a true free market when organizations get very large they become more susceptible to corruption, disorganization, bloated inneffeciency.
This gives the amaller compititors chance to undercut the large corps and get into the market.

Really the existence of gigantic corps are only facilitated by government imposed barriers of entry (taxes and regulation) that make it much more difficult to compete in the market. Among other things such as special rights for corps granted through lobbying and corporate welfare from the government.

Big corporations are bad because they use the power of the state, through buying politicians to get favorable regulations keeping out competition.

The 19th disproves the notion that monopolies only form with large governments. Go look up all the shady shit standard oil did to get as big as it did. Will idiot teenage libretardians ever learn?

anything that isn't a natural entity is bad.

creating legal-persons like governments and LLC's is just a jewish ploy to absolve natural persons of blame for evil deeds.

I'm your BIGGEST nightmare kiddo

Big corps often corrupt big government. Get rid of big government, and big corp isn't a big problem.

Yes they did shady shit but they were still providing the lowest cost to consumers ever. Breaking it up lead to even more control since rockefeller still controlled the fractioned pieces of stndard oil in one form or another

Overweight but not fat, she'd be soft and comfy without being gross and smelly.

The face on this negress is kind of cute but the rest of her is a mess.

Large private corporations not good just less bad, and they form in a hostile economic environment typical of many modern western countries and subdivisions, who are constantly increasing taxes and regulations which choke out small and mid size businesses.

If you get rid of big government the corps will just become the new government.

I don't see feminism, open borders, and marxist ideology destroying them from within while foreigners who hate them flood in by the millions

While I disagree with Islam, if the West was governed in the same manor, sans islam, we would be better off than our current state.

literally the same thing, steinberg

>do have some amount of say in what the government does
>obviously one person alone has almost no power
Understatement of the century there, friend. If I hold a single share of Wal Mart, would it be reasonable to claim that I can't complain about its business decisions because I technically have a say in what it does? You'd be hard-pressed to find many people who would agree. And yet everyone says this about governments.

What fucking good is it to say "ah, but the government is actually accountable to you provided you share the majority's opinion because muh democracy!" How many people even know, let alone understand or agree with, the colossal amount of action that the entirety of the government does every single day? It's an asinine proposition to say that the government is in the control of "the people". Some people, certainly. Not The People, whoever they may be.

Anyway, my suggestion implies precisely that, that an anarchist society is the only way for the free market to work at maximal efficiency. Whether any current society is ready for that is another issue entirely.

do people actually like those fat jelly roles slop

thats disgusting what a bunch of niggers ITT


The reason why a government is powerful is because they have attained legitimacy from the people in trust and they have a military.
Just because it's small government doesn't mean its useless or easily toppled.

Then what about Islam do you disagree with? Just change the name from Allah to God and you're good?

Good goy


Individual people don't have power, but groups of people do. I thought that was obvious.

Direct democracy is only possible in tiny populations.

And I'm saying that an anarchist society is fundamentally incompatible with free market.

I wish I had a chubby cuddly gf to love

I thought Ayn Rand was either you become a master or a slave

If big corporations are good, why is big government bad? Really makes you thing

both are dogshit

big corporations are just a lot worse considering we've given them free reign

Who says either are good? Big corporations are a direct result of big government though.


Big corporations rely on the State to survive man.
Take a fucking look at Walmart
>pay shit salary
>employees get welfare

One is a byproduct of the other m8. Without big government you do not find big corporations.

It may be helpful to try to define what Big Government actually involves: regional top-down control, with a central command, well-funded and pretty much both taken for granted and ignored by the proles. The fallacy that "Government is the Country" being generally accepted is a good sign of Big Government.

"Corporation" is a scary buzzword used by leftists. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a corporation. It's a wonderful type of business entity.

Only if not subsidized by the State.

>It's a wonderful type of business entity.

if youre a cuck
i prefer small businesses

fucking monkey go fuck yourself stupid piece of tribalist close minded idiot this is why you're a 3rd world country

A corporation doesn't have to be big, you twit.

Don't forgot public corporations, like here you got entities like CBC or EPCOR.

corporation don't steal your money at gunpoint

a corporation shouldnt even exist

theres only human beings

a corporation is just a legal entity for people to hide behind to deter responsibility

when you commit a crime your company takes the loss instead of you personally going to jail

because youre not accountable

its a disgraceful institution

>We have anti-trust
We wouldn't need anti-trust if big government didn't give power to corporations.
"Corporations" would either not exist, or not have any power over you if the government didn't give it to them.
The only real power is that of the government.
A corporation can't really force you to do anything, unlike big government who can literally go to your house with guns and demand you money.

>this will never be my gf
Thank you for reading my post.

Ayn Rand is a slave to the spooks


Dude, I actually got the shit scared out of me when I was there and used to read CBC news.
It looked like American MSNBC, BBC or Bloomberg but while reading it there was something peculiar about it and the way they used to write articles and some kind of "antifa" ideology being passed by it.
When I decided to put in some effort to check about its credibility I found out that it was a State Owned enterprise.
I got scared to death and unironically decided to move back to Brazil. At least we only have TVT (Worker's TV) that is a meme and nobody takes seriously.

>What are you?? retarded???
How ironic.

I don't think you understand basic business law. A corporation isn't the only entity type that offers limited liability. Having no legal protection whatsoever would make entrepreneurship almost impossible.

Mark pls

Implying it is not in my self interest to be respectful

tell us how big the government was during the time of standard oil

cuz ur small minded and doesnt understand how a free market without legal government backed entities worked

how did people do it for thousands of years

they simply had their shops and their farms and their work they didnt even have the ginormous lawyer industry and problems which is a catapult of government regulation

>a company provides goods or services to the consumer in order to get their money
>a government only has to exist to get the same thing
It's the difference between selling the new iPhone and being robbed in an alleyway.

Oh yeah it's the unofficial propaganda wing of our Liberal party, and I'm not being disingenuous, there's so much CoI among their employees and members it's as if they're the same organization.

I bet during sex she cries out to be impregnated.