As you can clearly see here
Donald J Trump is a DIRTY racemixing degenerate who will in fact be hung on the day of the rope.
Supporting Donald Trump unironically means you support racemixing
And ALL race mixers/supporters will be hung on the day of the rope
Serious Notice
Obvious shill, but I'll bite. What business is it of yours if he's a racemixer? Does it impact your life? If you don't like race mixing, then you don' have to.
what's the best ratchet & clank
i vote deadlocked because weapon customizability
He only bred with, that is "mixed his genes" with fair skinned white women -- the nigger model was just for fucking, serving as a glorified fleshlight.
>inb4 slavs not being white
Nah man a crack in time
I like the third one the best because of the story and features. I have never played the newer ones though (PS3/PS4).
Yeah the ps2 games were best
CTR, you're a waste of human resources.
So, I guess he can't be a racist, eh?
Just goes to show that Donald Trump isn't the racist that all the liberals have been painting him as. Your shilling has backfired.
too bad he's a cuckold
Nice bait CTR. We might be racist as fuck but Trump isn't. He doesn't think racemixing is degenerate and thinks all Americans are equal and deserve respect.
he's a cuck though
Really makes you think huh
She's pretty.
Even if a literal video of him being cuckolded by a nigger was leaked I'd vote for him over Clinton.
He's not a racemixer. He just has loads of sex with exotic women; Howard Stern the Jew king of radio even poked fun at him for that. All his children are white or slavic or whatever. He's definitely a white mutt though.
Kek she's whiter than him on this pic.
Where should I start if I wanna play the whole series? Is release order the best? I had a PS2 but the only games I had were Twisted Metal, SOCOM and GTA, literally never touched it except to play those.
Oh look, it's another reddit liberal pretends to be racist to shill on Sup Forums thread.
>hello fellow antisemites
>>hello fellow antisemites
I smell a new meme.
I would just go with the release order, theres a continuing story to an extent
The newest one is actually good as well.
He's German/Scottish.