Can you prove that logic works as a structure? Without the use of logic?
A question of philosophy
Idk can you wipe your ass with a matress?
sorry I don't know what this means, my IQ was lowered by the Zika virus
define "work"
what's the best ratchet & clank
i vote deadlocked because weapon customizability
define "define"
Definetly 3. Or whatever it's called in America. Tools of Destruction wasn't bad either desu
define 'definining "define"'
no but seriously guys, I need this for research purposes.
You can't, right? Isn't that what drove bertrand russell and wittgenstein insane?
define "research" and "insane"
Logic is objective and present in the universe. It is observation of this reality through both our minds-eye, and actual eye.
can you prove that?
it just does
This works very well, tbf.
OP should use it in his paper.
What is there prove when all knowledge is ultimately based on trust?
Honestly, this may be well-suited for
logic does work as a structure, which is why one will use it to prove his/hers statement.
It would be very painful
that's an interesting point
are you an atheist or a theist or an agnostic?
just asking
other structures have the ability to be perceived as proving statements as well, though
basically: logic is a structure, and the proof of it is how one needs it to back up a statement.
another proof for it, is that a statement without logic are just opinions, and if there would be only opinions, such thing as "true" or "false" won't exist, thus making the creation of a society impossible.
correct. other structures can do the same. but doesn't it means that logic is one of them?
well user? did i answer your question?
>can you drive a car without a steering wheel.
Sure, progressives do it every day.
I'm a theist, but not of any specific variety. Let's just say that I believe in God, and that I hope he is the Christian kind - kind, just and merciful.
Over all, however, my fundamental belief is in legacy and leaving behind an impression upon the world. Hopefully a positive one.
Nature has structures and hierarchies that define an order
Language and symbolic thought came from nature
Dunno wtf was wrong with Goedel
this too is what I believe
That's why I asked the question about logic
I don't believe that logic can exist without a god, when you get down deep into the bowels of what logic is
logic requires cause and effect to work; in a completely atheistic belief system, you have to believe that cause and effect was suspended at some point in time.
with a theistic system, you believe that there are principles higher than logic, which exist outside of cause and effect
For you