When will you accept Jesus as your lord and saviour?
When will you accept Jesus as your lord and saviour?
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Reminder that you cannot accept Jesus while also accepting Donald Trump, a satanic Jew.
Bertism is the one true redpill.
already have, and that's a cool painting.
When he comes down and magically makes some fish and bread and wine for me.
>calling people scumbags
Who are you to judge?
Also who was right paul or jesus?
fukkin homos
>Amerishart can't comprehend true love
Keep being mad, Tyrone.
When will you turn from your idolatry and instead worship the One True Goddess, Divinity on Earth, etc and so on?
In Africa, there are tribes of people who, when you aim a camera at them, will flee in terror, as they believe the camera will steal their soul.
If you believe in God, you have taken that exact level of critical thought and applied it to your entire life. Congratulations.
when he shows himself and proves that he is really the son of god, and also proves that god exists. im not retarded, so i dont believe in things without proof. no, a 2000yo book written by low IQ sand-niggers isnt proof.
donald trump is real, jesus is dead. the choice is clear
This week. I hope.
Reminder that Jesus subscribes to universalism. So you can't be a Christian and hate shitskins taking over Europe.
and these people then cry about collapsing degenerate west
But are they afraid of your dubs? They should be.
Have you accepted Bertholdt into your life and saved your soul and heart?
If not, then join today and become a member of the One True Faith.
I already have.
I still wouldn't consider non-believers to inherently be "scumbags" though.
>Christianity takes over Europe
>Who doesn't comply gets slaughtered
>Jesus din du nuffin
>and guess who killed Jesus?
Also trump isn't a kike but his daughter is
To be fair, he didn't. There's a lot of fuckery that went on in the council of nicea and also paul's interpretations of events(a guy who never personally met jesus when alive).
Also the roman catholic church's dogma played a major role in the atrocities committed.
I cry more about the church housing 60 refugees in my 400 people town.
What's so wrong about requiring some proof?
Still, they were christians.
When, after thousands of years, someone actually provides tangible evidence that the scriptures are true.
I'm not even an atheist, I just can't believe in Christianity for lack of evidence.
never. kek is the only god
The moment he accepts Lucifer.
guess who else was a jew?
watch this debate:
I did when I was fifteen.
There is only one real god. Christfags BTFO
If you use
W instead of J
O instead of e
T instead of s
A instead of u
N instead of the other s
>Jesus mythers are on the same level as holocaust deniers
So they are right?
When I unlearn all the scientific knowledge that made me realize that all human religions are illogical.
So, never, unless I somehow become dumber.
As someone who has tasted death, I have.
Bleeding to death isn't fun btw.
But this is inaccurate.
>low IQ
>compared to a Canuck
That's a start.
>slurps semen from a hanged man
so wise
>slurps semen from a hanged man
I too have seen the picture from that book written by a Jew that also mentions Jesus defying Leviticus law :^)
Just felt like praising jesus
christcucks get really defensive when you point out that 2000 year old sand niggers wrote their precious book. its also funny that it was originally written for jews
>written by a Jew
There's your problem.
>2000 year old sand niggers
Why wouldn't you trust 2000 year old people?
Not at all.
>its also funny that it was originally written for jews
Not all of it. And even then, it doesn't change it.
Truth is Truth no matter where it comes from. Stop being so Tumblr.
>Not all of it
alright pal guess we can call you half-jews now
Already have
>believing in the JIDF "Jesus was the King of Jews" subversion
>keep watching the video
>just waiting for him to drop the "proof" of Jesus' resurrection
>it's fucking Corinthians and its "eye witness" accounts
Top kek
>not just semitic gobbledegook
You do realise that existance and reality itself is prove of God? I doubt one that recognises humans or interferes in our lifes, that's just human projection but consider existance and nothingness that is definitive prove.
As for Jesus, he is recognised by most academics and historians as having actually exisited. I don't believe in mircles but I believe in God and Jesus.
>Hitler was a catholic cuck
>tripfagging on Sup Forums
Reddit athiest newfag detected presenting non arguements.
>existance and reality itself is prove of God?
your life and everything that has ever happened is meaningless get over yourself
>There's your problem.
Then why do you cite it?
this desu lads
ok faggot
You fucking dumb nigger he denounced the Catholic church because jews started infesting it. He even tried to make a new church out of it.
>A cuck
You have no room to speak, you didn't try fucking battle the world to get rid of the jewish kabal
Go fuck yourself you Dailystormerfag
We the new Jews.
>offering nothing of substance
No surprise.
You said a picture. Jesus doesn't suck dong.
And there's actually a good reason it.
The OT is to show you what the ceremonial law is. Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial law on His death (when "it" was accomplished/finished). NT is teaching freedom through Christ.
>maybe if I cry and insult hard enough maybe I'll get my way
So who was right jesus or paul? Numerous teachings of the two, including paul's own actions contradict each other.
only if it's Punished Christ
Sorry im muslim
you can run, but you can't hide.
Why do you claim Wotan did?
thanks for using a trip, made this so much easier
>posting user trollface circa. 2007 on this fucking year
Trollface is an ancient dead meme
Go back to 9gag.
That is just your nihilism. It is objective truth beyond how i, you or anyone else feels about it. I don't claim to understand God, I'm not that arrogant but simple laws of physics prove that something can't be created from nothing. That means exisitance of the existance of stuff defies physics and is proof of a creator.
could you imagine looking like this guy?
>i love your stubble
oh the irony.
this guy is a literal faggot
It's funny because The Bible fucking hates jews.
[citation needed]
If they're things I'm thinking of, then they're to do with audiences.
The Hebrews Christ ministered to were under the ceremonial laws. Paul was preaching to gentiles and under God's grace.
The two are more complimentary than one thinks.
>simple laws of physics prove that something can't be created from nothing.
no they dont
>inb4 thermodynamics
i will never accept a kike on a stick as my savior
Been looking into the Greek Orthodox church near me, so maybe soon.
When there's proof he's real.
don't be a jehovah's witness then.
Christians believe He died on a cross, and then rose again.
So if jews are not free of the law, then why is there a liberation needed? Nothing would change for them, other than accepting a new interpretation of god.
Paul also chose to observe certain practices over others. Paul was a jew. What gave him this right?
... Take, for instance, Hawking’s key assertion quoted above: “Because there is a law such as gravity the universe can and will create itself from nothing.” Clearly, he assumes that gravity (or perhaps only the law of gravity?) exists. That is not nothing. So the universe is not created from nothing. Worse still, the statement “the Universe can and will create itself from nothing” is self-contradictory. If I say “X creates Y”, this presupposes the existence of X in the first place in order to bring Y into existence. If I say “X creates X”, I presuppose the existence of X in order to account for the existence of X. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for its existence, is logically incoherent. What this shows is that nonsense remains nonsense even when talked by world-famous scientists.
Scientists expect to develop theories involving mathematical laws that describe natural phenomena, and have done so with spectacular success. However, the laws that we find cannot themselves even cause anything, let alone create it.
Physical laws on their own cannot create anything; they are merely a (mathematical) description of what normally happens under certain given conditions. Newton’s law of gravitation does not create gravity; it does not even explain gravity, as Newton himself realized. In fact, the laws of physics are not only incapable of creating anything; they cannot even cause anything to happen. For instance, Newton’s celebrated laws of motion never caused a snooker ball to race across the green baize table: that can only be done by people using a snooker cue and the actions of their own muscles. The laws enable us to analyse the motion and to map the trajectory of the ball’s movement in the future (provided nothing external interferes), but they are powerless to move the ball, let alone bring it into existence.
>So if jews are not free of the law, then why is there a liberation needed? Nothing would change for them, other than accepting a new interpretation of god.
Jews *were not free of the law.
They are not. If the ceremonial laws had the power to save, no need to minister. The fact Christ did demonstrates it is God's grace that was needed, law or no law.
>Paul also chose to observe certain practices over others. Paul was a jew. What gave him this right?
Freedom from the law.
Christ said the law will remain until it is accomplished. It being his death. ("It is finished!" on the cross) It was accomplished.
The law remains there to teach us, not to bind us. To let us know of what sin is, and how how people sin. We are not to be slaves under it.
*they are now
No derp the flying spaghetti monster is... >_<
lel I'm so random and funny
Both were right but jesus still being under the jewish law had to abide by that law
Forgot to add.
Galatians 2 talks about this, actually.
>it's fucking Corinthians and its "eye witness" accounts
no, it's a credal statement given to paul around 30 AD which was written in corinthians but came about much earlier, the point of this is to show what Christians actually believed.
the argument is that, rather than recanting the testimony of the events that they witnessed, they suffered persecution, torture, and death, which is something that someone who's unsure about what they witnessed or straight out lying is not going to do.
showing that multiple people witnessed the event at the same time rules out hallucination, since hallucinations are subjective to the individual perceiving them.
so what's left?
Acts 18:18
18 So Paul still remained 5a good while. Then he took leave of the brethren and sailed for Syria, and Priscilla and Aquila were with him. pHe had his hair cut off at qCenchrea, for he had taken a vow.
He was free of the law, but chose to abide by it's teachings when it meant his message would be accepted.
Lets not also forget he advocated casting the sinner out of churches, while jesus was actively involved in trying to bring the sinner to him.
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
2. Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
(Matthew 2:1,2)
Funny how it seems the atheists are now the ones stuck in a dogmatic interpretation of scripture and unable to exercise logical and lateral interpretations of scriptural passages. What went wrong?
>unenlightened plebs who don't realize the Serpent in Genesis was actually the good guy
>worshiping the tyrannical demiurge
lol k, enjoy your aeons of toiling in ignorance for your Jewish overlord Yahweh.
im not sure where you stand, and i dont think you are either.
you might just want to KYSF
>asking others to accept our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
>calling people scumbags
really m8
>He was free of the law, but chose to abide by it's teachings when it meant his message would be accepted.
Nazirite vow =/= the law
A Nazirite vow is optional. Breaking a vow to God is pretty rude, no?
1 Cor 9:20-22 - "And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; to them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some."
Again, demonstrating that it is about grace, not ceremonial law.
>Lets not also forget he advocated casting the sinner out of churches, while jesus was actively involved in trying to bring the sinner to him.
You don't let corruption occur within the church. You work on fixing the problem.
Christ brought the sinner to him, and this is what a Christian should do, but should a Christian let himself be walked all over? Should he let someone who is hostile to the message or perverting it do it freely within the church of all places? Of course not.
In Matthew 18:17 - Jesus advocates casting people out if they refuse to listen.
Thanks user. I was struggling with this dilemma for a while and multiple pastors failed me.
Just one more.
If god is truly loving then why did he hate esau before he was born, but loved jacob? Isn't that predestination?
There is plenty of Evidence to suggest God you idiot.
God point.
The interpretation is not that God damned Esau, rather God saved Jacob. God had preferred Jacob to Esau; and withheld from Esau those blessings which he had conferred on the posterity of Jacob, (Mal 1:3).
It was common among the Jews to use the terms "love" and "hatred" in this comparative sense, where 'love' implies strong positive attachment, while 'hatred' is not positive hatred, but merely a less love, or the withholding of the expressions of affection. That's why "hate the family" of what Jesus said isn't "WHATEVER MOM".
"(for the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) it was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated." Romans 9:11-13
"The rejection of the Jews by the gospel dispensation, did not break God's promise to the patriarchs. The promises and threatenings shall be fulfilled. Grace does not run in the blood; nor are saving benefits always found with outward church privileges. Not only some of Abraham's seed were chosen, and others not, but God therein wrought according to the counsel of his own will. God foresaw both Esau and Jacob as born in sin, by nature children of wrath even as others. If left to themselves they would have continued in sin through life; but for wise and holy reasons, not made known to us, he purposed to change Jacob's heart, and to leave Esau to his perverseness. This instance of Esau and Jacob throws light upon the Divine conduct to the fallen race of man. The whole Scripture shows the difference between the professed Christian and the real believer. Outward privileges are bestowed on many who are not the children of God. There is, however, full encouragement to diligent use of the means of grace which God has appointed."
-- Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary
You are a shame to my country. Now even the fucking pro-t*rk Albanians are doing as much damage to my country as you are. Only Enver fucking Hoxha is maybe, just maybe, worse than you are.
You degenerate. You filth. As if it isn't enough that our youth is filled with ugly fucks with weird head shapes who think that owning a BMW x6 Series is the pinnacle of wealth and manliness, now we have to endure fucking weeaboos as well. At least they have a twisted sense of masculinity and honour about them, but you, on the other hand, have none such.
You have so little dignity that not even sadistic rapists would bother with your hole, since you'd probably like it immediately and they'd get no pleasure from it.
Your ancestors may have been mere poor farmers or cattle-herders, but some of those fought against the Romans, some fought under Gjergj Kastrioti, and some others in the World Wars.
And now, they are watching from whatever afterlife may exist, as their descendant turns into a FUCKING DEGENERATE WISHING THEY HAD CUT THEIR DICKS OFF BEFORE THEY COULD HAVE CHILDREN, JUST SO THAT YOU COULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BORN.