Thanks Mods
Thanks Mods
More and more proof that the janitor and mod were paid by HBO to be here only for game of thrones s7
There's no point in complaining. It's only going to get worse and worse. I wonder how fast they'll delete this thread though
Fuck off back to /safespace/ faggot
Cry more, libtard
>going to all that trouble
Christ you are impressively autistic.
> he doesn't know it's magic hour
trumptards are an embarrassment
Well thanks for confirming it's Sup Forums destroying this board
No one can cry harder than a Sup Forumsfag though. OPs image is proof of that. That's literally all you bitches do
Nice try, chapos. You can't hide your shame behind smugness forever though.
You first
Why would someone post a webm of a snake killing a puppy? Just, why?
to scare undesirables away
Why don't you go back to R/the_Donald? You redditors just come here to shitpost
Is this the power of le ebix redpil?
What does this even mean? I don't speak autism
Who is the whitest man in the world?
There's Sup Forums mods that let the pedophilia & political rambling threads stay up. TOnight is such a night
>tfw the cucks near Venti would probably ask for her number and she would reject them
Mods please sticky
>didn't circle the DanceMoms thread
good on you
Who is the whitest man in the world?
Something about the way the autistic screeching guy is crouching makes me laugh every fucking time I see any variation of this meme
I've been off Sup Forums for like 6 months. Why did Chapo Trap House become a meme?
Report, u rest of an abortion
because Sup Forumscucks have no argument now that they're being btfo'd
Hitler did nothing wrong
about what
xd xdxdxdxdxd 1 upvote my good sir
Hi /lefypol/
so when is the Deep State going to execute this sack of shit already
Those pesky women keeping us from achieving wizardhood
but he is like a baby..