Lutheran here. I am confirmed, baptized, and went to youth group for years growing up, so I am pretty knowledgeable on the faith. Ask your questions if you have any.
Pro tip: Presbyterians are retards
Lutheran here. I am confirmed, baptized, and went to youth group for years growing up, so I am pretty knowledgeable on the faith. Ask your questions if you have any.
Pro tip: Presbyterians are retards
In my town Lutherans and Episcopalians work together quite a bit. What say you.
Missouri synod is the only based choice in the US
Out of all the protestant denominations, why lutheranism?
Why aren't you a fundamental baptist?
why are all lutherans i know single moms
also they are stupid coming to my house and mock stuff like the virgin mary, seriously fuck off i dont go to your house and make fun of your shit, oh thats cuz you live ina shitty apartment cuz you have no money because you are too busy working low and nonprofit for your church because you have no real goal you make the church your money and time sink, because you fucked sum dude when you were 17 and dropped out now you're a lutheran
fuck off stupid slut, dont even talk to me anymore
Is interracial marriage allowed in lutheranism
no if you're a muslim in malaysia dont even think about mixing with a chink, vice versa
Catholicism with its idol-worshipping and saints is the true heresy. Shitskins love Catholicism so much because it reminds them of their idols to their sun gods and human sacrifices.
Episcopalians are Anglicans. They are all right. The whole concept of Anglicanism is pretty much a meme though.... the religion exists solely because Henry VIII wanted a divorce and threw a tantrum.
I am pretty sure I was raised in a Missouri synod, and let me tell you, it is not very based. Back around 2009, the archbishop declared that gays could be pastors, and my church promptly hired a dyke with a shaved head and a nose ring. So progressive, so tolerant. Half the congregation left overnight and went to the other Lutheran church that follows the other synod. We are a conservative white suburb and don't put up with that shit here.
My family stuck around because we really liked the head pastor and had a close relationship with him. Based, traditional guy who baptized me. He retired though, and we haven't been back since. I go to a different church in my college town now. Last I heard, the Missouri synod keeps passing more and more tolerant and progressive measures to attract millennials.
My dad was raised Catholic and went to the kind of school where the nuns beat you with a ruler for writing with your left hand. He decided to raise us Lutheran after he met the pastor of my old church and had an intimate conversation that I think really inspired him spiritually.
In addition, Lutheranism is a fairly laid back and guilt free faith, at least compared to Catholicism.
Because my family drinks alcohol and doesn't think the Bible should be interpreted literally.
Sorry you had a bad experience. My church is full of wholesome families.
We don't have race politics in Lutheranism.
ELCA are as big of heretics as Episcopalians.
In the US, only Anglican groups that have split from the Episcopal church still teach the truth of Scripture.
why don't you think we should take the Bible literally? It's the closest thing we've got to God and Christ.
Why aren't you atheistic
How do you feel about Pentacostals?
maybe its just my area, but ye sorry, over here they are fucking idiots.
I think you were raised in ELCA which allows gays. LCMS forbids women pastors and gay pastors are removed from office. LCMS is also very conservative in matters like abortion.
Of course my knowledge of the church comes only from written documents but on official level LCMS is very traditional.
>not being old catholic
no cucks, no heresy just the cold hard truth
Serious question, why not just be Orthodox if you reject the Pope?
Why don't more people freestyle bible read and study and try to come to some personal revelations and insights? I suspect many "denominationals" just take the pastors word as God's.
Is critical spritual analysis of the bible heresy?
Because it's been rewritten and retranslated 100s of times by different people who all had their own agenda behind doing so. We believe that scripture alone is the word of god, but it isn't to be taken literally. Luther wanted us all to be able to read it in our own languages instead of Latin precisely so that we could form our own interpretations.
The greatest trick the devil ever did was convince us he isn't real. Look around at our degenerated society and tell me that you can't see the veil of evil coating everything. Just because we have been pushed as far away as possible from God doesn't mean that he isn't hoping we find our way back to him with our free will and faith in his grace.
I am skeptical of evangelical religions. I don't trust any pastor that gets people to start shaking, talking in tongues, and screaming out that they feel the Holy Spirit. I have been to several large Lutheran gatherings as a kid, and it's pretty astonishing what happens when a bunch of humans gather together and start focusing on spiritual energy. I think we kind of meme each other so hard that we really do feel something inside us that could be interpreted as divine energy, but I think this is memetic energy and not God himself channeling us.
God said he would send his son back to us, not explode out of normal humans like the movie Alien
Yes ELCA sounds very familiar. We had both women and gay pastors, as well as a gay head of the youth program (although he only lasted a year before disappearing mysteriously). I attend a LCMS congregation now.
Pre-Vatican II Catholicism is okay. Modern Catholicism makes my stomach turn.
real orthodoxy died with the byzantine empire. The one in russia is a puppet faith
You're a faggot
T. A Presbyterian.
If you worship personal revelations and insights you are worshipping man. That is why the bible is different, it is written by the Holy Spirit. Fundamentals just read out loud and relate current events to biblical events. No sacraments, no tradition, no Vatican Law, just that was inspired and preserved by God
Who was right, paul or jesus?
Orthodoxy practices idol worship. Jesus wanted his temples to be simple and focused only on the basics. Orthodoxy and Catholicism defy this wish and go all out with saint-worshipping, idols, artifacts, and extravagance. Jesus did not want this.
Tbh that shit always made me uncomfortable(the gathering, shaking, and yelling in tongues). Maybe thats why it pushed me away. Idk i want to believe in something but it makes me so uncomfortable
Only versions after the KJV were perverted.
Try a Lutheran church. All we do is sing hymns, chant, pray, and communion. Services are taken seriously and people don't speak unless it's to participate in the ceremonies.
>mfw someone posts Holger Danske
i think that has more to with bragging to other country's then its to defy god's wish
I might mang. Thanks for the input. Ive been at a block lately and maybe itll help
Presby here, can no longer go to my church. Our music program has been hijacked by libs and they keep asking for money for "projects." I am looking into Lutheranism
I must defer to the wisdom of Jesus
This is a difficult topic. We want to believe that as much of the Bible as possible is literal truth, but we acknowledge that certain parts could be metaphors. For example, we don't believe that masturbation is a sin unless it's done to pornography, despite the Bible saying it is sinful to "spill your seed on the ground" or however it is worded. Fair bit of nuance.
You're probably right, but back in Luther's time, the Church was getting people to purchase indulgences to shorten their or their loved ones' time in hell or purgatory. Really fucked up, corrupt stuff.
Church will always make you feel better about all other parts of your life. Give it a chance, even if you sit quiet and don't talk to anyone the whole time.
I will never understand predestination. Free will is essential to CHOOSING to following in God's path. Faith must be a choice, not a mandate.
Make sure you go to a LCMS Lutheran Church. I grew up in a ELCA branch and by 2009 it was full degeneracy. My pastor retired afterward (probably in disgust) and I have never been back there. Just isn't the same without him.