Fuck off,fag

I am going to, I do not want to be in a board with a bunch of people who hate me

Stop flooding literally every corner of the media and internet with your pro faggot propaganda and we'll stop shitting up your one little imageboard with it, you entitled faggot.

This thread is heresy and must be purged.

We will stop spreading it when we do not need to, sadly we are being targeted with tons of hate crime and it is dangerous for us to walk out in the streets.

You a gayboy? Or a dickgirl?

Is your benis feminine? :3

I am currently in transition.


More feminine than most.

Yeah, no. My wife's Norwegian. I lived in rural Nordland for a year and then in Oslo for three more. Fags are not targeted over there whatsoever you lying little cocksucker.

Probably because all the mudslimes. But no I don't go to /lgbt/ if you fags want to get kebabed then so be it.

post feminine benis bae

Sup Forums is a board of peace.

I will be praying for your Godless soul.


surprised its not sweden

Post pics pls

You are not gay so you would not know
I hardly believe such an oppressed minority would oppress others
At least buy me a drink first
I am actually Swedish, I am only in Norway because I got a job offer.

bost boipussi

Lol, enjoy dying with a load of regret you retarded faggot

OK I'm now convinced this is a b8 thread

I have never ever seen any disgusting tranny with anything approximating the perfection of something like po-ju.

post your legs, fag

no benis? then you're baiting.

fuck off cis male

Is this a crypto lgbt raid thread?

>le edgy Christian RP faggotry

Sup Forums is a pagan board christcuck fuck off

show boipuss




Norway = faggots confirmed.

Just stop with your shit in /lgbt/ okay?

>I hardly believe such an oppressed minority would oppress others

Holy shit how brainwashed and bluepilled can you be

Every board needs diversity. We can't a full board of faggots so we have to add other perspectives. It's what Network TV would do. Bite the pillow and let it happen.

FUCKING KEK good one norway.

Shouldn't you be shilling in Trump General?

You've been doing this for ages and yet still only 8% of gays are republican.

Give up

>it's another /qa/ false flag

Just give it up already damn, Sup Forums will never be deleted. Though your board might since it serves no purpose.

>Wew lad

I check that board weekly. All I ever see is "are you gays going to vote for Hillary?"
That's not anyone from here, faggot.

Besides, with all the gay threads posted here, you should expect people to think it's fine to post whatever on /lgbt/

Stay in your containment board.
We don't want or need you in our world and you're lucky it's illegal to murder someone.

He said, coming here with his faggot shit.

Why do faggots love islam so much?

no not really, I don't visit r/the_donald. You're more than welcome to go back to pleddit. Tripfags aren't welcome here.


Kill yourself, jew.

Wasn't planning to go there but I will now.


Never gunna give up. We can let liberals hold entire demographics. That's a sure way to lose to identity politics. Identity politics are all the democrats have, if we take that away from them then they actually have to provide arguments.

Please save me from the Islamic menace Sup Forums. I know I'll never be a real girl but if Sup Forums can keep me safe I'd gladly give you my estrogenized booty and provide you and our adoption children with plenty of love and affection.

We will stop if you promise to get 10 other /lgbt/fags to vote trump ok?


Also be more tolerant you phobic faggot. We have feelings too.

Fags aren't allowed to post kek's likeness

There is an upcoming presidential election that has tremendous significance for many people around the world, including the LGBT community. How about you show some understanding you self-absorbed faggot?

stop using proxy norway and if you are norwegian get the fuck out of norway you lgbt trashbucket..

Because of your irrational sense of persecution and your general retardation the left has gotten so insane that they are letting hordes of muslims into the countries.

If you had just shut the fuck up and lived your lives instead of having to rub your shit in everyones faces constantly, it might be very likely that this kind of crap wouldnt've happened.

I see people on here constantly saying how all liberals are trash and the enemy. You're being blind if you think republicans don't also have identity politics

Exactly we need weaponized faggots forming their own right wing death squads to deal with the leftist plague.

"liberal" is a political philosophy, not an identity. I'm sure as a commie you don't know what an argument is though.

lgbt retards should go immediately to a muslim country and stay for a few weeks if they want a beta test of how it is to live with muslims and if they manage to survive eventhough they are only tourists and not citizens then they can come back.

The left have superimposed the islamophobia and use it same way of homophobia, as some kind of irrational fear of homos and others..

Nobody is afraid of you you fucking retards, we just don't like you but that doesn't mean we can't tolerate you.. tolerate btw. means putting up with things you might not like or disagree with.

But with islam and using islamophobia.. to be afraid of a muslim is a very rational fear if you read their texts the qur'an and sunnah and look at their history..

But because of LGBT yes.. directly because of you, the insanity of the left that have allowed you to try to censor people who don't like lgbt etc. They are now protecting muslims in the same way..

And if i was LGBT and i knew how many muslims was coming into my countries because of this situation, i would be fucking shitting myself!

>assimilating into your host country is a bad thing

Kill yourself you loathsome kike.

You are all going into the fucking oven.

Most people here use liberal and democrat interchangeably. It's all still identity politics. I'm sure you as a ??? wouldn't understand what an argument is though.

You complain about us going everywhere while you can find some sort of trap/trans/gay thread on any board at any time

You faggots are the literal sirens of Sup Forums, coercing anons into wanting to fuck you, or wanting to be feminine or wanting to get fucked. It's disgusting and vile.
Unrelated, tolerance does not work well if your people are stupid

So i'm fucking glad somebody is trolling you, You retards have been posting bbc and interracial sex and "muh mass immigration" crap here for months.

and boards like pol are some of the places where you actually can discuss the massive problems and danger islam poses to the west and our general lives. So by trying to sabotage that and doing so you have been fucking yourself over.. like you ruin everything everytime you fags open your god damned mouthes..

If LGBT cunts had any shred of intellect left in their fecal rotting brains or whatever the shit you do.. you would shut the fuck up in public social media immediately with your pro immigration pro diversity bullshit, just completely shut your fucking mouth.. You've said more than enough nobody gives a shit about what you do in your bedroom you slime, nor do we care to hear about it without being asked or having it rubbed your sexual perversions in our face.. so just keep to yourself so we can get this leftist hysteria that has infected the body politics under control again. And kick these pro mass immigrant shitbuckets out of political positions.

>hate identity politics
>workers of the world unite

Maybe if you're a faggot.

You're basically saying that anything is identity politics. It's not an argument. "Liberal" and "democrat" are ideas, it is not the same as "black" and "woman"

But that was just a bit of fun

i love going to /lgbt/ and spreading Trump stuff.

funny how many fags and traps actualy support him on there

Good. It will stay that way, too. Faggots are the globalists 'useful idiots'. As soon as we rid the world of their scum, you're next.

Red pill me on prostate orgasm. Is it true that you can only achieve one with a BBC?

We don't

Who elected you as the speaker for /lgbt/?

Triggered Much?

Go away


Try and make me, fag.

>I am currently a science experiment

Aids cures fags


You faggots should fucking burn in the lake of fire. GAS THE FAGS SEX WAR NOW!

>science experiment
We've had the ability to make hormones and have known their effects for over 50 years, there's nothing experimental about it.

Blame muzzies for that.

why is being pro-trump automatically get equated to anti-LGBT? that's silly.

hell, at the RNC, trump took a PRO LGBT position, in front of a live audiences of tens of thousands of republicans (who are supposedly anti-lgbt by the platform they subscribe to) and it was broadcast to TENS OF MILLIONS of people across the world.

you know what happened? he got a loud round of applause. trump turned the supposedly anti-lgbt republican platform into a PRO LGBT platform in the span of a few seconds of a 70+ minute speech.

in summation, i would think that turning a bunch of anti-lgbt bigots into pro-lgbt allies would qualify you as being VERY pro-LGBT.

t. independent, pro-LGBT trump supporter.

>implying the ability to artificially create human hormones and possessing knowledge of their individual effects on the human body makes administering them in degrees contradictory with ones chromosomal makeup any less experimental

why are you posting a nazi frog, supremecist? You're obviously just trying to get us to bully poor dykes and fags. We are a board of peace.

>We will stop spreading it when we do not need to, sadly we are being targeted with tons of hate crime and it is dangerous for us to walk out in the streets.

LGBT tards literally run around EVERYWHERE on the fucking internet.. It's like if you sit in a corner of a house on a little chair, and a retard comes fagrunning up the stairs and hogs half of your chair and then goes

What the fuck you have the rest of the fucking house
>BUT I WANT TO SIT IN THIS CHAIR, you're a total homophobe.. If you won't give me that chair then FUCK YOU!

No.. You. You're responsible for why people fucking hate you, everywhere it's transgender this, mental illness that, brave and stunning freaks of nature and whatever, stop getting in peoples faces constantly, if muslims cut your fucking heads off and cuts your dick off puts your balls in your mouth after disemboweling you (one of the examples of the paris attacks) seems to be the only thing that can convince you that your outspoken "must be everywhere and everyone must say i'm great" way, has certain consequences.

KEK. Fags



nobody said it was anti-LGBT. just that it has no place on an LGBT board