Y'all, I just watched Schindler's List, I want to read some SERIOUS opinions about it
Y'all, I just watched Schindler's List, I want to read some SERIOUS opinions about it
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I enjoyed it
well then you came to the wrong place because all you're going to get is WAH JEWS WAH
Fuck off kike.
The movie is a rather sensationalist version of Keneally's novel, Schindler's Ark, I say sensationalist since I own a copy of the novel. It paints Schindler as this saint including a final monologue where Schindler decries how he failed to save more Jews. In reality he had saved up wealth in the form of gold and diamonds and fled in a Mercedes to the American lines, leaving the Jews behind in the factory where they had been manufacturing ammunition. He was a war profiteer first and foremost who just happened to have some affections for his Jewish workers.
The movie itself fails from a storytelling point, while technically it is well shot it relies on the steady stream of depressive and shocking imagery to keep the viewer interested.
My exact thoughts, you captured what I already thought of it in a perfect way.
Isn't Schindler a Jewish name? I am so confused.
This movie has a chick with some NICE titties and they don't censor them on American TV because a Jew made a movie about the Holocaust.
You came to the wrong place.
The stupid goyim know what really happened.
For some reason a lot of Americans find the movie to be disturbing, I (Dutch) watched it in middle school and didn't find it to be disturbng, just like my classmates at the time. Not really an opinion, but remarkable/notable.
Schindler is a German name
> Movie tells the story it intends to tell, not the one that I wanted to be told
> Therefore it fails at storytelling
Sup Forumstards
I just know the naked women on this film are hot. You don't find that kind of women today.
>the holohoax
once you realise the holocause is a meme this movie loses any quality it once had, i guess it's one of those movies that serve as a testament to the power of historical context and syntax, spielberg invested his creative power based on the knowledge that everyone believes in the holocaust, without that belief this movie is reduced to almost nothing
here's a low-dose redpill for the newfags
i relentlessly watched it on a relentlessly decent tv set.
pic relentleslly related
farrakhan nigger detected
Infowars is kosher but its still good. Confusing I know.
Zionism is a problem for a lot of countries.
Come on
Schindler is German, most "Jewish" names are Jewish versions of whatever regional language was spoken there.
It tells a story while isn't congruent with reality for the sake of theatrics. Even then Keneally was relying on Pfefferberg who probably was something of an exaggerator himself.
Fun fact, Schindler served in the Abwehr and provided intelligence prior to becoming an arms manufacturer.
>seeing no value in infowars
I am convinced you just can't see it
I refuse to watch that meme source
Show me some real news
>implying you farrakhan niggers are not batshit crazy
Yes, because it is drama, not a pure documentary. Get the fuck out of here.
strong fucking duo