What in the actual fuck is going on with this picture anyway?
Sweden? Excuse me
Lack of cultural identity + leftism.
They'd love Africa.
Swedes gonna swede
Also, checked
Hell Hitler
I want to know specifically.
Kek will soon cleanse our earth of these degenerates.
May chaos and dank memes guide our path.
Damn, those are the most punchable faces I have ever seen. What is this pic from?
They're going to stomp some Nazis!!
Nazis watch out
reminder that nordics are the airhead blonde bimbos of races, basically retarded
>Damn, those are the most punchable faces I have ever seen. What is this pic from?
I'm trying to find out!
>Good Night White Pride >B]
Some serious cultural appropriation going on with that wiggers hair.
Sweden has gone 200 years without a war
an antifa march. What do you expect?
They celebrate Halloween earlier than Americans.
remember this picture and remember it well. These are the people who have destroyed europe, its soul, its culture and its countries. Someday if civilisation survives I hope this image is in a textbook, telling of how the europeans collectively commited suicide.
Some type of antifa demonstration
Sweden is superior to your shit country. We invented dynamite and were the first to discover America.
Leftist demons begging to be held down in the street and disemboweled. That's what is going on this picture. I hate shitskins as much as the next polfag, but I hate degenerate white leftists even more. Shitskins are not the ones passing laws that are destroying my way of life, or the future of my country. It's white leftists.
I'm fucking done with them. They need to start fearing for their lives every time they leave their fucking house.
>we wuz vikangz
>Some type of antifa demonstration
That's all I was looking for. Thanks.
You sound like the sandniggers when they talk about all the great shit they did a thousand years ago. Why don't you talk about your accomplishments in the last fifty? Oh you have none other than progressively destroying your country and culture.
We invented IKEA and Spotify.
What have your shitty leaf country done?
I wonder what would happen if they actually encountered Nazis at some point
Those boys better watch out.
Every hero needs a fairy to follow you around.
You also created the first feminist government.
Pleases the autism.
This is what happened in Anaheim. Antifa got BTFO.
I honestly wouldn't have any remorse if I was allowed to hurt these people.
It actually happens regularly, happened in Helsinki also some time ago - what they do is they march until they see nazis and then they run like hell. Usually nazis get arrested and then they sneer and pound their chest which is weird because a part of their dogma is that the police are evil and racist
based finland wouldn't tolerate that shit
>Implying our country doesn't have that kind of degenerates
Rastafrikis, perroflautas, marimachos de 40 pa rriba y lo/as "no tenemos ni idea de lo que es el punk, pero somos de vascos"; aparte los canis, los gitanos, quinquilleros, los "no tenemos ni puta idea de lo que es una república" y los catalanes.
Puto Podemos.
this is average everyday in seattle. nothing to see here move along
Is this what an advanced country looks like? lol.
>this is average everyday in seattle. nothing to see here move along
Yes we do and we have to
These fucking subhumans go around breaking windows during independence day, wave commie flags and throw shit at people
Unfortunately our police doesn't look through the fingers if they are viciously assaulted and so nobody ever does. But we want to, believe me.
Shut up fucking faggot Sverige. How dare you comment in this thread before profusely apologizing for the state of your country?
This guy actually looks really cool
>They'd love Africa.
These people only love Africa from a distance. One month of regular living there, and they'd either be redpilled racists or dead.
What do you think Africans think of white people with dreads? Fucking ridiculous, that's what.
bls don't ruin my mental image of finland
What is meant by this body language
Checked, and my guess is they are dancing together. I don't know why, maybe some festival?
It really does
No, this is what an advanced country looks like.
And look what Ikea is doing
would dose with/10
The fruit of atheism: liberal to hedonist. Hedonist to wanting to also feel like they've done something. Bringing in """doctors""" and """engineers""" because their maternal instincts are still there but they kill children and turn browns into poor, oppressed children.
ei vittu mä tunnen ton kaikkein vasemmalla olevan jätkän
>no words
Swedish Ministry of Silly Walks
>they'd either be redpilled racists or dead.
You seem to be unaware of how deep the conditioning goes. The former is not even a possibility. Leftists visiting third-world countries will never be red-pilled. Need I remind you of the reporter who was raped in Haiti, and who then wrote an article about how she doesn't blame her assailant? Or the George Washington University student who was mugged and then wrote an article about how he sympathized with his mugger? Or the father whose daughter was raped and brutally murdered in South Africa, who then fought for her murderers' release and shook hands with them?
These people will be delusional until their dying breaths. They lack the capacity to regard other races as fully human -- they have unwavering forgiveness for everything they do.
I have no idea what that means.
Sen oikee puoleine kaveri näyttää vähä apinalta:(
they look subhuman but subhuman funny
also the right one looks like my uncle without beard kek
>uncanny valley
The thing is, I don't hate shitskins as a group. I hate the behaviour most of them perpetrate. It's the same for these people, except worse. For the islamic immigrant, I can see how it makes sense to behave how he does, and I can see the thought pattern that makes him believe he is the entitled victim as the state hands him privileges unknown to natives. I don't agree with it, certainly not, but I can see how someone would arrive at that conclusion.
But these people grew up in the same society as you and I. They went to the same schools, watched the same programs on television, read the same books, etc. etc. And yet they reject our culture, totally and completely. but do they move away, like the shitskin looking for handouts? Do they actually endeavour to integrate into the non-Western cultures they claim to love so much, that they also think are victims of the West? In short, do they take personal responsibility?
No. They do not. In fact, worse than that, they insist that THEIR problems are the responsibility of everyone who is NOT THEM. They insist everyone who grew up in the same fucking society, but somehow did not develop their specific form of mental retardation, is the problem. They can't be reasoned with, they can't be convinced of your right to have a say in the policy your country pursues, they can't even be convinced that islamic culture goes against EVERYTHING they claim to cherish. They are without reason. Without logic. I can not understand them, and I am done trying. Empathy is a finite resource, and I can only spend as much of it on them as they do on me: None.
I-I don't understand... Why was she leaning like that?
I'm only talking about Helsinki
Outside of Helsinki theres almost no cuckedness, there are clashes around refugee centers and people generally treat migrants like dog shit
so dun worry yanki boi
destroy commies in finland just like grandfather did
Mä tunnen ton ekan muijan vasemmalta alhaalta
En ees kuseta
I did not say "visiting", I said "living a regular life there". All these cucks who visit Africa never really leave their bubble. Trust me, I've seen them. The gangly potsmokers with dreads. And they were all piled in the back of Unimog trucks, allowed to stretch their legs a little at gas stations, and then getting back in again. I've never seen them in the back country. Even the bitch who got raped got to go back to her echo box compound and virtue signal to all of her buddies. That has a reinforcing action. As for the parents of the dead chick, well, the chick is dead, isn't she? Because she failed to account for culture? Kind of proves my point, doesn't it?
If they fail to adapt to the local culture, they die. That's it. Africa is brutal, and their white skin would make every African think they have money to burn.
pic related?
pure gibberish m8
>pic related?
Oh yes. They even call it the Helsinki bubble, this kind of postmodern horse shite only exist in very specific Helsinki districts. The rest of Finland is ashamed of them
I'm also ashamed of them and I'm from Helsinki
>pure gibberish m8
Not meant for you, we were saying how funny it is that knows one of the guys in the photo and I 100% recognize the girl from the bottom left in this oneSmall country small circles I guess
Ficki ficki
>sneer and pound their chest
How? I rarely see people that look like that even in downtown
A debate on race-ism right now.
The socialist youth organization (strong mass-immigration proponents) ended up gaining support from the nazis because they began dividing people into whites and racified.
>Not meant for you
pls no bully
Älä valehtele ulkolaisille.
Shits going bad everywhere here. Politicians and MSM is doing currently big push to move us even more to neoliberalism and are using leftists cucks as tool. Everyone here who does not agree current liberal cuckening is Putin supporter or Russian spy. Its fucking hilarious actually. Also even if worst part is still located in Helsinki and surrounding area. It does not matter because Helsinki bubble controls this country and media.
Here's something for your collection.
The average day on Hipster Island (Södermalm). Population: 80% journalists.
One day you will be so flooded with shitskins that the finnish army will come over and purge the streets of leftoids and muds
That day will be good and I will enjoy myself
...please don't do this you little shit
>Älä valehtele ulkolaisille.
>Also even if worst part is still located in Helsinki and surrounding area. It does not matter because Helsinki bubble controls this country and media.
True, but at the end of the day we still have one of the smallest mud populations in Europe even if our politicians are cucked
Looks like a scene from a shitty early 90's movie.
What's happening here?
>That pic
Sort of dancing-walk.
We'll see what happens. We're in the Big Budget Farce time of the year, and the liberal alliance has gradually softened their tone against Jimmie but refusing to admit it. They don't like Jimmie, but letting the socialist budget reign is pretty much going to give him the puck for another year.
Meanwhile youtube.com
Ruotsista kyse
Vittu onneks
Silti vitun kuvottavaa desu
Please, for the love of Hitler get me away from this country
"always shoot a traitor before an enemy"
God damn sweden, no wonder pewdiepie took the redpill.
>and were the first to discover America
Leif Erikson was Icelandic-Norwegian m8.
Want some more laughs ? I got you.
This. Swedeshits don't know the struggle. They soon will.
>youre cruisin for a bruisin bub